Late autumn

Ye Chen goes to a Lang's side, grabs a Lang's trouser legs and goes upstairs, tying them to the bed.

Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye to the evening, a Lang slowly wake up, see ye Chen sitting on one side, found that he was tied, eyes flashed a touch of fear: "what do you want to do, you dare to move my finger, my boss will never let you go."

Ye Chen picked up the dagger on the table, put it in the air and said, "don't worry, I won't move you. I'll have a good chat with your boss tonight."

After a pause, he turned to look at a Lang: "when I come back, I'll let you go. If I can't go back, when my neighbors see that I haven't opened the door, someone will come in and you won't be able to run."

"You --"

A Lang's eyes are full and round, staring at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen goes out of the restaurant, takes a taxi and goes straight to sun Hai's casino.

Sun Hai sat on the sofa, his eyes motionless looking at him, suddenly asked: "hasn't a Lang come back yet?"

"No, brother Lang didn't come back after he went out at noon."

Sun Hai ordered a little, suddenly stood up and looked at the two men in Black: "follow me."

Ye Chen is standing on the roadside. As soon as he gets off the bus, he sees sun Hai and two people walking out of the casino and into a lane.

"What are they going to do?"

Ye Chen's eyes flashed and followed sun Hai.

The lane is a straight road, which looks very deep. Ye Chen carefully follows sun Hai, watching sun Hai enter the innermost gate.

"Miss Qiu, how are you these two days?"

Sun Hai walked into the room on the left side of the courtyard, looked at the beautiful woman tied to the pillar, and laughed.

Qiuwannong, a leading star in China, has few unknown people in the whole entertainment circle. Although she is tied to a pillar and looks haggard at the moment, she does not hide the soul stirring beauty on her face.

"You'd better let me out. I can treat it as if it didn't happen."

Sun Hai looked at Qiu Wan's cold look and looked at his subordinates on both sides. A look of banter flashed in his eyes: "ouch, I'm still a hot girl. It's a pity that such a good woman can't enjoy it. But don't worry, Miss Qiu. Someone wants you here. The young master is also a famous person in Dongcheng city. Follow him, It's not a grievance to Miss Qiu. "

Ye Chen hides outside the door to listen, but accidentally touches the window.


Sun Hai yelled, and the two men next to him looked at each other and rushed out. Ye Chen stood in the yard and looked at Sun Hai coming out, with a cold smile: "boss sun, we'll see you again."

"It's you... Where's Alan?"

Ye Chen didn't speak, but took out a Lang's dagger from behind and threw it in front of sun Hai.

"It must be a familiar thing to boss sun."

Sun Hai looked down and recognized a Lang's dagger on the ground“ Special, give it to me. "

As soon as the voice fell, the two men on one side rushed to Ye Chen. Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, raised his right fist and hit him in the face. A big man flew out. Ye Chen turned around and whipped his leg. The two men fell to the ground in an instant.

Sun Hai flashed a cold awn in his eyes, grabbed the dagger on the ground and stabbed Ye Chen.

"Those who dare to touch Laozi will die for Laozi!"

The dagger stabs the male mouth of Ye Chen. Ye Chen retreats a few steps. Sun Hai presses and waves the dagger in his hand.

Seeing this, ye Chen squats down and pours on Sun Hai. Sun Hai falls to the ground carelessly. They roll on the ground. Ye Chen stands up with one foot on the wall beside him and hits sun Hai's face with one punch. The fist is about to fall on Sun Hai's face, but it is blocked by sun Hai's arm.

"Boy, I've been in Dongcheng city for so many years. If I'm fooled by you today, where can I put my face?"

Sun Hai laughs, another fist smashes at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's heart is startled, jumped down from sun Hai's body all of a sudden.

Sun Hai stood up and took off his coat, revealing the strong muscles inside. His whole body exuded a faint evil spirit.

Looking at Ye Chen, he raises his right fist and smashes it all at once. Ye Chen is not willing to be outdone. He raises his fist to meet him. His two fists collide with each other. Sun Hai only feels a huge force coming out of Ye Chen's fist, and the whole person steps back.

"What a lot of strength!"

Sun Hai was surprised, shook his fist, looked at the slightly trembling right fist, and squinted at Ye Chen.

"Who the hell are you? A restaurant owner would never have such strength."

Ye Chen lightly a smile: "if false guarantee change."

Sun Hai took out a cigar from his trouser pocket and put it in his mouth. Looking at Ye Chen, he said faintly: "boy, did you kill a Lang?"

Ye Chen shook his head, sun Hai narrowed his eyes: "look at the face you didn't do to a Lang, today I let you go, you go."

Ye Chen pointed to the autumn evening in the room and said, "what about her?"

"You can't move her. This woman is appointed by a childe, and I, sun Hai, have no right to move."

Ye Chen steps forward and stares at Sun Hai: "if I have to take her away?"

"You can try."

As soon as sun Hai's voice fell, ye Chen rushed in at a very fast speed. Sun Hai didn't dodge quickly. He got a punch from ye Chen and hit the wooden door.

"What's the matter, it's shameless to give face!"

Sun Hai stood up, with a gloomy face, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and rushed towards Ye Chen.

Sun Haiyue is more and more frightened. Ye Chen seems to have endless strength. He is not careful. He is kicked in the chest by Ye Chen and bumps into the wall.

"Stop, stop, stop."

Sun Haizhi felt that all the bones in his body were going to fall apart. He waved to Ye Chen and said, "boy, I tell you, you really can't take this woman away. The person that the master wants, let this woman go. I can't explain." Ye Chen didn't speak and walked toward sun Hai.

A few minutes later, sun Hai lay on the ground motionless, his whole face swollen like a pig's head.

"Stop fighting. Take this woman with you. Stop fighting..."

Sun Hai looks at Ye Chen with a sad face and a faint color of fear in his eyes.


"Yes, yes."

Sun Hai looks at Ye Chen to still want to walk to come over, repeatedly wave a hand way.

Is this special or human? After fighting for such a long time, I didn't see him gasp. The whole person was like a monster.

Ye Chen strides over Sun Hai's body and walks into the room. He takes down the rope on Qiu wannong's body.

"Thank you for saving me, are you?"

Qiuwannong stood up and showed gratitude on his face.

"My name is Ye Chen. I overheard someone kidnapping you here. OK, let's go out now."

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