Mixing wine

After a few minutes, several waiters came with glasses and various kinds of famous wine.

"Bacardi, whiskey, champagne, brandy, such a big hand."

"Qian Shao is also the cost of this time. I'm afraid there are more than 100000 bottles of wine."

"It seems that this boy has offended a lot. Look at these bottles. They are all brown and yellow."

"Another thing, two of these four wines are extremely strong and difficult to make."

There was a lot of discussion. Qian Shao's face flashed a hint of fun and said slowly: "Ye Chen, now you kneel down and admit your mistake. If you can't make it later, Dongcheng city will have no place for you any more!"

Qian Fanyu's words are not alarmist. Many people present have some ideas about Qiu wannong. A few of them have been unhappy with Ye Chen for a long time. It's easy for them to play dead Ye Chen.

Autumn evening thick worry of say: "leaf Chen, you can?"

Ye Chen ordered to nod, the facial expression is indifferent: "begin."

Looking at Ye Chen's indifferent expression on his face, Qian Fanyu looks more and more uncomfortable, and a nameless fire rises in his heart.

"I'll pour the wine."

Li Niannian said a word, then went to the table and poured a few glasses of wine into the glass. Li Niannian looked up at the people around him, with a sneer on his face.

While the people around did not pay attention, they mixed two bottles of wine and poured them together.

Many people in the crowd saw Li Niannian's action, but no one spoke. Now they stand up and tear down Qian Fanyu's platform.

"There's little money, so we can start."

Li Niannian stood on one side, looking at Ye Chen, his face showing the color of ridicule.

Qian Fanyu nodded and made a "please" move towards Ye Chen.

"Come on, boss ye, let's show you your amazing wine mixing skills. Qian Fanyu, I'm waiting to apologize to boss Ye."

Ye Chen, of course, hears the irony in Qian Fanyu's words. He doesn't speak. He goes to four glasses of wine and observes carefully.

"System, is there anything wrong with these four glasses of wine?"

System: "the third glass of wine is a mixture of two kinds of wine, and the rest is normal."

Ye Chen nodded, turned to Qian Fanyu and said, "master Qian, there is something wrong with this glass of wine. It should be mixed with two different kinds of wine."

Qian Fanyu was stunned, and his face was suddenly gloomy: "Ye Chen, if you can't do it, just say it. If you want to frame me up, Qian Fanyu doesn't care to do it."

Ye Chen didn't speak. He turned his eyes to Li Niannian. Li Niannian and ye Chen's eyes were opposite. He was a bit flustered and dodged. He pointed to Ye Chen and said loudly, "Ye Chen, I poured these four glasses of wine myself. There will be no problem. In full view of the public, you can ask other people if I did anything."

When Li Niannian finished, he didn't talk about what he saw or didn't see.

"See, ye Chen, if you don't have that ability, just say it. Now kneel down and admit your mistake." System: "please start modulation according to the guidance of this system."

Ye Chen a Zheng, can't help but ask a way: "host, those two cups of wine have already mixed together, can still modulate?"

"The host has no right to question the system. Please start the modulation according to the guidance of the system. If the host does not act within ten seconds, the system will regard the host as giving up the task automatically, and the punishment will start immediately!"


"Stop counting. Start now."

Hearing the system start timing, ye Chen said in a hurry.

The sound of the system rang out in Ye Chen's mind. After listening to the process, ye Chen picked up the first glass of wine and poured a third of it into the next empty glass. Then he picked up the third glass of wine and dropped a few drops into it. The wine color in the glass changed and became a light blue.

Many people around the eyes of a bright, ye Chen's action seems to be a bit clumsy and unfamiliar, but this cup of light blue wine has aroused their interest.

"You guys, anyone with a lighter and mint can borrow it from me."

Ye Chen raises his head and says in a loud voice.

"I'll give it to you."

A mature middle-aged man came out of the crowd, took out mints and lighters from his pocket and gave them to Ye Chen. Then he stood beside Ye Chen and looked at Ye Chen with great interest.

Many people looked at the middle-aged man, their eyes were full of thinking, and Qian Fanyu's face changed, and he said in his heart: "how can he come here?"

"Less money, this boy can't really transfer bars."

Zhang Zibiao whispered behind him, and Qian Fanyu said with a cold smile: "absolutely impossible. You've seen a bartender who doesn't know the taste of wine. He's just putting on airs. Who knows what the hell he's going to get?"

Zhang Zibiao nodded, thinking back to the tiger dish Ye Chen made, a chill in his heart.

"Thank you very much."

Ye Chen took the mints and lighter, gently broke the mints and put them into the wine cup. As soon as the mints were dropped into the wine cup, they had a violent chemical reaction and melted quickly, and the color of the wine industry became clearer and clearer.

Ye Chen picked up the third cup of wine and shook it gently. Li Niannian sneered: "Ye Chen, even if you realize that I've done something in the wine, what can you do? This time I'll make you never get up again."

Li Niannian looks at Ye Chen. The whole person is stunned. Ye Chen takes the glass and looks at her with a smile. He lifts the glass in the class air and starts to heat it with a lighter.

When the peppermint in the other wine cup completely melts, ye Chen pours the heated wine drop by drop into the wine cup.


People around the moment issued a cry of surprise, the first drop of wine into the glass color instantly changed into a drop of purple wine beads, slowly floating in the blue wine.

Ye Chen put down the wine cup in his hand and threw the remaining mints in.

Mints continue to melt, after more than ten seconds, the fusion is completed, the wine in the glass changes into a kind of extreme light blue like the sea.

No one around said anything, but Li Niannian, Qian Fanyu and Zhang Zibiao all had a look of confusion in their eyes. People with clear eyes could see that ye Chen's methods had changed the chemistry of liquor, and they were not able to make it out of chaos“ There is little money. Let's go first. This guy really seems to have two brushes. If he does it in the end, it's not good to step down... "

Qian Fanyu was just about to speak when the clear light blue in his glass suddenly turned into darkness.

"Ha ha, I'm scared. This boy is really bluffing. What the hell is this dark cup?"

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