Give it a show

"Ah?" All of a sudden, someone screamed, "it seems that ye Lao is crying!"


Yes, sitting behind the judges, ye Lao's eyes closed, but he couldn't stop the tears.

"Listen to the spring rain all night in the small building... Sell apricot flowers in the Ming Dynasty in the deep lane..."

Old Ye choked and murmured the last song of a thousand years, but he was already sobbing.


All the people are stunned, they look at each other, don't understand Ye Lao this is to play which set.

But they feel vaguely that ye Chen's potatoes seem to be higher than Zhang Baichuan's black fish, but how is it possible? It's just potatoes after all!

After a long time, ye laocai gradually calmed down. Looking at the concerned and curious eyes of the people, he shook his head and forced a smile, "sorry, I lost my manners."

On one side, Gao Shuishui hands over the paper towel with eyes and helps Ye dry his tears. Only after that, the chef's leader can be regarded as slowly settling down.

Under the close attention of everyone, ye took a deep breath and even started to announce the result of the competition directly. He spoke softly, with some lingering melancholy in his tone, "this competition, after my judgment, I think..."

"Master Ye Chen's small building is better than listening to the spring rain overnight."

Bai Menghan's voice fell to the ground, and the audience was silent for a moment, but after a while, people began to talk and make noise.

"Isn't that... Wrong?"

"Although Mr. Ye is a leading figure in the field of chefs, and he is very professional in tasting delicious food, this time, he is biased..."

"Yes, it's just a slice of potato. How can it be comparable to a famous dish like general Guoqiao..."

Many Tuos hired by Qian's Restaurant yelled out and expressed their dissatisfaction one after another. Among these people, there happened to be a man wearing a brown windbreaker. It was Qian Fanyu. He looked as ugly as his dead father at the moment. Sitting on the seat, he felt that he was going to explode.

Zhang Baichuan is more black face, silently clenched his fist, he can't believe looking at Ye Lao, chest ups and downs, the heart is like a fire burning, clenching his teeth, Zhang Baichuan to this kind of competition results, in any case, can't accept.

On the contrary, ye Chen's fans all breathed a sigh of relief, one by one overjoyed, clapping, wearing a mask of Lin Wan

Although the son can still keep reserve, but the corners of the mouth and the smile in the beautiful eyes show her excited mood.

"Ye Chen, you really didn't let me down..." Lin Wan'er whispered and said to herself. The water was shining in her eyes. Looking at Ye Chen's figure on the stage, the radian of her mouth rose a little.

Ye Chen, who is wrapped up by all kinds of eyes, just shrugs. It seems that he is not surprised by such a result. He arranges the tableware and looks calm.

"Wait!" Zhang Baichuan stepped forward and looked closely at Bai Menghan. He couldn't help roaring, "are you kidding me? How can I lose to that mouth gun leaf so inexplicably? Besides, ye Lao, the other judges didn't give a score. You directly gave me such a result. I don't accept it!"

Ye Laohe didn't understand Zhang Baichuan's mood. He shook his head, apologized and said sincerely, "Master Zhang, I understand your mood very much. However, from my taste just now, master Ye's cooking skill is really better. If you think other judges can give a more fair judgment, then... You can see what they are like now." All the judges, including Gao Liushui, were all in tears. Just now they cut the four remaining carved flowers on the plate and ate them. Now they are all in tears. They can't speak, but they just keep moaning, "yechen... Huahua... Niubi!"

Zhang Baichuan's eyes are almost staring out, he fell into a rage that can't be calm, growled, "how can it be? How is that possible? Impossible! "

Ye Lao and other judges are still immersed in the lingering charm of the spring rain in the small building all night, and they can't extricate themselves, one by one they don't pay attention to Zhang Baichuan at all.

Zhang Baichuan gritted his teeth, "I don't accept it!"

"It seems that master Zhang is really hard to accept such a ruling." Bai Menghan spat out his little tongue,

That touch of soul stirring pink swept over the red lips, people were fascinated by hook, a few guys even feet soft, bones are crisp.

She deliberately enlivened the atmosphere and said, "Master Zhang may not be in a good state today, but it's the common sense of the strategists to win or lose. Next time we'll have another match."

"Now please take a rest. There are other chefs who want the judges to judge the dishes."

As a program host, Bai Menghan deliberately gives Zhang Baichuan a step down.

Zhang Baichuan waved his hand and said directly, "don't talk! I want to talk to Ye Chen! "

"What do you mean?" Bai Menghan's face is a little cold, no matter who is so fierce collision will also be angry, not to mention has been held in the palm of the white Menghan.

Although Zhang Baichuan knew that he would offend Bai Menghan and those brain powder who regarded Bai Menghan as a goddess, he could not care so much now. He raised his hand to Ye Chen, and Zhang Baichuan cried, "Ye Chen, do you dare to compete with me again?"

Ye Chen curled his lips, and his eyes were full of sarcasm. He said faintly, "it's up to you? How dare you challenge me with your cooking skills? I think you can only make a fish soup, can't you

In three sentences, ye Chen's words are like a sword.

In three words, Zhang Baichuan's every word seems to be cut in his heart.

"You Zhang Baichuan points to Ye Chen, and his whole body is shaking. His eyes are red with blood. For a moment, he doesn't know how to refute.

These three words are just what he said before the competition. Now he is returned in one breath. Although the indifferent sarcastic tone is gentle, Zhang Baichuan feels that his ears are deafened.

"Tut tut." Ye Chen looked at Zhang Baichuan with pity and sneered, "Chef Zhang, what are you shaking? What are you doing? Ha ha, the medicine can't be stopped. "

"Ah Zhang Baichuan roared and rushed to Ye Chen from behind the chopping board!

He was as angry as a fire, and wanted to tear Ye Chen's mouth.

"Ouch, chef Zhang, you look like a mad dog. Don't be impulsive. Come on, show us the real cooking skills and kill a black fish."

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