Great Dao Ji

Chapter 60 Sitting in meditation? Eternal enlightenment? Transcendence? Attainment?


An Qisheng was startled.

He naturally knew that these sages and great masters no longer existed, but there seemed to be something different in Xue Zheng's words.

"Teacher has been pursuing the path of the sages for these years."

Jing Xiaolou glanced at An Qisheng and explained:

"According to the teacher, those great masters who left their names in history have most likely crossed that threshold."

"Mr. Gu divided the practice of Kung Fu into six steps: light, dark, Hua, Dan, Gang, and Shen. These six steps are already the limit of human beings. Taking half a step forward is already as difficult as climbing to the sky. There is no evidence that anyone has actually crossed it. That threshold.”

The old man picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said slowly:

"After I met God, I searched many classics and tried to figure out the realm of the sages. Finally, I thought that those few had really crossed that threshold."

"Seeing God above?"

An Qisheng's eyes flashed.

From Taoist Juechen, Mu Longcheng to Xue Zheng, these great masters of seeing the gods all seem to be pursuing a path forward that they don’t know exists.

Just like when he was suffering from terminal illness.

After thinking about it, An Qisheng said: "Grand Master, I saw Mu Longcheng fighting Taoist Priest Juechen at the Golden Summit of Wudang Mountain a few months ago. Mu Longcheng seems to have seen the way forward."

"Brother Juechen once told me about this matter. It is not surprising. The sages could take that step. Today, our conditions are a thousand times better than those of our predecessors. Sooner or later, someone will take the seventh step above the six realms." territory."

Xue Zheng nodded, his expression unchanged:

"Unfortunately, that step may not be as beautiful as imagined."

"How do you say that?"

An Qisheng was slightly startled.

"Kung Fu practice, self-lighting, darkness, transformation, and reaching the elixir realm. This process is not only the progress of martial arts skills, but also the improvement of the human body's limits and the elevation of the level of life. Once the elixir realm is completed, it is perfect and perfect, and the physical and mental strength increase day by day. , God is further raising the limit.”

Xue Zheng put down the tea cup and said lightly:

"After meeting God, I realized that everything in the legend that later generations considered as delusions could be realized, such as Bodhidharma crossing the river with a reed, Sakyamuni throwing an elephant, and Zhang Sanfeng's white hair turning into blue silk."

"Teacher, the allusion of Sakyamuni throwing an elephant comes from the Buddhist scriptures. It is said that when Sakyamuni was a prince in the past, he worshiped the Buddha but was blocked by a giant elephant. He lifted the elephant's trunk and threw it up, and it fell after three days. This is really not something that humans can do. ”

Jing Xiaolou couldn't help it.

He believed that he could cross the river with a reed and have white hair and blue hair, but this was too much.

It sets in three days. Is it likely that it was thrown into outer space?


Xue Zheng coughed lightly, his old face a little confused: "Even if it is a little exaggerated, it doesn't hurt."

"You continue."

An Qisheng was amused in his heart, but he said something very calmly on his face.

"The things in the legend, whether true or false, have nothing to do with what I want to say, so it's okay not to say them."

The old man glared at his disciple, coughed slightly and said:

"Power doesn't come out of thin air. Gods are also flesh and mortals, not immortals. But if you don't eat for a week or a month, you still have to eat, and you eat a lot more than ordinary people.

Fuso has military grain pills, Daxuan has Bigu Pills, and Golden Eagle has super nutrient solution. To ordinary people, these are like tiger and wolf medicines, as poisonous as lead and mercury. To warriors above the Dan realm, they can only be said to be snacks. rations.

The stronger the physical strength, the greater the resources required. "

"What do you mean"

An Qisheng had a vague guess.

"I am sitting quietly now. If I eat seven Bigu Pills in the army in one day, it would be equivalent to an ox if I exchange it for meat! It is still better not to take action. If we fight the enemy fiercely, the energy consumption will be even greater!"

Xue Zheng said and couldn't help but smile:

"It is said in the classics that Master Chen Tuan slept soundly all day long and slept for hundreds of years. It is said that he practiced the method of enlightenment in dreams. In my opinion, it may be because he was hungry and slept to reduce consumption."

"Teacher, if you sleep for a hundred years, Master Chen Tuan may still be in Huashan today. Why don't you visit me?"

Jing Xiaolou pointed out the mistakes in his teacher's words without mercy.

"You are the only one who talks a lot."

The old man glared.

"You mean to say that once you break through the seventh realm and don't get replenishment, you will starve to death?"

An Qisheng finally understood what the old man wanted to say.

Co-author, in this opinion, these legendary sages all starved to death?

The higher your level, the less likely you are to take action. Is it because you can't make ends meet, rather than because you have the bearing of a master?

"That's what I meant."

The old man nodded his head and pointed out the flaw in his words:

"It's not nice to starve to death. You should talk about transformation, transformation, detachment, and enlightenment."


An Qisheng was speechless.

It is beyond imagination that these lofty words are equated with starvation.

However, it seems not unreasonable.

Strength does not arise out of thin air. The stronger the physical strength, the more nutritional support is needed.

After all, humans cannot absorb energy such as electricity, and digestion relies solely on the internal organs.

Hua Hua Hua~~~

The blue waves are surging, and the Fuso ocean-going whaler "Nichixin Maru" rises and falls in the waves.

Look closer.

The sea area where the Rixin Maru was located was surrounded by scarlet red, and the water was dyed red with blood.

The lower body of a light blue behemoth was slowly lifted onto the whaling ship under the pull of several huge mechanical arms.

There was a fishy smell on the deck, and the flowing blood dyed Kimura Minoru's trousers red.

Seeing the half-body corpse of the largest creature on Xuanxing, an indescribable feeling filled Kimura Minoru's heart.

“Finally I can go home”

Kimura Minoru sighed.

He is a sailor at the Rixin Maru. He only works for half a year from July to the end of December. The salary is very high, but he does not like this kind of work.

"This big guy was a little strange. He didn't resist or scream. If it hadn't sunk to the bottom of the sea, I would have thought it was dead."

The old sailor skillfully operated the instrument and whispered to Kimura Minoru:

"Ready to cut."

He likes this young man very much. He is handsome and hard-working. What's more rare is that he is not very smart.


Kimura Minoru answered respectfully.

Of course, ocean salvage cannot bring back the whole whale. It is usually cut up at sea, frozen and taken away.

On the Rixin Maru, many sailors were busy and various machines were in action.

Slowly and skillfully, the half body was decomposed.


Pieces of whale meat fell on the deck, and the sailors used their hands and feet to push the pieces of whale meat toward the icehouse.

"It stinks!"

Kimura Minoru's face turned green. It was his turn to eat the whale's stomach.

A whale is a treasure, and its internal organs cannot be thrown away.


In a damp, greasy, fishy stomach full of remains and minced meat, a man whose appearance could not be seen slowly opened his eyes and said in a low voice:

"It's these damn bastards again. This isn't the first time. It's not the first time."

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