Great Country Academician

Chapter 628 Xinghai! set sail!

In the early morning, at the Jinling Space Base.

When the sky dawned, everyone in the base had already gotten up from their beds.

The usual routine of washing up became a bit heart-pounding today, and everyone couldn't help but speed up the process.

It's less than seven o'clock, and there are still more than two hours before the first official flight of the Xinghai, but all the staff in the base have already entered their work stations, and everyone is busy in an nervous and orderly manner. .

After a brief work report, Xu Chuan issued the order to set sail in the general control center.

In the assembly center not far away, facing the rising sun in the east, in the center of the empty launch site, a large space shuttle was slowly leaving the factory building under the drag of traction equipment, heading towards the spacious runway. go.

In the general control center, Xu Chuan stood in front of the command podium, side by side with Academician Chang Huaxiang, watching the Xinghai slowly driving on the taxiway through the video transmitted from the surveillance screen.

In the base, media reporters arranged by CTV and the Jinling Municipal Government quickly clicked the shutter to save this precious moment.

A short but long time passed, and the Xinghai, which was guided to the spacious runway by a tractor, stopped moving. Engineers and technicians who were already waiting there quickly came forward with various equipment to conduct a final inspection on it.

Standing in the center of the main control room, after trying the headset, Xu Chuan spoke clearly and forcefully: "Each unit and each team reported on their work status."

[The work of the aerospace control team has been completed, and the relevant cleaning work of the take-off orbit has been completed! 】

[The supercomputing team is ready, and the ballistic data has been verified! 】

[The communication system team is ready. The current communication with Xinghai remains stable and can be switched to the backup channel at any time! 】


[The flight control team is ready, the current flight control system is in good condition and can be started at any time! 】


Report after report sounded in my ears, with excitement, suppressed excitement and trembling.

Everyone knows what their work today represents.

Standing in the main control room, Xu Chuan listened carefully to the reports one by one until the last group gave feedback.

[The inspection team’s work is completed! Xinghai is currently ready! 】

After reconfirming that all preparations had continued, Xu Chuan stood in front of the console and issued new instructions without hesitation:

"Please pay attention to all units and teams! According to the plan, the maiden voyage will be launched in an orderly manner!"




Following the reports, the Xinghai, standing on the spacious runway in the distance, gradually woke up from its slumber.

The small reactor placed in the core cabin was the first to start operation. A plasma iris as bright as the Milky Way was running at high speed. The energy born from fusion was guided out and led to the magnetic fluid generator to quickly convert it into huge electrical energy. Supplied to all parts of the space shuttle.

With the injection of huge electric energy, the aerospace engine deployed at the tail of the Xinghai played its own music, and a low hum quickly spread from the tail of the space shuttle.

At this moment, the compressor used to collect air as a working fluid is also running rapidly. The continuous atmosphere is purified and purified, and then sent to the ionization chamber to be ionized by huge heat into high-temperature plasma that emits light and heat.

Immediately, these high-temperature plasmas were sent to the spiral accelerating magnetic field in an orderly manner under the constraints of the magnetic field.

The huge spiral magnetic field formed by the improved superconductor structure will accelerate these high-temperature ions to an extremely exaggerated speed and eject them. The huge reverse thrust formed can drive the space shuttle to complete its mission.

At this moment, at the tail of Xinghai, a light red cone-shaped tail flame appeared behind each vector propulsion unit, and then merged into one, forming a narrow red-purple flame.

This is the high temperature flame color of nitrogen ions and oxygen ions.

It also means that the plasma working medium is accelerated to a speed that is far beyond the reach of a conventional power system.

Of course, the power it starts up is still very low, and the thrust generated is still very weak, which is not enough to push this huge space shuttle.

After all, Xu Chuan still needs it to stay on the runway for a short time, waiting for the final moment to come.

