
On the table, in addition to Ye Chen's famous "spring rain in a small building all night" and "I don't know if I'm a guest in my dream", there are also some other exquisite dishes. Each dish contains different emotions, which can touch the different emotions of the tasters. For ye Chen, this may be the real kitchen way, which can wake up the soul of the ingredients themselves by the hands of the chef.

Smilingly looking at the Lin sisters who are tasting small dishes, those two faces are full of happiness smile, ye Chen just quietly looking at them, from time to time laughing and laughing at each other for fun.

"It makes people feel very happy. I've never felt like this before. Is this home? Hey, dad and mom, it seems that the life you failed to give me has been completely supplemented by me. " Ye Chen's smiling heart whispered, "let me put this' home 'in my heart, with my hands, my flesh and blood, my everything to protect, protect the warmth, even bet on the fate of life!"

Just as ye Chen and Lin Wan'er are enjoying this rare leisure, a group of people dressed in black gather in a dense forest which is not far away from here. Under a huge Populus euphratica tree, Wei Qinghu, also dressed in black, stands there.

Wei Qinghu, known as "ghost sword", is tall and strong, with sharp eyes like hawks. He sweeps the dark crowd in front of him. There are about twenty or thirty people, all of them look arrogant or expressionless, and his eyes flicker alternately with rebellious and cold.

Behind Wei Qinghu, a man in black with a hood on his head and an indistinct face stood there. Judging from his posture and position, it should be Wei Qinghu's men.

"Cough." Seeing that the moonlight was getting dimmer and dimmer, the time gradually came to the second half of the night. A thin middle-aged man stood up and said to Wei Qinghu, "arrest envoy, I don't know why you summoned us here in the middle of the night."

When the middle-aged man spoke, although he used humble words, the rebellious and Mori lengliang in his eyes didn't converge at all and showed arrogance.

"Yes." In the crowd, another strong man also echoed and said, "although the Lord is the arrest envoy of the Dragon soldiers, without the Dragon King's order, our affiliated organizations also have a lot of autonomy. If the arrest envoy's Lord calls me to come here this time, it's only important. If not, we'll leave."

This strong man seems to be impatient, but his words also represent the thoughts of almost all the people present. Although he said this directly, all the people present agreed, and even nodded slightly.

Wei Qinghu in the face of so many people's eyes, his eyes flashed a sharp, light said, "so no patience?"

These people here are all the leaders of the killer organizations in Dongcheng city and surrounding cities. In China, and even in the world, the dragon soldier organization is the leading killer force. Many domestic and foreign killer organizations, in order to survive, shelter under the wings of the dragon soldier organization and become vassals.

Not only is the behavior limited, but these killer organizations have to pay part of their income every year to ensure that they are not completely destroyed by the dragon soldier organization.

In order to give these small organizations a way to survive, and to avoid public anger and develop for a long time, longbing has made a series of agreements.

This includes the restrictions on assisting in action and obeying orders. In addition to the S-level members of the dragon soldier organization, these affiliated organizations may not assist, and the restrictions on obeying orders are more severe. Unless there is a Dragon King order, the subordinate organizations may not obey the orders of the dragon soldier members.

As for the Dragon King order, there are less than ten pieces in the whole dragon soldier organization, which is a symbol of great respect, not to mention these vassal organizations. Even those arrogant and powerful S-level dragon soldiers who see the Dragon King order must kneel down and salute. Wei Qinghu, on the other hand, took advantage of his familiarity with the dragon soldier organization. He disguised himself as the dragon soldier organization's special arrest envoy, issued a summoning order, summoned all the dragon soldier affiliated organizations in the city, and falsely sent an order to let a small organization send several killers to assassinate Feng Tao.

As for the result, it is obvious that the killers sent out are either chopped by Chiba prime minister or beaten by Feng Tao, but they are not without harvest. Shen Botao and Wu Yanming in the four King Kong are all shot. Although they may not be able to die, it is absolutely certain that they live in the hospital and lie down.

After the failure of the mission this time, the leader of the killer organization was naturally unhappy and lost his soldiers

Jiang was killed, but he didn't get any good. Although he was very angry, he didn't dare to get angry with Wei Qinghu.

After all, Wei Qinghu is the most famous killer organization in the world.

At the moment, the killer leader of the defeated general is standing in the crowd, looking at Wei Qinghu with dim eyes. He hates his teeth itching, but he can't vent his depression. After hearing the voice of the strong man, he also nods repeatedly, hoping to get away from this unprofitable meeting as soon as possible.

"Cough." Wei Qinghu's mouth turned up with a cold radian. His eyes were like a poisonous snake, sweeping slowly from the people. All of them shivered involuntarily. In Wei Qinghu's eyes, he could hardly see the slightest temperature, only let people feel the Yin poison of the scalp explosion and the chilly cold.

"It seems that everyone has lost patience, but it doesn't matter. The news I'm going to announce tonight is very interesting. I believe all friends present will be interested." Wei Qinghu said.

The strong man asked first, "what's the news?"

"Curious?" Wei Qinghu said with a smile, "in fact, I will tell you this news sooner or later. In my opinion, the sooner I tell you, it seems that things will be easier."

Wei Qinghu's words completely aroused the curiosity of the people present. They all fixed their eyes on the person in front of them. I don't know why, although Wei Qinghu hasn't opened his mouth yet, a bad premonition immediately permeates his heart

It's on.

"Hey, guys, I have a good news and a bad news to announce to you today. However, I don't like picky eaters, so I won't choose which one to listen to first and which one to listen to later. Well, according to my preference, I'll give you a good news first."

Wei Qinghu said with a smile that he was so nervous.

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