Great Dao Ji

Chapter 649: With one thought, the Holy Lord of the world comes to pay homage!

"You want to break through?"

Mu Longcheng was shocked at first.

Then he concentrated his mind, cut off the distracting thoughts in his heart, and found something wrong.


Mu Longcheng murmured in his heart, but he felt the transformation of Yuan Duxiu.

Yes, transformation!

The world is boundless, so big that it is boundless. In the final analysis, it is composed of countless tiny particles that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.

All the activities of all things in it are nothing but the operation of particles.

It is called Tao, and some of its orderly operations are discovered by people, and they are called abstract words such as "cause and effect" and "fate".

Qishu and fate are just one of them.

To a certain extent, Qishu and fate come from heaven, which is not wrong.

This is not a gift from heaven, nor is it unchanging. There are many legends in this world about "changing fate against heaven".

But compared with heaven and earth, what are living beings, even cultivators?

Changing destiny and fate may not be as difficult as changing the world, but it is definitely not low.

At this time, the transformation that happened to Yuan Duxiu, tracing back to the source, came from the changes in destiny and fate.

But he did nothing, how could such a big change happen?

"Is it because of the attacker?"

Even though Mu Longcheng thought he was knowledgeable, he was a little stunned at this time.

Giving treasures is not enough, but also changing his destiny?

Although Yuan Duxiu's original talent was good, he was only one in a million. After practicing with himself, he had changes and opportunities, but looking at Dongzhou, he was not outstanding.

But at this time...

Buzz buzz buzz~

Mu Longcheng was a little surprised, but Yuan Duxiu closed his eyes again.

Pure golden light like melting gold began to spread with him as the center, and its speed was not slow, but it was unwavering.

In the place filled with golden light, all visible and invisible things in the void were repelled.

In the place covered by golden light, everything began to change with the change of Yuan Duxiu's breath!

People cannot change the world, they can only go with the flow and be changed by the world, which is called becoming a natural person.

The cultivators go against the will of heaven and take their lives, use themselves to take the essence of heaven and earth, and change nature, which is called becoming an immortal!

The cave heaven is also called the realm of taking lives by many people.

Below it is called life, and above it is called longevity.

The longevity of heavenly life!

The realm that was once unattainable is now within reach, but Yuan Duxiu's heart is calm.

Just a little bit, slowly and firmly, using all laws as the medium of mind, he began to outline his own cave heaven world!


In a dark and strange place that is difficult to see through, the Wanfa Dragon Tower is as brilliant as the sun, waving billions of divine lights, illuminating the haze.

Those chaotic auras that would be invisible if not known, melted very quickly under the candlelight of the Wanfa Dragon Tower, like butter in a raging fire.

"These auras..."

Amidst the divine light, An Qisheng's expression was subtle, and the chaotic auras in his body also disappeared.

But melting is not disappearing.

Even if the Supreme Treasure was revived in an instant, it was not enough to wipe out these chaotic auras. They were like weeds that would grow again when blown.

They have no roots and no source, but they are endless and extremely strange.

They can't be driven away or destroyed. Even if they face the aura of the Supreme Treasure, they only change the form of existence and are not really wiped out.

"No wonder the Wanfa Patriarch died so silently."

Sensing the many changes around him and in his body, An Qisheng's mind was heavy.

At this point, he already understood.

In the world of Wanyang Realm, nothing can stop the invasion of these auras, not even the Supreme, or even the universe itself!

Whether visible or invisible, it is unstoppable, and it seems destined to be invaded and destroyed.

"If everything is destined to be destroyed, why should I work in vain?"

A thought came to his mind, and An Qisheng's mind was condensed, turning into an invisible sword to completely kill this thought.

At this time, An Qisheng could only restrain his mind and start to cleanse himself thoroughly in the candlelight of the Wanfa Dragon Tower.

With his caution, he was affected by the breath of the revival of the Supreme Treasure.

If he had not been alert, he would have to self-destruct this body of the soul like the three-hearted blue spirit boy before he could get rid of it.


The sea of ​​​​heart was surging, and An Qisheng's mind was condensed. While cleaning the impurities, he was also sorting out what he had gained this time.

Especially about the horror and danger of this breath called "entropy" by Pang Wanyang.

Corroding the soul, distorting the character, destroying order, the disaster of longevity...

This breath is the most bizarre thing An Qisheng has ever seen in his life. It seems that it has no ability to directly kill living beings, but it can target more terrifying things.

"If it is really as I expected, then I should meet them..."

An Qisheng's heart moved slightly.

In the depths of his soul, the place covered by the light of the picture suddenly jumped out with a golden spiritual imprint.

And in the next moment, it turned into words across his heart:


[Fate: Hundred Defeats (Ten Thousand Victories)! Reborn against death, washed away all the lead, a hundred defeats will not change my heart, then there will be ten thousand victories in the future! ]

[Fate transformation, luck is booming...]

"Ten thousand victories?"

An Qisheng was slightly surprised.

Before coming here, he felt that Yuan Duxiu's opportunity was coming, so he ignored the man who kidnapped Yuan Duxiu.

