Thank you, thank you, Luohan

Spell, when for their own constipation and teeth!

"What?" Huang Mao immediately felt that he was despised. He was angry from his heart, and this punch directly used 12 points of strength. He growled, "don't you dare to flash, look for death!"

In Wang Yi's opinion, things suddenly become magical. When Huang Mao used to fight ye Chen, he had closed his eyes and couldn't bear to see it. It seemed that as long as the next moment, ye Chen would be beaten to the ground and couldn't get up.

However, the reality is so funny. Wang Yi sees that ye Chen leans back and easily dodges Huang Mao's inevitable punch. This is not the end. Ye Chen's body shakes and his fist hits Huang Mao's chin like a hammer.


Everyone took a breath, they blinked in disbelief, but just now the arrogant yellow hair, it is so gorgeous and beautiful to fall, gorgeous and beautiful to fall to the ground, gorgeous and beautiful like dog eat excrement.


The sound of the human body falling to the ground was dull and powerful, and everyone felt a tremor, as if yellow hair had not fallen on the floor,

I fell on my heart.

"How can it be?" Xue Fulong was the first to respond. He roared, grabbed a billiard pole, jumped on it, and scolded, "are you kidding?"

Ye Chen felt the boiling power in his body, and the feeling of punching on human flesh just now. Suddenly, the corners of his mouth were slightly grinning and growling, "cool!"


At this time, Xue Fulong's attack has come to the front, the billiard pole is raised high, the head is about to fall.

"Well, you Xue Fulong, I didn't expect to fight. It's your mother's worst attack!" The leaf Chen mouth scolds, but the body doesn't stop, the footstep a side slip, he natural and unrestrained seem to be dancing, easily avoided this stick.

Xue Fulong's billiard pole hit the ground, and immediately broke into two sections, which is enough to see the boy's ruthlessness and strength.

"If you can fall under the powerful force of Hercules Dan, you won't be wronged!"

Ye Chen's step is like a butterfly in a flower. He takes two steps to bully him. His left hand hits Xue Fulong's nose, and his right hand takes out a hook on his heart.

Two punches down, Xue Fulong didn't have time to shout, groaned, and then fell to the ground, covering his stomach, looking miserable and groaning in a low voice.


Ye Chen's performance has not only stunned those young people in society, but also Wang Yi's eyes. He murmured in disbelief, "is he really a roadside stall expert hiding in a small restaurant?"

"Brothers, let's go up together!" In the crowd, there were angry shouts.

"Fuck him!" The others answered, picked up the guy and ran up.

When Wang Yi saw that they had all started, he couldn't stand any longer. Holding the broom, he was going to help.

"Come on!"

When ye Chen sees that twenty or thirty people rush towards him, he feels numb. He's not afraid to fight alone. They're just a bunch of gangsters. However, many ants kill elephants. Even the world champion doesn't dare to fight twenty, let alone himself. But in this situation, there is no possibility of retreat. He clenched his fists and clenched his teeth nervously, ready to fight back to death.


The rolling shutter door of the Internet bar was suddenly pulled open from the outside. The bright sunlight came in, and the eyes of the people were dazzled.

"Don't move, police!"

Hula, directly seven or eight policemen rushed in, among them the leader was a man with a big black face

He was wearing a stiff new police uniform, with sharp eyes, steady steps, and the rank of a second-class superintendent on his shoulder. He was not angry.

"Great!" Wang Yi is overjoyed.

Ye Chen is also a facial expression tiny a loose, if can not desperately of words, that of course is the best result.

"Don't move, hold your head in both hands, squat down!"

The black faced man opened his mouth in a deep voice, and all the policemen behind him rushed to control the situation decisively.

Take away all the billiards poles or fruit knives in the hands of those bad young people. If you dare to show your hair a little, you will be kicking at random.

"Get down!"

Among these policemen, one of the policewomen yelled at a gangster.

The gangster squatted down slowly, but he didn't look the same at all. His arrogant attitude made the policewoman angry. At first sight, it was the kind of hob meat that was often locked in.

In less than half a minute, 25 bad youths were all disarmed. They squatted on the ground one by one, seemingly honest and embarrassed, like radishes planted in the mud one after another. However, they were rebellious and not afraid at all.

"Say you, you... Yes, that's you, squat down!" Policewoman quickly walked to Ye Chen, raised her finger to his nose and yelled.

"Me?" Ye Chen's expression is strange, he stares big eyes, the innocent of full face, "I am a victim, comrade."

"Who's gay with you?" The policewoman grabs Ye Chen and presses him to the ground.

"Ah, you policeman, how can you look like this? It's too much!" Wang Yi jumped up anxiously. He pointed to the policewoman and yelled, "we are all victims. How can you be good or bad?"

"Victims?" The policewoman cold hum, the good-looking cheek has raised a suspicion, "I have not seen the victim can stand well, the suspect falls on the ground actually."

Ye Chen browed and turned his mouth. He knew that the little policewoman with the rank of internship on her shoulder took Zhou Dafu and red hair, who were paralyzed on the ground, as the victims. He gave the policewoman a slant and said quietly, "brain is really a good thing, but it's really not everyone has."

"What did you say?" The tone of practice policewoman is not good, show eyebrow tiny Cu of ask a way.

"Nothing, just for fun. Why? It's against the law to talk? " Ye Chen turns his mouth and doesn't want to talk much.

"Well! You don't agree, do you? Then tell me what happened to these two people lying on the ground. Don't say that you started a scuffle with more than 20 people, and finally injured two people of the other side. Instead, you are the ones who have nothing to do Little policewoman sneered, two pairs of big eyes like black grapes, just like staring at the most cunning criminals. Without waiting for ye Chen to speak, Wang Yi couldn't help laughing. He looked proud and said, "it's all because of what we should do. You don't need to thank. If you want to thank, thank dragon subduing arhat."

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