Great Dao Ji

Chapter 752 A Few Things in the World

The water of Fengmo River is surging and rolling for 83,000 miles. It flows out from Pingbo Mountain, passes through three prefectures, six cities and twelve counties, irrigates farmland on both sides, benefits millions of people, and finally flows into the South China Sea.

It is late autumn. Although midwinter has not yet arrived, the cold has come with the river, affecting this water town in the southwest of Zhonglu.

Jing'an City is majestic and tall, backed by three mountains and nine rivers, rich in products and a large population, which naturally gives birth to endless prosperity.

It is now 89,600 years since the first era of Taiji (the eleventh era of Huangtian). After a shocking war thousands of years ago, Zhonglu has a temporary peace.

Jing'an City is not as big as the largest city in Zhonglu, 'Qingdu', but it is also one of the few large cities in Zhonglu.

With the city as the center, countless small cities, counties and villages are scattered, and the population among them is ten times that of Jing'an City.

Unlike Jing'an City, these ordinary people make a living by fishing and hunting, planting spiritual fields, digging mineral veins, and carrying goods for passing merchants.

In the past 90,000 years, the world has changed. The "armored vehicles" centered on Qingdu City have long been spread throughout the Central Continent, but shipping is naturally indispensable.

Jing'an City, known as the Three Rivers and Nine Waters, has naturally become the transportation artery of the southwest. It handles countless goods every day and feeds countless people.

Because there are Taoists from the Tai Chi Dojo, there are still many ghosts, but they are all suppressed under the prosperity. Ordinary people have even forgotten the existence of ghosts.


A series of thunder-like sounds resounded through the wilderness, startling the birds and beasts in the distant grass and trees.

Xu Xun suddenly looked up and saw a huge monster that was two feet high and hundreds of feet long roaring on the straight road that ran through the wilderness and mountains.

The speed was so fast that the bubbles produced by the violent flow of air in the air could be seen with the naked eye, and the sonic boom like the roar of a dragon and a tiger was left far behind.

When the armored vehicle whizzed past, it exploded like a string of cannons in the wilderness, forests, and mountains.

All the beasts were panicked!

"What war happened there? Hundreds of armored vehicles passed by in one day, and we didn't even catch a bird in the day!"

The young man dressed as a hunter had a gloomy face.

The movement of the armored vehicle frightened all the beasts, and the sound waves exploded in the place where ordinary beasts, even the legendary monsters would urinate and urinate.

It would be strange if they could hit something.

"There is no way."

Xu Xun shook his head slightly, with some doubts in his heart. The armored vehicle came and went too frequently. You know, the hunting place they chose is a remote place where cars are not usually used.

His name is Xu Xun, with the word Shengyang. He is only eighteen years old. He has a slender and upright figure and a majestic bearing. Although he wears linen clothes and coarse cloth, it is difficult to hide his heroic appearance.

His father was a failed scholar, and his mother was a lady from a wealthy family. It was said that they eloped to escape the war.

It was because of such a pair of parents that he had a courtesy name in addition to his given name. Ordinary villagers even gave their given names randomly, not to mention courtesy names.

"It seems that we can't catch anything today."

His companion said unlucky, put away his sword and bow, and arranged the long arrows one by one, and then said: "I heard that someone in the next village saw the immortals of the 'Tai Chi Dojo' appearing in this mountain forest a few days ago. Maybe there are monsters in this mountain, so it's better not to stay overnight."

"You go back first."

Xu Xun hesitated slightly, but still shook his head to refuse.

He came out not only for hunting this time, his father was seriously ill and needed precious medicine to prolong his life, and also needed spiritual meat to nourish him.

More importantly, he was the best hunter in the nearby area of ​​100 miles, but he had never seen those legendary monsters in these years.

In his heart, he didn't really believe it.

"Then you should be careful." His companion knew Xu Xun's character long ago, so he asked casually. Seeing that he refused, he didn't say much, and waved his hand and prepared to go down the mountain.


