Who do you think you are?

With a bang, ye Chen stepped back three or four steps. His face changed greatly. His arms were numb and his shoulders were sore. For a moment, his arms were useless.

"How can it be? How powerful is it? " Ye Chen opens his mouth in disbelief, but before he reacts, Niu Peng with a grim smile rushes over.

With a roar, Niu Peng raises his fist and aims at Ye Chen's head. On this fist, his courage flows. Ye Chen only feels that his fist is in front of him.

"So fast!" Ye Chen was shocked, but his hand was not flustered. He dived quickly, bent his legs and squatted. He dodged Niu Peng's fist with a very dangerous move, and leaned forward, directly hitting Niu Peng's belly with his shoulder.

Ye Chen's grasp of the timing is very clever. Niu Peng is punching at this time, but he hasn't been able to take back his fist. It's time to show his emptiness. Moreover, the part Ye Chen hit is also the wound he just hit with a broken fist. Ye Chen's idea is very simple. Since he doesn't respond to the blow, it's better to hit him several times.

It's just a pity that ye Chen's arms can't use his strength for the time being, so he can only attack by hitting his shoulders. Although his shoulders are full of courage, the strength of attack is obviously not as strong as broken fist.

But even so, caught off guard, Niu Peng is still half a step back. He stares at Ye Chen and roars angrily, "boy, you are so upset!"

Ye Chen retreats three or four steps in succession, temporarily widening the distance between himself and Niu Peng. His arms gradually regain control from the slight shaking, and his courage is constantly flowing, relieving the pain on his arm. Meanwhile, the golden energy in his body is rapidly repairing the damaged cells and bruised muscles on his arm.

He grinned and said, "Niu Peng, this is what I want to say to you. You are really annoyed. You are as thick as an old buffalo. You can't fight to death. It's really annoying."

Niu Peng hummed coldly and said, "hum, if you're not happy, come and hit me. What kind of hero are you

Ye Chen blinked his eyes and said with a smile, "if you don't dodge, you're a hero?"

"Then you're not a hero, just a scum with your virtue." Niu Peng said coldly.

"Oh? Is that right? " Ye Chen spread out a hand way, "that you say to me this still have what meaning?"? Dodgy is not a hero, not dodgy is not a hero, then what are your criteria? In other words, why don't I dodge? I'm not a hero anyway. "

Hear ye Chen say like this, Niu Peng is obviously slightly a Leng, he opens mouth to tie tongue, for a time still really don't know what to say, cold hum a, he simply said, "if you stand there don't move, and I hard to hit a fight, that's OK."

I'll call you a hero. "

Ye Chen stares big eyes and says very seriously, "your name is Niu Peng, right? Are you sure it's not Tauren? How can you talk to others with your intelligence quotient? Don't you think it's a shame? Man, I didn't say you, you can't stop taking this medicine. "

"You..." Niu Peng roared, "asshole, how dare you laugh at me?"

"Did I laugh at you?" Ye Chen innocently said, "if this is to laugh at you, then you even if I laugh at you, if you are not happy, have the seed to bite me."

Hearing Ye Chen say this, Niu Peng is completely angry. He roars. His arms are full of courage. He runs two steps and rushes to Ye Chen. His head is smashed with a fist. The power of this fist is amazing. Ye Chen only feels that the air around him is pushed away directly, and only this fist is left in front of his eyes. On Niu Peng's fist, his courage shakes wildly, and the vibration frequency is very high.

This is the way ye Chen is very familiar with, and is also one of the most commonly used martial arts skills in martial arts - broken fist.

Compared with Ye Chen, who has just entered the second heaven, Niu Peng is more adept at breaking fist than ye Chen. Moreover, Niu Peng, who is already in the middle of the second heaven, is stronger than ye Chen in both the skill and quantity of courage.

But ye Chen is not flustered. In the face of Niu Peng's fist, ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. He put all the thoughts in his mind

Abandon, low roar way, "how can I lose here, but I promised master, no matter what kind of opponent I meet, I will always win, always win, always win until the final point!"

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Roaring, ye Chen glides sideways. Before his fist reaches his head, he dodges Niu Peng's fist. He gets close to Niu Peng's body and clenches his hands. He uses his left and right hands at the same time. He clenches his fist at the same time. His courage erupts at the same time, shakes at the same time, and makes a broken fist at the same time.

One left and one right, just like two Ye Chen Boxing at the same time, solidly hit Niu Peng's chest.


Ye Chen's wrist was numb, and Niu Peng also took three or four steps backward, which was obviously a great blow.

But ye Chen didn't let Niu Peng go either. He stepped forward, clenched his fists with both hands, and made great efforts. He locked the chest of the cowshed. To be exact, he aimed at the place he hit just now, and shot out two fists again!


Ye Chen roars. Under these two fists, ye Chen has gone all out. It's not only the strength of the flesh / body, but also the boldness of Ye Chen. It's squeezing into Ye Chen's two arms, and the meridians are expanding. It's almost torn

A sense of humor.


Only listen to a dull ring, ye Chen face a change, the audience is also Qi Qi face slightly changed.

What everyone didn't expect is that ye Chen's two fists were caught directly by Niu Peng.

Niu Peng gasped, the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He stared at Ye Chen and grasped Ye Chen's fist. He roared, "what do you think of me? Play like a monkey? Hateful thing, who do you think you are? You think you can beat me? Dream

As soon as the voice fell, Niu Peng immediately raised his hands and directly threw Ye Chen into the sky. Ye Chen only felt an irresistible force burst out from Niu Peng's arm.

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