A villa

All the people around are looking at Li Niannian with a silent face. Those who insult others are always insulting. Ye Chen's practice is light. If they were, they would never let Li Niannian go so easily.

Everyone watched the end of the farce, then scattered by themselves, and ye Chen sat on the chair and took a long breath.

"Are you all right?"

Autumn night thick whispered, ye Chen shook his head, grateful said: "just thank you."

Autumn evening strong smile: "thank me for what, I just did not help anything."

Ye Chen smiles and doesn't say anything more. In the situation just now, Qiu wannong can stand firmly by his side, which is the biggest help to him.

"Xiaoyou, you see there is so much wine left. Can you make me a cocktail just now?"

Ye Chen a Leng, turn a head to look at the person that speak, discover a hair beard some of the old man of the spot white is looking at oneself smilingly.

Qiuwannong suddenly recognized the old man, quickly stood up, respectfully said: "master Gao, you are here today?"

"Of course I'll come. If I don't, how can I know a bartender like Ye Xiaoyou?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "master Gao, I'm not a bartender. My real identity is a cook."


Master Gao laughed and said, "what's my identity, girl Qiu?"

Qiu wannong smiles: "Ye Chen, I'd like to introduce you. This is master Gao Liushui, a gourmet master, and he's all over the country..."

"Come on, it's all false names. Ye Xiaoyou, Zifu just drank your wine, but I'm greedy now. Can you make me a cup too?"

High water finish saying then some expectation of looking at Ye Chen.

"Of course."

Ye Chen stood up, in accordance with the same technique for high water modulation of a cup of angel tears, high water took, savor.

The bottom of the glass, high water still closed his eyes, after a minute, slowly opened his eyes, the corner of his eyes is already wet.

"Wonderful, the entrance is slightly sour, but then it turns into a thick sweet. This feeling reminds me of some regrets in the past."

Gao Liushui sighed, looking at Ye Chen, and said seriously: "Ye Xiaoyou, Zifu also said just now, you should add something else to have such a taste, please tell me?"

Ye Chen looked at Gao Shuishui's look and said with a smile: "in fact, it's not a magic thing. When I made this glass of wine, I added my emotion. It's the same whether it's mixing wine or cooking."

Gao Shuishui's eyes flashed a fine awn and murmured: "taste with emotion, but ye Xiaoyou has realized this realm. I will visit you some day and have a good taste of Ye Xiaoyou's cooking."

"I'll be waiting for that boy any time."

When they met each other, there was a sense of sympathy.

After the banquet, ye Chen comes out with Qiu wannong. Lu Lu on one side looks at Ye Chen and hums coldly: "I didn't expect that you are quite capable." Ye Chen smiles and doesn't speak. Qiu wannong stares at Lu Lu and says with a smile, "no matter how you say it, you still want to thank Ye Chen tonight."

"It's my honor to serve Qiu Da Mei."

Ye Chen said half jokingly. At this time, the prince came out of the hall and said with a smile, "Ye Xiaoyou, I'll go. I'll visit tomorrow."

Ye Chen also gently smile: "Chairman Wang is polite."

Wang Zifu left, and ye Chen got on the bus with Qiu wannong and went back to the restaurant.

As soon as he entered the room, ye Chen smelled a faint fragrance of flowers. He went upstairs to open the window and found that there were small flower buds on the branches.

"This flower is quite fragrant, not bad."

Ye Chen closes the window and finds a piece of yellow paper on the table.

"This is the top cocktail recipe?"

System: "Cuizhu iceberg, top cocktail formula, please learn as soon as possible."

Ye Chen nodded, and copied the formula again, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

What ye Chen doesn't know is that after the banquet in the evening, his name has spread in the upper class of Dongcheng city.

The next afternoon, ye Chen sat on a chair in a daze, driving into a black Bentley in the lane. The prince stepped down from the car and went into Ye Chen's restaurant.

"Ye Xiaoyou?"

Wang Zifu called, and ye Chen came back. He quickly stood up and said with a smile, "Chairman Wang, you are here."

Wang Zifu nodded and said with a smile, "Ye Xiaoyou has great skills. I didn't expect to open such a small restaurant in such a place."

Wang Zifu sighed. He looked at the decoration in the restaurant and found that there was nothing except some murals on the wall.

"The fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. It's the same everywhere."

Wang Zifu was stunned, then nodded and said with a smile, "Ye Xiaoyou is right. As for the formula of the top cocktail, can ye Xiaoyou show me first?"

"Of course."

Ye Chen went upstairs and took down the yellow paper distributed by the system and handed it to Wang Zifu.

"Chairman Wang, please have a look."

Wang Zifu took it. After a while, he looked up and said excitedly, "Ye Xiaoyou, it's really the top formula. I'll take it. Please ask Ye Xiaoyou to make a price."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "I don't know what price is good for the ancestral formula. Chairman Wang will make an offer."

Wang Zifu said with a smile: "Ye Xiaoyou is really a good abacus. I bought a villa in the center of Dongcheng City, and no one has lived in it these years. How about exchanging this villa for ye Xiaoyou's formula?"

Ye Chen heart vibration, secretly smack tongue way: "good big hand."

Dongcheng city is also a first tier city in China. A villa in the center of the city is also a sky high price, worth tens of millions. Unexpectedly, Wang Zifu would exchange it. Wang Zifu frowned and said, "is it dissatisfaction that ye Xiaoyou doesn't speak?"

Ye Chen quickly said, "satisfied, how can I be dissatisfied? Chairman Wang is willing to exchange a villa for this small page of paper. This transaction is so sincere, how can I be dissatisfied."

Wang Zifu ordered a little and said, "since you're here today, you can't go for nothing. I heard Lao Gao say that ye Xiaoyou is not only very good at mixing wine, but also an excellent cook. In this way, I want to taste Ye Xiaoyou's skill today."

"Please wait for a moment, chairman Wang."

Ye Chen said, then walked toward the back kitchen, made a few simple dishes and served them out.

"Chairman Wang has a taste. Although it's not a famous dish, it must taste good."

Wang looked at Ye Chen's strong self-confidence, and with a smile, he picked up his chopsticks and said, "OK, I'll try Ye Xiaoyou's craft."

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