But he never thought that his opportunity would actually be a transformation of his fate.

Fate comes from changes in heaven and earth.

The world is like an extremely complicated network, and destiny is the node on it. Not everyone has a destiny.

Because of this, changes in destiny are changes in heaven and earth.

Will the first step in this transformation of heaven and earth fall on Yuan Duxiu?

An Qisheng's heart moved.

Deep in the soul, another spiritual imprint slowly emerged, but this spiritual imprint was extremely incomplete and had a hazy and unreal feeling.

"This change..."

An Qisheng's heart was filled with ripples. He had seen this kind of incomplete mental imprint more than once.

The first one is Tong Zhengyang, the second one is Zhu Shang...

"This person is actually a real time traveler?"

An Qisheng couldn't help but feel a lot of interest and some understanding:

"It seems that it still has something to do with me..."


The violent winds caused by the changes in the celestial phenomena roared wildly in the mountains and rivers, but they could not blow away the bloody smell that lingered in the long sky.

Countless disciples of Wanfa Tower are running in the mountains and rivers, constantly using their magical powers to move the mountains and rivers and contain the ferocious energy in their blood.

That battle seemed to last only a short time, but the aftermath took ten thousand times longer.

The mountains and rivers collapsed, and the earth was dark red as if it had been soaked in blood. It can be expected that without the blessing of external forces, it would just rely on the spontaneous operation of heaven and earth.

Even if another thousand years pass, the old outlook may not be restored.

"Fighting at the feudal level is truly amazing! Not to mention mortals, even you and me will have no way to escape if we are affected."

"Three million years ago and now, there have been so many legends that have happened between heaven and earth, but the only ones that can really be passed down to this day are the three words "Hou, Wang, Zun"!

The high position respected by all races is naturally due to his earth-shattering strength! "

"Zhenren Yuanyang is truly a god, and a dragon king at the level of a feudal lord was easily suppressed by him!"

"I heard that the previous resurrection of Wanfa Dragon Tower was also related to him..."

In the mountains, many disciples of Wanfa Pavilion were talking about it and experienced battles that only happened in legends in the past.

Even if they didn't actually participate in it, just watching it made their hearts swell.

Even in the magnificent ancient and medieval times, feudal lords were powerful men who could dominate the world, let alone today?

Although they had worshiped in Wanfa Tower, how could they have seen such a terrifying battle?

At this time, I was running around the mountains, feeling the aftermath of the battle, and I couldn't calm down in my heart.

"Taoist Yuanyang..."

While the air flow was rolling, a Taoist in green shirt stood in the sea of ​​clouds. He tilted his ears slightly, but he could already hear many comments from the disciples of Wanfa Pavilion in the mountains.

Corresponding to everything he saw with his supernatural powers, he already knew the causes and consequences of this battle.

What followed was intense fear.

It has only been more than thirty years since Taoist Yuanyang was born, but he has already achieved unity and become a prince in one fell swoop before the heaven changed!

What kind of talent is this?

That day, Ding Emperor was said to be one of the most talented people in Dongzhou since ancient times, but it took him a full thousand years to achieve a breakthrough in a life-and-death battle.

But this Taoist Yuanyang seemed to have only spent thirty years!

"Junior Brother Li!"

While Taoist Qingshan was thinking, a calm voice came out from the void, with a solemnity that could not be concealed:

"No unauthorized entry into the Wanfa Mountains!"

"Senior Brother Zhao?"

The green-shirted Taoist's brows jumped, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Why are you here?"

The owner of that voice is Zhao Hongmeng, the current president of their Tianshu Academy. He has never left home since the Battle of Zhuwangtai decades ago.

Why did the light suddenly appear at this time?

"While sitting quietly and deducing the secrets of heaven, I felt something in my heart and had to go out..."

Zhao Hongmeng's voice sounded a little tired, as if he had spent a lot of effort.

Taoist Qingshan frowned and felt something was wrong. He had known Zhao Hongmeng for thousands of years and could tell there was something in his words.

"Why do you have to come?"

The Taoist in green shirt stared into space.

A ripple spread like water, and an old man full of bookishness stepped out, holding an ancient scroll in one hand and holding a ruler in the other.

Taoist Taoist Qing's eyelids jumped wildly.

Those ancient scrolls and rulers are clearly two royal treasures passed down by the 'master'!


Zhao Hongmeng walked out of the ripples, but his eyes fell very high in the sky and very far away.

The Taoist priest in green shirt looked at the sound.

I saw figures with powerful auras emerging from all over the world, all coming in steps.

Pa da~

Zhao Hongmeng tapped the ruler gently and looked at Wanfa Tower with a somewhat complicated expression:

"If he wants to see me, I have to come..."

We are in West Lake and have just got off the boat. By the way, I would like to give West Lake a bad review. I went boating on West Lake. Halfway through, the boat ran aground, trapping me on the West Lake. This is not a big deal. . . . . . Will update a little later, don't wait. I'll make up for it all in one breath later, and the dog's rhythm will still be there.

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