Let's take a picture

Huang Mao only thinks that ye Chen is so rude that he doesn't make sense. If he tramples on B, then he can't care about his own life.

However, in this situation, Huang Mao really did not have the right to control his own life and death, and even could not take a breath.

"Well, well, what do you want?" Huang Mao really didn't want to experience the pain of suffocation, the pain of heaven and hell repeatedly intertwined, which no one can bear.

Ye Chen sneered and said coldly, "now, I'm the butcher and you're the fish. You'll lie on my cutting board. That's not what I want. It's none of your business?"

"You... Damn you!" Huang Maoqi gnashes his teeth, but he is tied to the chair, can't move half a minute, can only make a meaningless roar.

Ye Chen shook his head indifferently and said, "I hope your neck can be as hard as your mouth, otherwise, I'm afraid you can't hold on for too long."

"What do you want?" Huang Mao just felt that he was about to collapse. He was biting his teeth tightly. He was unwilling to bear the pain of life and death again.

Ye Chen didn't speak and seemed to be thinking.

Huang Mao felt that he had seized the opportunity. He quickly said, "I still have value. Please don't mess with me. By the way, I can help you deal with Feng Tao!"

"Who is Feng Tao?" Ye Chen at present a bright, he faintly had his own guess, hurriedly pursue a way.

Huang Mao licked his cracked lips. He seemed to be afraid of Feng Tao, but now he is even more afraid of Ye Chen. Feeling the pain on his neck, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll tell you who Feng Tao is, but you have to promise to let me go."

"It's my business to let you go or not. It's none of your business." Ye Chen's eyes narrowed and his tone gradually became indifferent.

"In that case, we don't have to talk about it." Huang Mao was choked by these four words and couldn't speak. His heart was horizontal, he made up his mind, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, closed his eyes and began to wait for death.

Ye Chen can see from Huang Mao's performance that Huang Mao is really afraid of Feng Tao. If he can't get freedom from ye Chen after offending Feng Tao, he would rather not take this risk.

"I'm really curious." Ye Chenqi said, "who is Feng Tao? In order not to offend him, you are not afraid to die."

Huang Mao said with a miserable smile, "it's not that I'm not afraid of death, but even if I say something about him, you won't let me go, so why should I?"

Ye Chen thought and said, "OK, if your answer can satisfy me, I can consider letting you go."

"Really?" Huang Mao was in a hurry to prove it.

Ye Chen snorted and said, "now your life is in my hands, why should I cheat you?"

Huang Mao bit his teeth and said slowly, "Feng Tao is the one who sent us to ambush you. He's a big gangster in Dongcheng City, very powerful."

"That's all?" Ye Chen voice a cold, obviously extremely dissatisfied.

Huang Mao shook his head in a hurry and explained, "no, don't hurry, wait for me to finish."

"Feng Tao is too powerful. You can't bear his anger alone. I can help you!" Huang Mao began to speak in a trembling voice, as if he had made up his mind. Ye Chen turns his mouth. He doesn't believe what Huang Mao said. He can even guess that if he let go of Huang Mao, this little gangster will run to Feng Tao for the first time, and will come to his own trouble if he lifts up the rescue soldiers.

However, ye Chen has no good way to deal with it. After all, he is only a cook, an ordinary man, not a bandit who is a big robber and a murderer. It's OK to scare Huang Mao. If you really want to start, you really can't do it.

"Do you know the relationship between Feng Tao and Qian Fanyu?" Ye Chen thought about it and asked Huang Mao.

"Qian Fanyu?" Huang Mao asked, "who is Qian Fanyu?"

Ye Chen frowned. Huang Mao had been tortured by himself. He didn't look like he was pretending. Could it be said that this matter was really just Feng Tao's own meaning, and there was no shadow of Hu's Hotel behind the scenes?


Ye Chen denies this possibility. He has only offended the enemy of Hu's hotel in Dongcheng City, and only Qian Fanyu of Hu's hotel has the ability to mobilize the black forces to ambush himself. Even Liang Bo has no such means.

"How dare you lie to me?" Ye Chen slowly clenched the rope and was about to start.

"No, not really!" Huang Mao almost cried, "heaven and earth conscience, I really didn't cheat you!"

Ye Chen's eyebrows wrinkled more tightly, and he said in his heart that maybe a little horse like Huang Mao can't touch Qian Fanyu and Feng Tao at all.

"Forget it." Ye Chen shakes his head. He doesn't bother Huang Mao any more. He releases the rope in his hand and retreats to one side, frowning and thinking.

Huang Mao breathed a sigh of relief and asked cautiously, "brother, since my answer has satisfied you, can you... Let me go..."

"Let you go?" Ye Chen's brow frowned more tightly, he really can't always tie yellow hair here, but just like this put him, ye Chen obviously won't be reconciled.

After pondering for a moment, ye Chen looks at Huang Mao with a smile and thinks of a good idea.

Although Huang Mao's back is toward Ye Chen, he can't help shivering. He doesn't know why he has some hair in his heart.

"What do you... What do you want?" Yellow hair couldn't help licking his lips, and asked shivering.

Ye Chen came out from behind Huang Mao with a smile. He took out his mobile phone and pressed the power button to turn it on.

Just now, for fear of suddenly calling or making other sounds to expose the target, the mobile phone has been turned off by Ye Chen. Now as soon as ye Chen turns on the mobile phone, a series of prompt tones are ringing.

Ye Chen's eyes jump. Although there are a lot of missed calls, now is not the time to deal with these problems. He first turns on the video function of the mobile phone, and then points the camera at Huang Mao.

"If you say a line with me now, I'll let you go." Ye chendao.

Looking at Ye Chen's bad expression, Huang Mao had a bad premonition in his heart. He asked uneasily, "what lines?"

Ye Chen said with a smile, "Feng Tao, I'm next door to Cao Ni MAHLE!"

"What?" Huang Mao glared at him. He shook his head decisively and cried out in a sharp voice, "impossible?! He'll kill me

Ye Chenyang raised the rope in his hand and said coldly, "do you have any choice?"“ You... You want to kill me Huang Mao's heart has long been greeting Ye Chen's ancestors for 18 generations. He roars hysterically.

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