You LAN Dan

Looking at Ye Chen with burning eyes, Jia Jiansheng couldn't help nodding his head and said with appreciation, "yes, your heart of a strong man is no worse than anyone else. As long as you take time, you will be a real strong man."

After Jia Jiansheng's words, everyone in the room nodded. In Ye Chen's body, everyone felt a strong sense of war, as well as the unyielding fighting spirit. Although the man in front of him was thin, his will was like steel.

Song Yang patted Ye Chen's shoulder and said with a laugh, "well done. Niu Peng is already a very strong character in the second day. He has almost no weakness. He is very strong both in attack and defense. Even in speed, he is not weak. You can defeat him, which is enough to prove your strength."

Ye Chen shook his head slightly. He coughed twice and said to Song Yang with a bitter face, "elder brother, can we be a little lighter when we pat me? I'm a wounded now, OK?"

Song Yang this just reaction come over, he quickly hugged Ye Chen's shoulder, scratched to scratch a way, "I this is not to forget, sorry, sorry, mainly for you happy ah, ye Chen, you won, now from the new world and a step closer."

Nodded, ye Chen eyes firm said, "of course, I will always win to the new world, even if to the new world, I will not lose, I will always win, win to the end."

At this point, ye Chen's face suddenly changed, his chest was suppressed injury faintly issued severe pain, brow a

Wrinkled, he could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Song Yang is holding Ye Chen's shoulder, very close, because of this, ye Chen just spit out a mouthful of blood, he took a cold breath, quickly came forward to check Ye Chen's wound, the mouth urgently asked, "Ye Chen, how do you feel? Will it be ok? "

Other people are also around, looking at Ye Chen, ye Chen slightly shook his head, he said, "nothing, just skin trauma, we don't have to worry."

Jia Jiansheng frowned. He said in a deep voice, "if the internal organs are cracked, it can be regarded as skin trauma, then what can be regarded as a major problem?"

The rest of them are worried. Most of them don't have Jia Jiansheng's eye power. However, because of this, they will never doubt Jia Jiansheng's judgment.

"Ye Chen, shall we go to the hospital?" Song Yang frowned.

Without waiting for ye Chen to answer, Jia Jiansheng said, "don't worry, he can't die with me here."

As soon as he patted his forehead, Song Yang shook his head. He was surprised and said, "look at my brain. Yes, with you here, we are in a hurry."

Wei Qinghu doesn't understand it very well. In his cognition, although Jia Jiansheng is powerful, he should have little connection with curing diseases and saving people.

However, thinking of Jia Jiansheng's Tongji clinic, Wei Qinghu has a guess in his mind. Is Jia Jiansheng still a doctor?

However, he couldn't imagine how Jia Jiansheng, who was dressed in white and had a three foot sword, and a famous white wind swordsman in the new world, treated others?

However, Jia Jiansheng didn't let Wei Qinghu down. He took out several silver needles from his pocket and waved them with one hand. Under the control of courage, these silver needles stabbed Ye Chen instantly and sealed several important points of Ye Chen. At that time, he stopped Ye Chen's gushing blood.

Later, Jia Jiansheng took out another pill. He looked at Ye Chen and handed the pill to him. He said casually, "take it. I'll make sure you're OK." Ye Chen scratched his head. He picked up the pill and didn't think much. Out of his trust in Jia Jiansheng, he swallowed it without hesitation.

The pills melt in the mouth, and ye Chen always feels that a smell of fishy and salty directly penetrates into his whole body, and the warm power of the medicine quickly melts into his own blood.

"Hoo." Ye Chen's eyes brightened, he only felt that the chest was numb, and the cracked wound was like being bitten by countless small insects. The itching was severe. However, with the feeling of numbness and itching, the flesh and blood of the wound was healing quickly.

Stare big eyes, leaf Chen can't believe of ask a way, "master, what medicine is this?"? Why is it so powerful? "

Jia Jiansheng said casually, "You Lan Dan is just an ordinary pill. Don't be too surprised."

Ye Chen nodded. Although he didn't believe it was just an ordinary pill, he never heard of the name of Youlan pill. He thought that this kind of pill was very common in the new world, so he didn't care too much.

But the tall girl's eyes widened. She couldn't help crying, "You Lan Dan? You LAN Dan? Oh, my God, that's ten spirit stones to buy one. "

As soon as the girl said it, the rest of the people felt the value of Youlan pill, especially Ye Chen. He just felt that what he had just taken was not a pill, but ten shining stones.

"Cough." Ye Chen scratched his head. He looked at the tall girl and couldn't help asking, "are you sure you want ten spirit stones to buy this pill?"

The tall girl nodded heavily, and she said seriously, "I can guarantee that, because there are many pills on sale in the shops of our arena, including Youlan pills. Because it's a kind of imported pills, the price of Youlan pills will be at least ten spirit stones, and there will be more but not less."

Ye Chen looked at Jia Jiansheng and couldn't help saying, "master, it's too wasteful for you to bring me such a good thing. Can't we sell it and then bring the spirit stone to practice? My skin is rough and my flesh is thick. Coupled with this kind of small injury, I don't need this kind of pill at all. It's not worth it. "

In fact, what ye Chen didn't say is that the golden energy in his body has been slowly and effectively repairing his wound. Even if he doesn't take Youlan pill, he doesn't even need to care about it. As long as he lies in bed and sleeps for a night, the chance of wound self-healing is still great.

But Jia Jiansheng didn't know there was such a thing. He stared at Ye Chen and said faintly, "what this girl said is right, but it's just ten spirit stones. Is it really valuable? If you don't cure your injury as soon as possible, you will lose your martial arts foundation if you leave the root of the disease or have any sequelae in the future. In the future, you will become a diseased person, and it will be difficult for your strength to go any further. By that time, you will never be cured by ten spirit stones. "

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