A seemingly ridiculous bet

At the top of the seven story Pagoda in the mountain worship temple in Dongcheng City, ye Chen leans on the pillar, panting and sweating, while Han Xiaoxiao stands in front of the railing and looks at it leisurely.

"This little girl's physical strength is OK. If I hadn't eaten Hercules Dan, my physical strength is not what it used to be. I can't keep up with her. I didn't take a car and walked all the way. It's really good endurance." Ye Chen's heart murmurs a burst of distress.

Suddenly, the wind came up.

There is a breeze in the distance, mixed with a touch of peach blossom sweetness. Ye Chen takes a deep breath of the breeze, and his spirit is suddenly shaken. He looks up at Han Xiaoxiao, and suddenly the whole person is stunned.

The light wind blows Han Xiaojiao's clothes and her hair on her forehead. Her eyes are like a pool of spring water. With the oncoming breeze, there are subtle ripples.

"You... Love the scenery?" Ye Chen walks to Han Xiaowei and asks softly.

His voice is so light that people can't hear him clearly, and ye Chen doesn't know how to do it. He's afraid that his voice will disturb the other party, and he's even more afraid that he will break this quiet beauty.

"Not either." Han Xiaoxiao murmured, "it's just that the world is too noisy. Only when I am immersed in the wind can I be quiet for a while."

Ye Chen scratched his head and looked blankly at Han Xiaodao, "I don't quite understand."

"Is this pagoda high?" Han Xiaoxiao suddenly asked.

"Well, it's quite high." Ye Chen rubs chin and says so.

"When standing at the bottom of the tower, can you understand the feeling of standing at the top of the tower?" Han Xiaodao.

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully and said, "Oh, I seem to understand."

"Do you really understand?" Han Xiaoxiao looks at Ye Chen, and his eyes twinkle with banter.

"I..." Ye Chen in the heart a tight, in the Han small gaze, he a time unexpectedly dare not confirm.

"Not all roads can go through. Some people are born in the same way, and they can't get to the starting point of some people at the end. For example, you and my cousin Wan'er." Han Xiaoxiao's eyes sank down, and his face gradually became serious.

Ye Chen is cool in the heart, he just knows what Han Xiaoxiao means, this is to despise oneself position is low, don't deserve Lin Wan son.

If one day ago, when he didn't get this magical God of food system, even if Lin Wan'er had any good feelings for him, ye Chen really didn't dare to think about the deep level relationship, let alone talk about the development.

No, if it wasn't for her systematic blessing, Lin Wan'er would not have any intersection with her!

After all, at that time, I was just a poor loser, but now, I have been reborn, and the system is in hand

All over the world I have. This little girl dares to look down upon herself like this. Hum, I can't bear it.

"Miss Han." Ye Chen looked at Han Xiaoxiao, his eyes like iron, said word by word, "my road, at my feet, even if my starting point is hell, I am confident that step by step to the sky, as you said, not all roads can go through, but, I want to say is, I will use a hundred ways to open the impassable road."

Han Xiaoxiao is surprised. He is stared at by Ye Chen's eyes. He is just like facing a mountain. He is short of breath and has a kind of oppressive feeling“ You... You don't understand. " Han Xiaoqi hem put down a word, quickly turned his head to avoid Ye Chen's eyes.

"Hum." Bear the feeling of being looked down upon, ye Chen's in the heart which may be cool, he also ignore what gentleman psychology, hum a say, "yes, I don't understand, I don't need to understand."

"Ye Chen, between some people and others, the gap is a natural moat!" Han Xiaoxiao see ye Chen such reaction, immediately in the heart more uncomfortable, she cold hum way, "what you think is really too simple, childish ridiculous."

As soon as ye Chen put his head, he didn't look at Han Xiaoxiao. He said with a smile, "ha, Miss Han, it's just a natural moat. As long as it's not the distance between life and death, I really don't pay attention to Ye Chen."

I'm afraid it's not complicated to climb to the top level of the world with my own God of food system.

"You're not afraid to talk big." Han Xiaoxiao obviously doesn't believe it. He looks like you are bragging about B.

Ye Chen suddenly laughs. He looks at Han Xiaodao jokingly, "Miss Han, do we want to make a bet?"

Han Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "bet? What do you want to bet on? "

"Just bet on my way. One day, you can only look up to my way. Do you believe it?" Ye Chen looks at Han Xiaoxiao with solemn and serious tone.

"Hiss." Han Xiaoxiao shook his head and sneered, "you really don't understand. The distance between us can't be made up by one or two heroic words."

"Make it up?" Ye Chen also shook his head and said, "I don't need to make up for it. For three years at most, I will leave you far behind, for nothing else, just for you now. I can't look up to you."

"Well, I wish you good luck." Han Xiaoxiao doesn't seem to take ye Chen's words to heart at all. In her opinion, a chef who cooks in the back kitchen of a fast food restaurant is destined to stay at the bottom of the well all his life. How can he compare with himself and talk more about surpassing himself.

"What are you betting on?" Ye Chen Mou son inside pure light one Shan way.

"What are you going to bet on?" Han Xiaoxiao looks at Ye Chen and says coldly.

"If I win, I want you to promise me a request." Ye Chen light way.

"What requirements?" Han Xiaoxiao asked.

Ye Chen rubbed his nose and said, "I haven't thought about it yet, but if I lose, I can promise you anything."

Han Xiaoxiao frowned. She thought about it. She didn't think she could lose anyway. She nodded and said, "OK, I promise you."

"It's a deal." Ye Chen indifferent way.

Han small not to be outdone clenched small fist, looking at Ye Chen way, "I just won't lose to you."

"Ha ha." Ye Chen says with a smile, "that I also wish you good luck."

This seemingly joking agreement on the seven storey pagoda has changed the lives of these two people. Of course, this is a later story, which none of them thought of.

When ye Chen and Han Xiaoxiao returned to Mingyue villa, the residential area of the Lin family in Dongcheng City, it was more than nine o'clock in the morning.

Until they arrived at Lin Wan'er's home, they were still sitting on one chair and the other on the sofa. They were very angry and ignored each other.

"You are..." Lin Wan'er looks at Ye Chen and Han Xiaoxiao, she looks at them with inquiring eyes.

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