No knife, no food?

Host see ye Chen, tears, NIMA, I do a host is not easy, can not do so much?

"This player, please don't disturb other players."

Ye Chen raised his head and showed a smile that he thought was innocent: "I didn't disturb you. I just... Um... Look at this potato. It's very good."

In a minute

"Here, here's the potato."

Next to the players can no longer help, the table potatoes stuffed to Ye Chen.

"Thank you, brother."

Ye Chen is holding potato in hand, walked to next platform again.

"Brother, I think your onion is very round."


Two minutes later

"Here you are. Take the onion and leave."

"Brother, you chicken..."

"I depend on how you talk, what is chicken?"

Ye Chen stood in front of the platform, holding a lot of ingredients in his arms, staring at the chicken that had been skinned in front of him, and said with a smile: "this chicken is very white and tender."

A hand immediately appears in front of the body of leaf Chen, a grasped chicken neck, pulled past.

"I tell you, you can take either of the other things, but don't even think about this chicken."

Ye Chen nodded and said: "don't worry, I don't want anything... I'll have a look."

In three minutes

"I can't stand it any more. I can give you chicken neck. Don't even think about other parts!"

"I told you, I'll take a look. Since the elder brother is generous, I'll take it."

Ye Chen takes chicken neck, holding a pile of ingredients in his arms, and walks to his platform.

Zhang Baichuan, not far from ye Chen, flashed a touch of sarcasm on his face: "the Joker!"

The audience saw that ye Chen could gather up the ingredients in such a way, and took a cold breath one after another.

"Damn it, it's so terrible ~"

"This brother is also a talent."

"I have to admire the size of the brain hole!"


"But now it's almost time. Is this man finished?"

It's been 15 minutes since Ye Chen borrowed the knife and finished all the ingredients. The remaining 15 minutes, if you want to make a dish, it's very difficult.

Ye Chen is holding pencil knife in hand, looking at the food on the table, began to move.

And the feeling that ye Chen gives others is like holding a real kitchen knife in his hand“ This young man has something in his hand. "

"Surely, who will not have some unique skills in this competition?"

Many people's eyes are full of admiration, but more people's eyes are full of strange color.

Ye Chen's technique is sophisticated and gives people the feeling of everyone's gas, but the speed of cutting vegetables, can NIMA hurry up?

Many people look at Ye Chen's speed of cutting vegetables, and there is an awkward feeling in their heart.

"No, I won't. I'm not at home now."

"Me too. It's like swallowing shit."

"Can't see, that kid has magic."

In Ye Chen's eyes, countless scenes seem to become very slow at this moment, even his way of cutting vegetables is clearly visible at this moment.

"Can you hurry up and wait for these things to be cut, the game will be over long ago."

As soon as the words fell, the scene in Ye Chen's eyes changed dramatically in an instant, and the action in his hand also tried to change faster and faster.

"Is this the effect of strengthening the eyes? It's a bit interesting."

Looking at himself as a phantom of the same technique, ye Chen mouth slightly up, and the audience around is a dull face looking at Ye Chen.

"Damn, what kind of technique is it, dividing tendons and bones?"

"No, it's too fast. I can't stare. I feel dizzy."

"This kid feels like he's playing with us. With this speed, how slow did you cut just now?"

In less than a minute, ye Chen had everything ready, and what he was going to do today was the last stir fry in the 18 dragon subduing stir fry - Kang long you regret!

Don't you want fragrance? Do you want to force me?

Brother gives you the whole high-end atmosphere on the grade, let you open your eyes!

Ye Chen took a deep breath, after all the processes were ready, he patted the table fiercely, and the accessories on the table flew in the air.

The iron spoon in Ye Chen's hand waved, the auxiliary materials in the air were all in the iron pot.

Ye Chen a twist gas tank, a fire suddenly rushed to the sky.

"Damn, such a big fire?"

"This kid wants to fire himself?"

"Yes, no one can control this kind of fire."

And ye Lao on the high stage also noticed Ye Chen, and said with a smile: "the young man's idea is very good, but whether the cooking skill can achieve this heat is unknown."

One side of mayor Du's eyes flashed a touch of curiosity, can't help saying: "what do you mean, Mr. Ye?"

Mr. Ye said with a smile: "now there are five minutes left. Obviously, the young man has already felt that there is not enough time, so he took the risk to take this method to make his food quickly reach the required color and flavor. It is difficult to grasp the heat under such a big stir fry." Mayor Du nodded and said, "I know all this, but it's impossible to fry some things like this."

With a smile, Mr. Ye said, "the smartest part of the young man is here. This competition doesn't need to be tasted, so it doesn't matter if it's cooked or not. It just needs the final fragrance and finished product."

One side of the high water also nodded, although this method is risky, but also ye Chen's only way.

Ye Chen carries the pot with his right hand and shakes it with his left hand frequently. Everyone in the audience looks surprised. They can see from the frequency of Ye Chen's shaker that ye Chen shakes the pot four times in two seconds. In other words, every half second, the ingredients in the pot will be stir fried.

Time is only the last three minutes, ye Chen is still stir frying the complementary food, and the staple food duck neck is still lying quietly on the chopping board.

Another minute later, there have been many players to do the dishes, and the chefs around Ye Chen who have been robbed of food materials also look at Ye Chen.

"The boy has some strength. The way to shake the pot is better than many people present."

"There's not enough time. It's a pity to have another two minutes..."

And Zhang Baichuan also made the dishes, see ye Chen is still stir fried, can't help but cold voice said: "let you boy crazy, even the qualifier can't pass, it seems less money to give me things can be done without effort."

At this time, ye Chen put out the fire, stopped stir frying in his hand, picked up the pencil knife again, and quickly scratched on the chicken neck. All they saw was a few chicken crumbs left on the chopping board, and the chicken neck had been thrown into the pot to stir fry.

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