[The aerospace engine is operating normally, current power is 1.7%! 】

[The fusion reactor is operating normally, and the current output power is 0.63%! 】

[The working fluid compressor is running well. The current working fluid can satisfy the operation of the Xinghai. The spare working fluid is in storage! 】

[Intelligent flight control system is ready! 】


Reports one by one were quickly passed to the control center after the Xinghai was started. Finally, after a short but long time, they ushered in the final step.

Standing in front of the main console, Xu Chuan glanced at the time, then at Academician Chang Huaxiang standing next to him, and asked with a smile: "Want to come together?"

Academician Chang Huaxiang took a deep breath and looked at the Xinghai on the monitoring screen: "It's enough for you to come!"

He was already very satisfied to see the space shuttle completed in his own hands, and this moment worthy of being remembered by history was even more worthwhile for this young scholar.

Xu Chuan no longer gave in. He nodded, took a deep breath, and glanced around the crowd in the control center.

There, everyone's eyes met with his, full of expectation and excitement.

From the start of the aerospace industry in 1956 to the launch of the first artificial earth satellite in 1970, a full sixty-seven years have passed.

Half a century has witnessed the efforts of generations after generations. And now, the opportunity to change aerospace and the entire world has arrived!

The endless sea of ​​stars is right in front of you. Push it away and you will find the deep and distant universe!

Standing in front of the main console, looking at the buttons in front of him, Xu Chuan took a deep breath again and spoke with a slightly trembling voice.

"Everyone, I am honored to stand here with you today and witness the miracle of history."

"No matter what the future holds, no matter today's results, we will go down in history!"

The two short sentences, with a little trembling, made everyone hold their breath involuntarily, and their eyes focused on the figure in front of the main console.

Xu Chuan did not hesitate and gave the order!

"Xinghai, set sail!"

As the order was issued, under the control of the supercomputing center and the onboard supercomputer, the output power of the small reactor increased rapidly. Energy as majestic as the sea poured out of the small fusion reactor and turned into the driving force that propelled the space shuttle forward.

The purple-red tail flame continued to lengthen, and a short time passed. The Xinghai, which stayed on the wide and straight runway, began to move forward.

The huge fuselage carries the mission and continues to accelerate forward, and the speed becomes faster and faster.

When the fuselage was halfway across the long and narrow runway, under the control of the intelligent flight control system, the rapidly forward nose of the aircraft was slightly raised, and its front wheels were already off the ground.

Like a meteor rising against the sky, dragging the red and purple stars away, the Xinghai carries Xu Chuan's dream, the country of China, and mankind's look up to the sea of ​​stars in the universe, and sets sail towards the blue sky.

Watching it go away, whether it was the engineers or technicians standing far away from the base runway, or the crowd in the control center, at this moment, they all burst into the most violent cheers, and everyone was celebrating and hugging each other. and venting the excitement and excitement in his heart.

Listening to the deafening cheers and looking at the space shuttle that had submerged into the blue white clouds on the monitoring screen, Xu Chuan also had a bright smile on his face.

He succeeded!

Although it was only the first voyage, even though the mission of the Xinghai had just begun, just like the Xinghai that traveled far away, he also successfully jumped into the blue sky of his own.

On the side, standing in front of the main console, standing next to Xu Chuan, looking at the Xinghai that had taken off, at some point, Academician Chang Huaxiang's face was filled with tears.

Project 863 is an important project that he has participated in, and it is also the place where his mentor's dream came into play.

Although the space shuttle-related plans were eventually rejected, China's aerospace development has not been interrupted. Dongfanghong 1, Shenzhou 1, Shenzhou 5, Beidou Satellite Navigation System, Tiangong 1, and Chang'e Project.

A series of achievements have confirmed China's surging development in the aerospace field. Today, the space shuttle project that was rejected at the beginning has set off again, heading towards the coveted space flight.

The materials and techniques summarized and designed by his teacher have already taken to the sky forty years later.

The only regret is that his mentor could not see this scene.

However, I believe that his teacher has a spirit in heaven and is watching this scene with a smile.

PS: There will be more in the afternoon, maybe one or two. Please ask for a monthly pass during the double period!

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