what do you mean?

This young girl is fan Fenghuang, one of the twelve Luocha demon soldiers, and the special commander sent by the headquarters to Wujiang City. Five years ago, Wei Qinghu was ordered to destroy ca7, and fan Fenghuang was a member of ca7 at that time.

It was because of that fight that Wei Qinghu got to know the girl in front of him. At that time, pink Phoenix was only 18 years old, and he was already a very powerful killer. Even a lot of S-class dragon soldiers were folded in the hands of this fashionable young girl.

As soon as he thought of the scene, Wei Qinghu couldn't help feeling cold. He looked at the pink Phoenix who didn't know when to appear in front of him. He opened his mouth difficultly and said, "pink Phoenix is OK."

Pink Phoenix took a look at Wei Qinghu and said with a smile, "I know you. In the battle of fengshali in Laos five years ago, you were stabbed by me. Unexpectedly, you didn't die. Hee hee, you are really lucky."

Wei Qinghu's eyes flashed a trace of fear. He opened his mouth, sighed and said, "at that time, I was a dragon soldier, and you were a member of ca7. We were in charge of each other, and we didn't have any grudges. But when we met in the battlefield, of course we had to separate you from me. As for your knife, ha ha."

At this point, Wei Qinghu calmly unbuttoned his shirt. He bared his strong chest. On his bronze chest, a ferocious scar curled up like a giant centipede, ugly and disgusting.

Wei Qinghu showed his scars. He was afraid and said, "at that time, I was young and vigorous. I had just become an S-class dragon soldier for less than half a year. But I couldn't carry this sword with my Vajra skill. If my elder brother hadn't saved me, I would have died under your sword. I would like to thank you for your sword, He told me in the most direct way what it is that there is a day outside and there are people outside. "

"Is it?" Pink Phoenix charming smile, she said with a smile, "it seems that at the beginning I was not hard enough ah, left you a life, but it doesn't matter, because you are going to die now."

Wei Qinghu was shocked. He waved his hand and said, "pink Phoenix, what do you mean? I'm not a dragon soldier now. You should understand that we are not enemies."

Pink Phoenix laughs. She looks at Wei Qinghu teasingly and says in a soft voice, "it's boring. I'm just teasing you. I already know what you said, and I understand your situation. Otherwise, I won't say anything to you. When you don't see me, I'll cut you off, It is said that you now have nearly 30 killer organizations under your hand, but really? "

Wei Qinghu was nearly chopped to death by the pink Phoenix five years ago. For this woman, he has a lingering fear, and there is a layer of shadow that can't be opened from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, in front of the pink Phoenix, he can't keep calm, and he is completely at a disadvantage when he is held back in conversation.

After licking his cracked lips, Wei Qinghu stepped back, opened the distance between himself and pink Phoenix, and said slowly, "taking Wujiang City as the center, I have attracted more than 30 killer organizations, all of which were originally organized by longbing

It's not bad. "

Nodded, pink Phoenix light smile way, "in this case, then we have the possibility of cooperation, talk about it, how do you want to face our demon soldier organization."

"How to face it?" Wei Qinghu gradually calmed down from the panic. He thought about it and said, "the demon soldier organization is really powerful now. As far as I know, there are at least 70 countries with your business, but no matter what, you can't ignore the existence of the dragon soldier organization. We all know that the dragon soldier organization represents the strongest killer organization in the world, without one."

Pink Phoenix's eyes flashed, and then she said with a smile as if nothing had happened. "I thought you would say something about it, but the result is just like this. Although the Dragon soldiers are strong, it's not easy to move our demon soldiers. Can they do this kind of thing? At that time, the Dragon soldiers and the demon soldiers will fight and kill each other, and there will be countless casualties. Won't they let others benefit? As long as the Dragon King has brains, he will not fight. " Wei Qinghu suddenly laughed, he shook his head and said, "it seems that you don't understand the horror of the Dragon soldiers at all. Didn't the group extinction of ca7 make you open your eyes? Look at the Dragon soldiers. They have three hundred dragon guards, three dragon generals and hundreds of S-class dragon soldiers. They can conquer the whole world. Do you think that with only one demon soldier organization, you can withstand the anger of the Dragon King? "

"Dragon King?" As soon as the pink Phoenix's eyes shrunk, he immediately said, "he is really a very mysterious strongman, but I don't think the demon soldiers and the Dragon soldiers have reached the point where fire and water can't tolerate each other. I think the demon soldiers..."

After waving his hand, Wei Qinghu interrupted fan Fenghuang's words. He sighed, "I think you know better than I do about the family background of the demon soldier organization. But now I want to say that the so-called twelve Luocha only needs one dragon general, or even the Dragon guards alone. The reason why the Dragon soldiers sit by and ignore the demon soldiers now is that they don't care, In fact, the biggest reason is because of the existence of "demon flag". The gambling fight between "white teeth" and "demon flag" has brought peace to the demon soldiers for ten years. However, how long is the ten-year agreement

Wei Qinghu's words were very straightforward. He simply analyzed the current situation between the Dragon soldiers and the demon soldiers. He saw that the face of the pink Phoenix was a little ugly, but Wei Qinghu still gritted his teeth and said, "the demon flag is the boss of the demon soldiers and the first expert. To tell the truth, It's amazing that he can fight with "white tooth" and survive. But we all know that "white tooth" is only one of the three generals of the Dragon army. In the Dragon army organization, people close to him can't count their hands. His ten-year peace promise to the demon army has used up his face. If the demon army wants to survive, it's up to him. "

Speaking of this, Wei Qinghu said in a deep voice, "no matter what, where does the main power of demon soldiers come from? I think you know better than I do. You can see where hundreds of dragon soldiers' banisters go every year, right?"

Wei Qinghu's words are a little heartbreaking. As soon as the pink Phoenix bites her silver teeth, she looks up at Wei Qinghu and says in a cold voice, "what do you mean?"

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