Great Dao Ji

Chapter 617 Howling Moon Greedy Wolf

"Who is He?"

The three-hearted blue spirit boy was even more confused, and felt that he could not see through this 'Monster' more and more.

In human terms, he was becoming more and more 'inscrutable'.


An Qisheng pointed to the top of his head.

In the midst of the response, it was a startling glimpse. What was destroyed was not only all living things, but also the universe returning to the abyss, and the world was annihilated.

This was no hindrance to the universe, but it was a loss to the 'will of heaven'.

Mountains, rivers, sun, moon, stars, celestial bodies, all living things, are originally part of the 'will of heaven'.

The will of heaven in the human world is an ignorant instinct. In order to save itself, it would not hesitate to destroy the world to prevent the invasion of external spiritual energy, but the will of heaven in this world does not have to destroy the world.


The three-hearted blue spirit boy was stunned at first, and then reacted, a little shocked: "Mr. Monster, you, you said 'heaven'? You, you want to talk to 'heaven'?"

What is heaven, of course it knows.

Because it is the son of God's will, and their three spiritual children are the chosen ones born from God's will.

It is the royal family among them.

If the three hearts are still there, it can grow to the level of "spokesperson for God's will" like its ancestors.

But, God's will is high and difficult to ask.

Whether you want to go against God, follow God, intercept God, explain God, or replace God, God is always the same, high and far away and cannot be peeped.

How can people talk to God?

"Why not?"

An Qisheng walked steadily without any pause.

What happened in the future, he didn't know at this time, but whether the trouble came from inside or outside the world, from the corner of the scroll he saw.

It's not a good thing for "Heaven".

Therefore, he can naturally talk to "Heaven".

"But how does Heaven communicate?"

The blue-skinned little monster trembled a little.

God's will is not a living being. In a sense, He is a combination of all information and data in the universe of heaven and earth, without intelligence, only instinct.

How to communicate with him, let alone find him?

You know, the sky is everywhere, but it is invisible and there is no way to find it.

Even the sages of the Three Spiritual Children Clan recorded in the inheritance can only find and sense the existence of "sky" after becoming the "spokesperson of heaven's will".

"There is always a way."

An Qisheng looked calm.

He gained a lot from the three hundred years of entanglement with the will of heaven in the human world. This gain is not only the transformation of the will of God, but also the understanding of the will of heaven.

He has some confidence in things that are almost impossible for ordinary people.

However, he does not know what state the will of heaven in this world is in, whether it is revived or silent, complete or incomplete, so he will not easily expose it to the will of heaven.

The will of heaven in any world is not friendly to outsiders, even if this world seems to be involved with the world like Jiufu World and has the so-called "Heaven Gate".

It cannot be taken lightly either.

Even more careful, even, if you want to see, you can't go to see it yourself.

Having the same purpose does not necessarily mean that you can live in peace.

"Mr. Monster, you"

The three-hearted blue spirit boy shrank his head, and for some reason, he felt a little scared.

"Go back."

An Qisheng's eyes moved, and the three-hearted blue spirit boy had already returned to the cave involuntarily.

It had too many misunderstandings, but An Qisheng didn't seem to have the idea of ​​explaining it at all, so he could only fall into the cave in a depressed mood.

In the cave, the stars were bright, and the starlight was getting stronger and stronger.

In the cave of Qianshan, the growing farmers were busy, reclaiming spiritual fields, watering spiritual plants, and expanding and nourishing the cave.

"God's will"

An Qisheng's eyes were dim.

The world was peeled off in his eyes, and many subtle qi appeared that were so subtle that even the cave power and the soul of the powerful vacuum shatterer could not perceive it.

Countless kinds of qi, countless tiny and subtle things make up everything between heaven and earth.

This is the perspective of ‘God’s will’.

To find ‘God’, one cannot naturally look at it from the perspective of ‘man’.

It’s just that this Wanyang Realm is much larger than the human world. Even with his divine will, it is not possible to find what he wants overnight.

