I made a bet

Song Yang also nodded, agreed with Wei Qinghu's words, even the Jackal who had been silent could not help nodding.

Jia Jiansheng glanced at everyone in the room. He said faintly, "everyone has his own choice. Ye Chen's choice is to never compromise, never admit defeat, never give in. If he admits defeat this time, then in your eyes, he can still start all over again, but this failure will completely destroy his strong heart."

"What?" Song Yang lost his voice and said, "it's not that serious, is it? It's just a failure. It's a big deal to start all over again. "

Jia Jiansheng sighed and said slowly, "it's easy to say, but for some people, living in this world depends on sufficient self-confidence. If you fail, self-confidence will be crushed. If you don't have self-confidence, you can't live."

"How could it be?" Wei Qinghu asked with a puzzled face, "can't self-confidence be cultivated again? What's more, there is no one who will never fail. "

Jia Jiansheng said without changing his face, "there are really no people who will never fail in this world, but there are people who will die once they fail. For example, in ancient times, a hero named Xiang Yu only lost once, and then he lost everything. It's simple to say from the beginning, but for a person who has destroyed the heart of the strong, They don't need to start all over again. They just need to never give in and die on the way they believe. "

Looking at Ye Chen on the big screen, everyone in the room can't help raising a trace of admiration. The man who can give up life and death for the dream in his heart is already admirable.

In front of Ye Chen's eyes, Niu Peng's fist has already been smashed down. The power of this fist is great, just like the meteorite breaking the air. The transparent courage shakes violently, and the air around is stirred up in chaos.

With a grim smile, Niu Peng's fist is the same as the smash fist just now. It's simple and violent, and for ye Chen, the effect is very significant.

"Damn it Ye Chen roars angrily. He knows that if he takes Niu Peng's fist in his present state, he will not be far away from falling to the ground.

Although Niu Peng's fist was blocked by his chest just now, the powerful impact still broke Ye Chen's courage to protect his body, and left a very big wound.

Although Ye Chen is still standing upright on the ground, his body is full of scars, especially the viscera in his chest, which is seriously injured. Although Ye Chen has temporarily suppressed the injury with courage, he still treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. If he doesn't treat it quickly, he is likely to die of violent blood.

Therefore, it is impossible for ye Chen to bear Niu Peng's fist again now. After all, if he resists the fist hard, Niu Peng's fist strength will surely shake Ye Chen's body protection courage. If ye Chen's courage is disordered, the courage to suppress the chest wound will obviously be unable to hold, and it is likely that he will directly spray blood and kill Ye Chen on the spot.

In this blink of an eye, ye Chen's mind filtered countless kinds of ideas, but no matter what kind of ideas, all clearly told ye Chen, this fist, absolutely can't resist!

Think of here, ye Chen quickly slide backward, want to avoid the attack distance of Niu Peng's fist.

However, Niu Peng obviously had expected that when ye Chen stepped back, he took three or four steps forward and directly approached Ye Chen. With a grim smile, he roared, "will the same trick be useful again and again?"

Say, Niu Peng is a fist to hit Ye Chen's head directly, ye Chen took a deep breath, just when Niu Peng's fist is about to hit Ye Chen's face, suddenly, ye Chen's lips hook, faint smile. With Ye Chen's smile, Niu Peng immediately panics. He only feels that ye Chen smiles unkindly, and the cold smile makes him feel hairy. However, he obviously doesn't want to let Ye Chen go just because of a smile. He is very confident in the destructive power of his fist. In addition, ye Chen is injured now, and he is even more fearless.

This group of people, like the wind and thunder, were swift and powerful, with surging courage. Niu Peng not only didn't take back this fist, but also added some strength!

A fist pushes air, send out sharp explosion sound, with the momentum that is hard to resist, directly hit on the head of Ye Chen.

"Hey, hey." Niu Peng grinned and exclaimed coldly, "the guy who pretends to be a God or a ghost is not dead under my fist in the end. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, EH - no!!!"

When Niu Peng burst out laughing, he suddenly felt that something was wrong and suddenly widened his eyes. But before he could react, a cold light stabbed his abdomen.

It was a sharp dagger, about 20 cm long. The blade on it was cold and cold. At this time, it had been inserted into Niu Peng's abdomen.

"Damn it Niu Peng stares at big eyes. He can't believe it and roars, "how can it be? You know... "

"I've been hit by you, haven't I?"

Ye Chen grinned and said, "it's just a pity. I just bet that you are 0.1 second slower than me, so I didn't launch this attack until your fists have hit me in the face."

It turned out that just now, when Niu Peng's fist was about to hit Ye Chen, ye Chen chose the most adventurous way. He let Niu Peng's fist hit him, but he gambled all his chips on his timing and the speed of counterattack.

At the moment when Niu Peng hits himself, ye Chen dives to avoid. Before Niu Peng can make any other reaction, he just stabs him with a knife.

This dagger was bought by Ye Chen before he came here. It's not a good one either. It's hard enough. It's made of high carbon steel. It's just right to use it against Niu Peng. But if ye Chen hadn't used his courage just now, it would be really hard to pierce Niu Peng's belly.

However, although Ye Chen pierced Niu Peng's courage to protect his body when he was unprepared, after the blade was inserted in most of the way,

Or was Niu Peng's muscles and courage to clamp, so that it can not inch into.

Then, Niu Peng angrily shot, aimed at Ye Chen is a punch down.

"Ha ha." This time, ye Chen didn't slip to avoid, but directly body in a flash, directly turned to Niu Peng's back, his arms tightly hugged Niu Peng's waist, and then bent squat body, suddenly used all his strength!

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