Listen to spring rain all night

"Ye Chen, I admit that your Dao skill is not bad, but a top chef can't do it with only one Dao." Zhang Baichuan made sarcastic remarks.

Ye Chen retorted, "Yo Yo, if you want to ask Master Zhang to say that, if you want to be a top chef, you have to be like master Zhang and not rely on your brain to do it?"


Zhang Baichuan was so angry that he didn't have a spoon to swing directly. He said angrily, "Ye Chen, do you really want to listen to a potato and defeat me?"

"Why not?"

Ye Chen shrugged, no longer pay attention to Zhang Baichuan, he whispered, "today... I'll let you lose to a potato."

Zhang Baichuan sneered. He waved his spoon freely. He put half a spoonful of lard into the pot and heated the oil. He put the sliced fish into the pot. He waved his iron spoon and scattered the fish.

Slowly, the fish in Zhang Baichuan's pot turned milky white, and a delicious smell rose slowly and floated with the wind.

Many audiences, including the host, can't help swallowing their saliva. The ability of a senior chef can be seen here.

"Ye Chen... You must win!"

Lin Wan'er's beautiful eyes in the audience shook and murmured in a low voice.

Overflowing out of the aroma is very attractive, close to the leaf Chen seems not to smell the same, he in front of everyone's face, a tender red pepper in the tap gently washed.

"Play the devil!" Zhang Baichuan glanced at Ye Chen and said coldly.

Ye Chen doesn't care about him at all. His knife is as smooth as a wash. After a while, he cuts the red and gorgeous pepper into neat shredded pepper.

Bai Menghan, as the host, said in a soft voice, "master Ye Chen's Dao skill is really exquisite. He has given us a very wonderful visual feast. Even if we can't taste master Ye's dishes now, just going to see them is still a feast for our eyes."

Zhang Baichuan over there has fished out the Milky fish, drained the oil with a colander, and put it aside first.

After that, he poured the prepared ingredients into the pan and stir fried them in a big fire. The attractive aroma overflowed everywhere. Zhang Baichuan stirred up the pot from time to time, and the red flame rose from his frying pan from time to time, which really made many audiences dazzled

And they all marveled.


With a cry, Zhang Baichuan's assistant immediately handed the prepared plate up, took some white vinegar and put it on the dish. Zhang Baichuan put the fish fillets on the dish, adding the flavor of white vinegar to the fish.

A smell of fresh fragrance rises and spreads all around, causing people to move their fingers and swallow their saliva with blinking eyes.

"That's not the end of it." With a proud smile, Zhang Baichuan enjoyed this kind of eye-catching feeling.

Put the fish head, intestines and even bones that have just been treated into the boiling water in the pot and scald them. After a while, take them out again, drain the water and put them aside.

He scooped up some water and put it into a frying pan. Zhang Baichuan poured the prepared ingredients such as scallion, ginger, bamboo shoots, dried shrimps into the pan and cooked them over high heat.

After a while, the water in the pot began to boil. Zhang Baichuan's eyes brightened. He directly added a spoonful of cooked lard, and the soup in the pot gradually turned milky white“ Hum, I'll give you a taste of my secret sauce. "

Zhang Baichuan said in his heart that he took a small bowl from the chopping board with some unknown black sauces in it. He picked up the spoon and gently put it into the pot. Suddenly, the aroma became stronger, and even the delicious smell began to dance.

Zhang Baichuan's general crossing the bridge is drawing to a close, but ye Chen's food is just the beginning.

"The so-called cook, the craftsman of food materials, the way of eating, not limited to the high and low of food materials, depends on the level of ingenuity..."

Strong murmur, he is retelling the experience of God of food, but also gradually have their own trace of enlightenment.


Ye Chen hit the gas stove, the frying pan on top, eyes clear as water, gently into the rapeseed oil, the temperature of the pot slowly increased.

"Zhang Baichuan, Zhang Baichuan, since you look down on potatoes, I'll let you lose on potatoes today."

Ye Chen whispered to himself.

As soon as ye Chen grabs the chopping board, he grabs the scallion with the kitchen knife in his hand. The light of the knife flickers, and the scallion flakes are flying. They are put into the pot and rolled back and forth in the hot oil. The aroma of scallion suddenly comes to his face.

When ye Chen returns the kitchen knife, he grabs the shredded chili on the chopping board. With a shake of his wrist, the chili in the small bowl flies into the frying pan. Ye Chen grabs the handle of the pan and stir fry it with a frying spoon. Suddenly, the fire rises and the pot is very lively.

The frying spoon is like a dragonfly skimming water. After several times of tinkling back and forth, it hooks all kinds of seasonings into the pot. Ye Chen's eyes flicker and estimates that the heat is almost over. With his left hand, he grabs the potatoes and peach blossoms cut in the small bowl firmly, shakes his wrist and sprinkles them into the pot.

Stir fry back and forth, ye Chen's eyes are like water, feeling the change of ingredients in the pot. He is silent, just like a serious craftsman.

"Ha ha, it's really hot and sour potato shreds!" Zhang Baichuan has finished his general crossing the bridge. Looking at Ye Chen's action, he can't help but feel relieved and sneer without pressure.

His assistant nodded and echoed, "don't force him too much. After all, this boy is just a kitchen boy. It's good to make shredded potatoes."

The rest of the onlookers and the audience all shook their heads and sighed. In their view, the victory of this competition has been divided, and the gap between shredded potatoes and famous dishes is obvious.

Even the host Bai Menghan shook her head with a bitter smile. She said with regret, "although master Ye's knife work is very exquisite, if you want to win the competition with a plate of hot and sour potato silk, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

Lin Wan'er felt a little tight in her heart and could not help holding her breath.

Ye Chen doesn't pay attention to people's thoughts at all. He is immersed in his own world and only has the dishes in front of him.

A faint fragrance slowly wafts out of the pot, which is different from Zhang Baichuan's general crossing the bridge. The fragrance is as light as fog. If you smell it gently, it will be refreshing.

"Listen to the spring rain all night in the small building, sell apricot flowers in the Ming Dynasty in the deep lane..."

Ye Chen slowly raised his head, facing the sky, he whispered poetry, eyes like stars in the sky, bright and deep, no one knows what he thought.


With a wave, ye Chen in the hands of the spoon gently wave, from the pocket to throw out pieces of peach, that is he has already prepared fresh petals. Peach blossom flying, such as rain, such as snow, all over the world.

"This dish... Is called... Xiaolou, listen to the spring rain all night..."

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