This official road is called an official road, but in fact it is just a relatively flat yellow land without too many weeds.

Only when you get close to the city, there are relatively flat stone slabs.

This city is not big, it can only accommodate about 200,000 to 300,000 people. The city walls are mottled, and moss grows in some places.

Outside the city gate, there are some large and small villages.

It’s not far from the city, but a moat separates the two. It’s just a river, like two worlds.

The city is a bit old, and the guards are also a bit lazy, but at least they have armor, and the pedestrians in and out are also bright and beautiful.

However, the many villages across the river were smelly and messy, and the villagers were so dirty that they seemed to have never taken a bath since they were born.

Their hair was so messy that it was not as smooth as the fur of some wild dogs.

These places were more like slums than villages, and they were inhabited by people who were attracted by the "night fragrance" of the people in the city and did many messy jobs.


A half-grown black dog was barking and confronting a dirty child.

The child was about five or six years old, skinny, ragged, and his face was covered with mud.

At this time, he was holding a piece of unknown food tightly in his arms, staring at the black dog with green eyes that had been hungry for a long time with a more vicious look.

"Hit it! Hit it!"

"Hit it! Tiezhu, hit it! Kill this black dog!"

"Hit it! Kill it!"

Not far away, more than a dozen children of similar age, no older than twelve or thirteen years old, and no younger than six or seven years old, were waving wooden sticks and shouting with their arms.

Far away, there were adults lying on the side of the road and in the grass, with numb faces and dull eyes.

Their eyes were dull, and only when they occasionally saw pedestrians and merchants in clean and bright clothes on the official road, did they flash a little spirit.


The shouting around aroused the ferocity of the wild dog, and it let out a shout and pounced on it fiercely.

The child was thrown to the ground, and blood immediately flowed from the place where he was grabbed, but he was very fierce and stubborn, gritting his teeth and punching back without saying a word.

Even opened his mouth to bite.

The man and the dog fought fiercely.

It also inspired the children watching to cheer loudly.

"When the wind and clouds gather, the momentum is vigorous, and there is indeed a harvest"

An Qisheng stood quietly by the road.

Qiyun does not mean that fate is predetermined, but the subtle changes between heaven and earth and the universe.

Or it can be said that it is the most subtle operation of heaven and earth.

From the changes of the four seasons and the movement of the stars to the birth and death of the celestial bodies in the universe, the origin, evolution, and end of the universe.

They did not happen suddenly, but the accumulation of subtle changes and external manifestation.

The so-called prosperity and silence of great fortune are not sudden prosperity or silence in one day, just like the changes of the four seasons, which are also accumulated bit by bit, rather than suddenly ushering in the rotation of the four poles one day.

For An Qisheng, it is that when the qi gathers, it flourishes, which is the "yang" side of the universe, and when the qi disperses, it is quiet, which is the "yin" side of the universe.

Gathering and dispersing, flourishing and stagnating, are exactly the principles of yin and yang, and the meaning of Tai Chi.

And the so-called born in response to the times, it does mean that it is by chance.

Well, reincarnation is also a technical job.

Ripples appeared in his heart, but there was no change on An Qisheng's face. He just looked at the man and the dog fighting in a ball.


After a fight, the half-grown black dog overwhelmed the child, but there was a hint of hesitation in its eyes, and it did not bite off the child's neck.

Instead, it barked and snatched the unknown food that fell to the ground like a mud ball.

"It's going to run!"

"Stop it!"

Now, all the other children shouted, waving sticks and stones to chase the half-grown black dog.

But the black dog rushed left and right, rolled in the dust, and soon disappeared on the spot.

"This dog is very perceptive."

An Qisheng could see that the black dog was not without the intention to hurt people, but was afraid that killing the child would attract the siege of nearby people.

Of course, it could also be for food.

The human race in Dongzhou, and even in Jiuzhou, will not lack food. There is no other reason, the vitality of this land is too strong.

