Win over Ye Chen

"Wan'er?" Qian Fanyu was stunned. He didn't expect to meet her in such a place.

The owner of the dog is Lin Wan'er, and this dog is the little Greyhound that ate yechen cucumber yesterday. I didn't expect that it looked so lovely after being washed white.

However, Lin Wan'er's mood is not very good at this time. She came out to walk the dog. The dog trotted all the way here. As soon as she entered the store, she heard someone scolding her dog.

What's more, the person who scolds his dog turns out to be the one he hates the most.

"Is this your dog, Wan'er? It's lovely." Qian Fanyu immediately changed his face and touched the dog when he spoke.

I don't know if I understand Qian Fanyu's words just now. The little dog doesn't appreciate him at this time. He bares his teeth and doesn't let him touch himself. All of a sudden, Qian Fanyu is embarrassed.

"Wait a minute, brother. You just said that my fried rice with eggs is terrible?" After moving her eyes from Lin Wan'er's attractive long legs, she suddenly realized what Qian Fanyu had just said.

As the owner of a restaurant, ye Chen is told that the food in his shop is bad in front of him. It's necessary for ye Chen to have a theory with him.

Qian Fanyu was embarrassed. When he saw Ye Chen jump out at this time, he was immediately upset and said, "whether it's delicious or not, I naturally have my criteria. What's the matter with you?"

"But if you say a delicious fried rice is not delicious, isn't it a bit too much?" Ye Chen continues to theorize, after all, er Leng Zi has eaten fried rice with eggs just now, it's delicious to cry out.

"Do you know who I am?" Qian Fanyu looks at Ye Chen with disdain. Now he looks down on the loser boss of the restaurant.

"I don't know."

"I'm the junior President of Qian's restaurant."

"Oh?" Ye Chen doesn't know, so what does this have to do with the egg fried rice that slanders him?

Qian Fanyu then sneered: "our Qian family specializes in catering, focusing on high-quality catering services. I can see at a glance whether the dishes are delicious or not!"

Finish saying, also intentionally proud of saw Lin Wan son one eye, this identity a bright come out, presumably this guy will definitely be scared a jump.

Did not expect that ye Chen has no movement, very seriously repeat a way: "this and slander my egg fried rice have what relation?"

Qian Fanyu continued to disdain: "have you never heard of Qian's restaurants? I represent the highest standard of Dongcheng's catering industry. It's an authority. I say your food tastes bad!"

"Do you mean that the authority can say that the black is white Ye Chen's face gradually cooled down.

"You can understand it that way!" Qian Fanyu's disdain for ye Chen is even worse when he talks. He even scolds Ye Chen secretly.

"If so, please go out. You are not welcome in my shop!" Ye Chen coldly ordered to leave.

"You let me out?" Qian Fanyu suspected that he had heard the wrong thing. "Don't you ask about my status in Dongcheng city?"

Ye Chen stares at him coldly and doesn't talk.

"If I want to, I'll just move my finger and your shop will have to close!" Qian Fanyu said in a cruel voice. As a young master of Qian's restaurant, few people dare to refute him like this. Today, he is really angry“ Qian Fanyu, please pay attention to your wording! " Lin Wan'er came over and revealed her police certificate.

Yes, Lin Wan'er is a policeman, which is what Qian Fanyu has been afraid of.

"Ha ha, I'm kidding." Qian Fanyu realized that he had lost his manners just now, and he changed into a smiling face to make ends meet. However, his eyes were full of malice.

"This fried rice is not delicious. Just taste it. Is it necessary to argue like this?" Lin Wan'er is a little speechless. The two men can quarrel because of this little thing. They are really convinced.

"No, Wan'er, the fried rice with eggs is so bad that it won't be delicious." Qian Fanyu said busily.

"But what does my little black say?" Lin Wan'er points to the little white dog, who has already finished eating, and looks at the crowd.

"This fried rice is just what dogs like to eat..."

In the middle of the speech, Qian Fanyu felt Lin Wan'er's murderous eyes, so he quickly changed his words and said, "no, no, your dog must have a strange taste."

"Cut!" Lin Wan'er knows her dog, but she is very picky about food. She doesn't bother to take a second bite at all.

Today, I went out for a walk with my dog and came here directly. Although the fried rice with eggs is really not good, what Xiao Hei has been thinking about is probably not ordinary.

So he picked up a spoon, filled some, hesitated for a while, then put it into his mouth.

"Come on, Wan'er, why should such a bad thing be more serious?" Qian Fanyu did not forget sarcasm.

And ye Chen is looking at Lin Wan'er expectantly.

Just now erlengzi said that it was delicious. To be honest, he didn't have the bottom in his heart. In fact, he really wanted to know whether the food made by this system was delicious.

Lin Wan'er tasted it slowly and did not speak for a long time.

"Isn't it bad?" Qian Fanyu is waiting for ye Chen to make a fool of himself.

Lin Wan'er put down her spoon and looked at the fried rice. She said, "no, it's delicious!"

Having a look at the bar, there was still a portion, he said, "how much is this fried rice? I'll take the rest!"

Qian Fanyu looks at Lin Wan'er strangely, as if to say that you are teasing me?

How can you say it's delicious?

So he picked up his spoon and put some into his mouth.

It didn't taste as bad as expected. On the contrary, it had a kind of inexplicable taste.

The rice is mixed with the fragrance of scallion, and the half cooked eggs perfectly neutralize the taste of rice and scallion. Qian Fanyu's family is a restaurant, and he has eaten many good things, just like today's delicious things.

He also ate it for the first time.

Just a bite, there is a sense of taste buds explosion, even the body is also comfortable a lot.

He looks unbelievable, this fried rice

Is there such a delicious fried rice with eggs in the world? Although this fried rice looks really bad, but the taste

Qian Fanyu doesn't know how to describe it. It seems that the anchor didn't cheat himself!

On the other hand, after Lin Wan'er paid, she put the fried rice with eggs in front of Xiao Hei.

Although she likes to eat this fried rice with eggs, she loves her little black even more.

Unconsciously, Qian Fanyu's fried rice with eggs was eaten up by himself.

In retrospect, Qian Fanyu remembered the purpose of today.

"The fried rice is just so so." Qian Fanyu deliberately showed an dissatisfaction.

Ye Chen looked at the clean plate on the table, which was more clean than dog licking. He gave him a slant. Is that careless?

If it's delicious, do I have to eat all the dishes?


Ye Chen continues to look at him and wants to know what this guy wants to say.

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