
Tian He looked at the three dishes and frowned. Yechen's dishes didn't look strange in appearance, and the fragrance was also a kind of common dish fragrance, which looked like real home dishes.

"Mr. chongtian, I said that the boss is a liar. If you look at these three dishes, I'm afraid many people in Japan can make them better than him."

"Yes, I don't want to eat any of these things."

Chongtian Jun did not speak, but picked up a piece of Eggplant and put it into his mouth.

Boom, boom~

The soft eggplant made a clear sound in chongtian's mouth. When chongtian chewed, a strong smell of fish emerged.

"Watanabe, Tianhe, don't talk about it. Try it as soon as you can. The cook is so delicious."

Watanabe and Tianhe see the expression of chongtian, look slightly a Leng, also sandwiched the other two kinds of vegetables into his mouth.

Their expressions were the same as those of chongtian. After a few minutes, they ate all the three dishes on the table.

"It's delicious. I bet it's the best potato I've ever had."

"And that eggplant, it's amazing that it can make fish smell."

After Watanabe and Tianhe finished eating, they were full of praise for the three dishes, but chongtian sat still in his chair and didn't say a word.

"Chong Tian Jun, I don't know what you think of these three dishes?"

Chongtian took a deep breath. Although the three dishes are not expensive, they are very ordinary, but the boss here still makes the food so outstanding that we can see the strength of the boss here.

"I've decided that now I'll have a competition with the boss here!"

Chongtian stood up and said aloud.

Around the diners heard, have revealed a smile.

"I haven't heard of it. This little Japan wants to compete with boss Ye."

"Boss Ye is really a God and man. This little Japanese wants to compete after dinner. It's so charming."

Around the diners can't help talking, ye Chen also came out from the kitchen, looking at chongtian said: "you want to compete with me?"

Chongtian nodded and said: "yes, your cooking skills are very exquisite, so I want to have a competition with you. I hope you can agree."

With that, chongtian lowered his head deeply.

Watanabe, on the other side, said with pride, "do you know who chongtian is? Okinawa is the chef of the Yamato hotel in Tokyo, Japan. "

Voice falls down, no matter leaf Chen or the diner around all frowned.

"I don't know what the Daiwa hotel is."

"That is, you asked to compete with boss ye, as if boss Ye was honored to compete with you."


Ye Chen coughed twice, motioned the crowd to be quiet and said, "it's OK to compete, but what do you want to compete with?" With a slight smile, chongtian motioned to Watanabe to open his wooden box, which contained all kinds of kitchen utensils. Chongtian took out his kitchen knife and laughed at yechen, saying: "I'm chongtian Hong. The boss's Dao skill is very powerful, and I'm just good at it. We can have a competition."

Ye Chen nodded, went into the kitchen, took out a kitchen knife and said faintly: "it's OK to compare Dao Gong. How to compare it?"

After thinking about it, Hiro Watanabe said, "we can carve things with the kitchen knife in our hands, which is what you Chinese call carving. As for the food, please give me a radish."

Ye Chen didn't say anything. He took out a radish from the kitchen and handed it to chongtian, but he took out a piece of tofu and put it on the table.

"Damn, boss Ye is not going to carve things on tofu, is he?"

"Looking at the formation, you can guess well. Boss Ye is very powerful. It's much more difficult to carve on tofu than on radish. This little Japan will definitely lose."

"Yes, I dare to compete with boss ye, but I don't want to weigh my weight?"

When he saw the tofu in front of yechen's body, he was also slightly stunned. He put the radish aside, bit his teeth and said, "please give me a piece of tofu, too."

Ye Chen will tofu all two, handed Okinawa Hong.

Hiro okinata looked at the palm of his hand is not yet big tofu, immediately silly.

"So small, does the boss really intend to carve on it?"

Ye Chen nodded and said: "of course, if chongtian Pavilion thinks he can't do it, you can also admit defeat."

Watanabe leaned against Hiro's ear and whispered, "Lord chongtian, you've carved things with tofu before. It's OK to carve some simple things. Let's go first, and then if he can't carve anything better than Lord chongtian, he will lose."

Hiro Okinawa nodded, this is not what won, but a way of competition.

"Sir, how about I carve first?"

Ye Chen raised a hand to say: "at will."

Hiro okinata put the tofu flat on the table, took a deep breath, and looked at the tofu in front of him attentively. The knife in his hand swam on the tofu constantly. The technique seemed casual, but there was an unspeakable proficiency in the blade.

It can be seen that the carving technique of Hiro okinata is extremely good, and the tofu cut is a thin layer.

"This little Japan has some means. I don't know if boss Ye is an opponent?"

"Look at the shredded potatoes cut by boss Ye. It's just like hair. This little Japan is definitely not a rival."

"Even so, is shredded potato the same thing as carving tofu?"

When the diners around saw the sculpture, they began to shake their faith in Ye Chen.

After about ten minutes, Hiroshi okinata put down his knife with relief and said with a smile, "boss, this is our national flower in Japan. It's cherry blossom. It's also the most difficult thing for me to carve. Fortunately, today I'm a little lucky. I carve it successfully. Now it's your boss's turn."

Ye Chen takes a look at the cherry blossom carved with tofu in front of chongtian Hong's body and nods to himself. This cherry blossom is exactly the same as the real cherry blossom in terms of its shape and expression. What's more valuable is that the petals of the cherry blossom carved by chongtian Hong are extremely light and delicate. And the diners around see Hiroshi Watanabe's cherry blossoms, and they can't help worrying about ye Chen.

Ye Chen is holding the kitchen knife in his hand. His eyes are attentive. The kitchen knife in his hand is swimming crazily on the bean curd, and the bean curd slices are as thin as cicada wings, just like snowflakes flying.

"Damn it, boss Ye. Just this speed, I don't know how far away I am from Japan."

"Boss Ye is powerful!"

"Look at the tofu in boss Ye's hand

Someone exclaimed, at this time all the people in the restaurant were looking at the tofu in Ye Chen's hand.

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