Except for the spiritual fields, the growth of many other grain crops will not be much slower than weeds. There is even no need to cultivate the land. Just sow the seeds and leave them alone to harvest.

Even many wild fruits are available in all seasons, and no one will compete with them, because monks do not eat incense in the world, and many dignitaries will only pursue spiritual rice and spiritual fruits.

Without fighting above, the people below can be self-sufficient, but that's all.

The half-grown black dog seemed to have been born not too long ago. It looked big, but it was actually very weak. It was far away from the crowd and had no ability to survive in the jungle.


As soon as it left the crowd, the black dog's speed increased dramatically, shuttling through the grass and running away.

It took half an hour for the black dog to stop outside a small cave.

This is a mountain forest that is not too big or small. Because it is too close to the city and there is a spiritual field not too far away, the dangerous beasts, demons, and spiritual beasts have long been killed by the disciples of the Destroying Love Dao stationed in the spiritual field.

"Woo woo~"

The black dog was barking at the entrance of the cave, and soon, several puppies ran out.

They circled around the black dog and nibbled on the unknown food that the black dog had chewed.

An Qisheng stood silently not far away, looking at the dogs slightly.

The purpose of his coming here was to fall on the half-grown black dog.

This great state of mankind, the dynasty of mankind, the gathering of wind and clouds, the condensation of momentum, and the one who will flourish in the future is actually a dog.


A ripple appeared in the depths of An Qisheng's eyes:

[Consume 5,500 points of Dao Power]

[Taiyin Tanlang (1/4365)]

[Original trajectory 1: Born in Wanyang Realm, Dongzhou, under the jurisdiction of Mieqing Dao, as a wild dog of the Sky Eagle Dynasty, almost picked up and cooked on the day of birth

Its intelligence was awakened early, and it cultivated into a demon in the heartland of the human race. Because of its childhood experience, it hated humans very much. When it devoured human cities, it was captured by Mieqing Dao. Because its bloodline was revived, it was suppressed in the gate of Mieqing Dao as a beast for blood collection and alchemy

When it was in grief and indignation, Xiaoyue turned into a wolf, devoured tens of thousands of cultivators at the gate of Mieqing Dao, escaped from the Monster State, and cultivated into a great demon

After the great changes in the world, it became a king. On the day of becoming a king, it was shot to death on the top of Tanlang Mountain by a galaxy arrow shot from the depths of the starry sky]

[Bloodline: Xiaoyue Tanlang]

[Fate: Greedy Wolf! This fate prefers movement to stillness. When stillness occurs, disasters will follow. When movement occurs, blessings will come. This fate will lead to a life of drifting, ups and downs. After a big rise, there will be a big fall. After a big fall, it will rise again.]

A great demon with the qualifications to become a king, and with a good fate and bloodline, the amount of Dao power consumed is only 500 less than that of Yuan Duxiu.

"Howling Moon Greedy Wolf."

An Qisheng's heart moved slightly, and the information about this wolf had already emerged in his mind.

It is said that Xiaoyue Greedy Wolf is the mount of the first supreme being in Dongzhou, the 'Great Yu Supreme', and a great demon of the king level.

However, the era of the 'Great Yu Supreme' is too far away from now, so there are naturally fewer legends about his mount.

It is only known that the Xiaoyue Greedy Wolf lost to the 'Great Yu Supreme' in the competition for the road to the Supreme, and then became the latter's mount.

On the Nine Provinces Heavenly Demon List arranged by the Hegemony Imperial Court, there is also a powerful demon bloodline that can be ranked in the top 30.

"But, it's this starry sky arrow again"

An Qisheng frowned slightly.

It seemed to be the same when he spied on the knife seller before, and the same is true for this Howling Moon Greedy Wolf.

In the depths of the starry sky, what is targeting and hunting the king?


An Qisheng's heart was in turmoil, and the half-grown black dog seemed to sense something, baring its fangs, and its eyes glowed red, and a vicious low roar came out of its throat.

I'm sorry that I can't hold it back until now. Good night everyone.

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