Wan'er's cousin

On the screen of the mobile phone, there is a letter from a strange number: Yang Ning, things have been done.

"Ha ha ha! The east city is about to change! "

Yang Ning exuberant laughter, his impulse again difficult to suppress, in the girl's scream, Yang Ning extremely excited rushed up, the girl in school uniform pressed on the carpet.

The scene was very chaotic for a time.

Dongcheng railway station has a very large passenger throughput, because it is one of the railway transportation hubs, so the scale of Wujiang railway station is very large.

At the exit of the railway station, ye Chen looks at the crowd coming out of the station. He frowns slightly and says to himself, "so many people, how can I find Wan'er's cousin?"

This morning, Lin Wan'er asked Ye Chen to pick up his cousin at the railway station. After all, ye Chen was in Lin Wan'er's favor. He refused Lin Wan'er's request. Anyway, today's competition will start at 10:30, so ye Chen Ran to the railway station to wait.

"Ding Dong." The mobile phone in his pocket rings. It's a v-note. Ye Chen takes out the mobile phone and looks at it. It's actually a picture from Lin Wan'er.

"Well?" After ye Chen points to open a picture, the eye all involuntarily stares big.

In the picture, an 18-9-year-old girl is holding a black pistol and blowing the muzzle.

A big and fat jungle camouflage suit can't cover the convex and concave figure. She has a wheat skin. When she blinks to take a picture, her whole body is full of youthful energy. It seems that she is going to rush out of the camera. She is wearing double combat boots, showing off her power and is full of wildness.

"What a leopard."

Ye Chen smacked his lips and said, "tut Tut, Wan'er's cousin and Wan'er's gentle little beauty are just two styles of people."

"What? Do you have a problem? " Suddenly, a voice came from ye Chen's face, startled him.

"Ah?" Ye Chen quickly looked up, just saw a pair of amber eyes, this pair of eyes are blinking, blinking looking at himself, seems very curious.

"Are you... Wan'er's cousin?"

The girl standing in front of Ye Chen is very beautiful. There are many similarities between her eyebrows and eyes and Lin Wan'er, but the difference is that she is more wild and energetic than Lin Wan'er.

Ye Chen took a look at the picture on the mobile phone and compared it with the real person. He nodded and exclaimed, "you look better than the picture."

"Hee hee, thank you for your praise." The girl said with a smile, "my name is Han Xiaoxiao. Thank you for coming to pick me up, please."

"No trouble, no trouble." Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "I can't wait to be accompanied by beautiful women."

"Hee hee, you are a good talker." Han Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "it's different from what cousin Wan'er said."

"Oh?" Ye Chen looks at Han Xiaodao suspiciously, "what does Wan'er say about me?"

Han Xiaoxiao looks at Ye Chen with a light smile and says, "cousin Wan'er says you are a fool, a fool and a wood."

"Ah?" Ye Chen opened wide mouth, surprised of say, "can't?"“ Why not? " Han Xiaoxiao looks at Ye Chen with playful eyes, as if he is studying something. He keeps scanning up and down, and says in doubt, "it's strange. According to your frustration, there's no reason to make my cousin Wan'er take heart. She's ugly and short. It's said that she's stupid, tut tut, When did cousin Wan'er's eyes become so close to the people? "

"..." Ye Chen was speechless for a while. He said weakly for half a day, "Hey, when we speak ill of people, can we not speak in person?"

"Huh?" Han Xiaoxiao shook her head. She waved her fist and said with pride, "do you think Miss Ben is the kind of person who speaks ill of others behind her back?"

"Ye", the leaf Chen was choked by Lin Wan's words, and he could not make complaints about it. He said in a low voice, "worse than bad people in front of you."

Han Xiaoxiao slightly widened his eyes and said, "is that right? No one told me? "

"Do you want others to tell you such things? Hey, you speak ill of me face to face. I don't want face. Hey." Ye Chen rolled a white eye to say.

"Oh --" Han Xiaoxiao gave a long voice, "I understand."

"Hey, if you understand, you should apologize. What do you mean by the way you keep looking up and down at me? what? Why are your eyes so disappointed? Why? Is it because I'm not as handsome as you think? Am I ugly? "

Make complaints about the fire make complaints about the fire.

"Hee hee." Han Xiaoxiao chuckled. She pointed to Ye Chen and said with a smile, "you are so funny."

"..." Ye Chen lowered his head and murmured, "interesting is not used to describe a person..."

"All right." Han Xiaoxiao waved his hand and said, "don't cry and lose your face. It's a look of resentment. Let's go and take my sister to play around. It's my treat. I'll show you B and fly with you."

"OK... But better hurry up. There's business to do today."

Although Ye Chen is beaten to pieces by this little beauty, she has no confidence in her beauty, but Han Xiaoxiao is Lin Wan'er's cousin after all, so she should accompany her in love and reason.

Using the mobile phone as a small mirror to look at his face, ye Chen pinched his high nose and said in a low voice, "it's not ugly. It's very handsome. It's so handsome."

"Hee hee, self consolation can't change the fact."

Although Ye Chen's voice is very low, it is still heard by Han Xiaoxiao. She covers her small mouth and says with a smile.


Ye Chen's little self-confidence is broken up again. He vows in his heart that he will go to the system later to find out if there is any diet formula that can make him handsome. He will make him the most handsome man in the universe. I don't know who dares to say that Laozi is ugly.

"Brother Tao." In front of the sofa in a living room, yellow hair with a frightened face knelt there, shaking all over him endlessly, shaking all over with fear.

Feng Tao was sitting on the sofa, with four men in black shirts standing on the left and right. He was staring at Huang Mao and did not speak. He just smoked.

"Gulu." Huang Mao swallowed his saliva and carefully explained, "that... Ye Chen is not an ordinary person. Xue Fulong and I can't beat him. He..." "shut up." Feng Tao hummed coldly, "just because you and Xue Fulong have less than five combat effectiveness, two people tied together can't make up more than one person's combat effectiveness. If you lose, you lose. How can there be so much nonsense?"

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