Another armored car sped past.

Xu Xun shook his head in his heart, but he could only change places. However, the sound of this armored car was heard for hundreds of miles, and it was impossible to have no impact at all.

In fact, armored cars were originally crisscrossed all over the Central Continent. In a sense, they were also the first line of defense to prevent wild beasts from colliding.

"We have to go into the mountains."

Xu Xun bent down and tightened his trouser legs, holding a sword and bow and rushing into the mountains and forests, away from the armored cars.

While walking, he could still hear armored cars speeding past, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart that this frequency was not right.

His pace was very fast, and the ups and downs were several feet away. The rugged and roadless mountains did not cause him any trouble.

But perhaps because they were frightened by the armored cars, there were few birds and beasts along the way, and there was no trace of the spiritual beasts he needed.

Gradually, the sky darkened, and Xu Xun's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. Even if the frequency of armored vehicles had increased today, it shouldn't be that there was nothing to gain.


After walking for an unknown period of time, the sun was about to set, and Xu Xun finally stopped, sweat on his forehead.

He had some martial arts skills, but he was not a master. He was exhausted after walking for so long, and the sky was dark, so he had to find a place to stay.

There was no hut built by hunters in the deep mountains, and Xu Xun searched for a long time before finding a secluded valley.

But as soon as he entered the forest, his brows furrowed.

Hearing the faint voices coming from the valley, there were still people in the deep mountains? Could it be that there were hunters resting here nearby?

He was cautious in his heart and gradually walked into the valley.

The Snake Valley is not big, but the grass and trees seem to be evergreen, and there are all kinds of unknown flowers blooming. Xu Xun saw a lot of precious spiritual materials in it, but unfortunately they were not what he was looking for.

After walking for a short time, the faint human voice became clearer. Xu Xun's heart moved and he hid in a bush and looked at it quietly.

It was in the middle of the valley, a small lake where small waterfalls converged.

There is an old tree surrounded by several people on the bank of the small lake. The old branches are densely leafy, but they emit a faint green light, which looks particularly bright in the dusk.

Under the tree, there were four old men wearing high crowns, belts, or Taoist robes, facing each other as if they were playing chess.

"This is"

Xu Xun's heart moved when he heard one of the old men in Taoist robes say: "There is no eternal strength in the world, no one is invincible. It has been three thousand years since the old Heavenly Master disappeared. I'm afraid those three on the other side of the sea are about to make a move."

The voice of the old man in Taoist robes was full of Taoism, and hearing it was like a spring breeze. As Xu Xun listened, he felt that all the fatigue from running around for a day had dissipated, and his body was as warm as a hot spring.

Suddenly there was some surprise in my heart: "This, could this be the immortal from the Tai Chi Dojo?"

People are always strange. They don't believe that ghosts can harm people, but they believe in gods, Buddhas and immortals. Xu Xun is no exception. He is eager to go out and become a disciple.

"The life and death of the old Celestial Master may not be known, but the Divine Court still hangs in the nine heavens to regulate the world's cultivators. The Great Spirit Official has unparalleled supernatural powers and his Dharma Eyes monitor the world. Those three can only fight with the old Celestial Master for thousands of years. I'm afraid they are not the Great Spirit. Official's opponent"

The speaker was a monk holding a Buddhist bead. He sighed slightly: "What a pity, Heavenly Master, for such a powerful person, if he had not chosen such a path, it would be easy for him to become a Buddha and become an ancestor, right?"

Heavenly Master? !

Who are they talking about?

A contemporary master of Tai Chi dojo?

Or the two legendary heavenly masters?

Xu Xun was thinking a lot and was a little dazed for a moment, so he didn't go out.

"The Divine Court is so powerful that even though there is no Lao Tianshi, there are still Yan Xiake, Wei Shaoyou and Emperor Gou. I'm afraid the war has not yet broken out, right?"

Gao Guanbo, who looked like an old man who had read poetry and books, smoothed his beard with his hands, his eyes flashing: "Those three are better than the Tai Chi dojo, and they are definitely not the ones we can rely on."

His words were addressed to the old man in blood-robed robes, the only one among the four who had not spoken.

"What's the use of a dog, a skeleton, and a useless person? Without the old Heavenly Master, they can't defend the Divine Court, let alone the Central Continent!"

The voice of the old man in blood robe was hoarse, and his mouth was like iron and stone rubbing against each other, sharp and harsh. It sounded like a snake was slithering around his neck and spitting out messages.

Xu Xun's heart thumped, and he faintly sensed that something was wrong. This man didn't seem to be a kind person.

"The only destination for everyone lies in the Emperor's Heaven!"

The blood-robed old man pointed at the dim sky, his eyes dim and said: "My lord, inspired by the heart of heaven, foretells that changes will come to the southwest of the Central Continent. Here, I specially invite three people to join forces with me to massacre this southwest land! "

"Tu Xinan?"

The three monks, Taoists and Confucians looked at each other with fear, but neither of them responded.

The divine court controls the world, and the heavenly rules restrain the gods. There has been no massacre of ordinary people in the Central Continent for tens of thousands of years. How dare they agree so easily?

Even though they have already been dissatisfied with Shenting.

The old man in blood robe saw this and got straight to the point:

"The three of them are all major cultivators, and have been practicing for thousands of years. They should be proud of the world, and let me do whatever they want, but they are restrained in the mountains and forests, and they sit back and watch the children being mermaided and fleshed out without making a move!

You have been oppressed so far, why not follow me and rebel against Wang Wei! "

"How dare you mention the Great Spirit Officer's name?!"

The expressions of the three of them all changed, as if they had heard the most terrifying thing in the world, and the feeling of horror could not be suppressed in their hearts.

Good and evil are rewarded like a shadow!

The Dutian Great Spiritual Officer was extremely powerful and invincible. According to legend, he had reached the ultimate level long before the Tai Chi Era. For tens of thousands of years, few people dared to call him by his name.

"I have a treasure with me, why should I be afraid of the clay statue-like Wang Lingguan in the temple?!"

The blood-robed old man responded proudly, and in the red light rippling behind him, a divine sword stained with the blood of endless slaughter flashed past.

Even though it just flashed by, the hearts of the three people jumped, as if they saw mountains of corpses and seas of blood, endless killing scenes, and their souls felt stung.

Xu Xun's pupils shrank, and he felt pain everywhere in his body, as if he was about to be killed on the spot in the next moment!

"Then, who actually gave you this treasure?!" The three monks, Taoists and Confucians were all shocked and frightened. They even left their seats and involuntarily moved away.

It is said that the three immortals who came to the world came according to the will of the emperor and heaven, and the invincible existence in the upper world bestowed the most powerful treasures, making them invincible.

Between heaven and earth, only the Divine Court can compete. Without the Divine Court, not even the old Heavenly Master can stop the power of the treasure!

This old man in blood robe was actually given a treasure. How could they dare to believe it? !

"Although it is not a supreme treasure, it still has a part of its mystery. The treasure is invincible, and one part of it is enough to dominate the world! With this treasure in hand, Wang E suppresses the divine court and cannot leave without permission, while the rest of the divine court waits."

The old man in blood robe stood up, his aura was mysterious and powerful:

"If he comes, kill him like a dog!"

The words were floating in the air, but they had not yet landed.

The pupils of the four people, including the old man in blood robe, suddenly shrank, as if they felt some extremely terrifying existence.

They all looked up.

I saw that in the early night, the full moon was in the sky, and in the water-like moonlight, there was a shadow flowing down.

It was thousands of miles away, descending between the mountains and valleys. Its voice was unruly, but it was like the sound of heaven, thunder and explosion:

"You said you wanted to kill the dog?"

Good night, good night

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