Great Dao Ji

Chapter 8: One style of boxing, two great masters

"Wang Honglin!"

An Qisheng recognized the old man sitting quietly drinking tea under the old tree at a glance.

The small courtyard, the old tree, the bluestone slabs, and the old man sitting quietly together formed a quiet and harmonious picture.

In a trance, An Qisheng really thought he had come to the small courtyard three hundred years ago.

This is not time travel, but it is almost the same as time travel!


It seems that there is a breeze blowing through the old tree, and the leaves are "rustling", and the old man suddenly moves.

Raising one arm forward, it broke the extremely harmonious aura in the courtyard, as if the whole courtyard was shaken!


First there is a fist, then there is a thunder explosion!

In an instant, the old man went from extreme stillness to extreme movement. When he raised his fists and kicked his feet, a violent wind blew, and the fist wind wrapped around his body with dust. The old trees in the courtyard were like being hit by a storm, and the leaves fell like rain.

Bajiquan is known as "shaking the arms to knock down the sky, stamping the feet to shake the nine states", and its meaning is open and closed, fierce and unparalleled!

But An Qisheng has never seen such a violent Bajiquan!

The old man's seemingly skinny body contains a power that shocked An Qisheng.

The Baji small frame that he is most familiar with, used in the hands of the old man, made him know what is the pinnacle!

"This is Bajiquan."

An Qisheng's heart was full of admiration.

With a thought, he followed the bridge formed by the text in an extremely wonderful posture, immersed in the scroll three hundred years ago, and entered the body of the old man!

Bang bang bang~

Hua hua hua~

The heart beat like a drum, and the blood flowed like a river.

As soon as he entered Wang Honglin's body, an extremely powerful feeling arose from the bottom of An Qisheng's heart.

This is far from the feeling of entering the body of the little Taoist before.

He could feel that every inch of muscle and bone in this body contained explosive power that was about to burst out.

This was simply not a body that a sixty-year-old man could have!

At this moment, it was as if the tricycle he was standing on had been replaced by a world-class supercar, no, it was even more exaggerated than that!

"This, this is, holding the elixir?!"

An Qisheng didn't even bother to sense the old man's domineering Bajiquan, and was attracted by another discovery.

In his feeling, the old man's power was very violent, but also very harmonious.

When he was still, his essence was restrained and not leaked, all his sharpness was restrained, his movements were harmonious, and when he moved, it was like a volcano erupting, and the thunder god was punishing him, so fierce and messy.

It was very similar to the description of the elixir realm he saw in the classics.

An Qisheng was surprised and happy that Wang Honglin actually held the elixir with an external martial art like Bajiquan!

You know, even in the Great Xuan three hundred years later, the elixir realm is also a strong man, enough to serve as an instructor in the army, or to command a special brigade.

In the records of Daxuan, it can be said that there is almost no one who uses external boxing to hold the elixir.

"Perhaps holding the elixir in a round and seamless way is the way to cure my strange disease?"

As if a blessing came to his mind, An Qisheng suddenly thought of something.

Whether it is boxing or medical skills, Daxuan three hundred years later has far surpassed three hundred years ago. Even if Gu Changfeng is still considered the best boxer in three hundred years, it is hard to tell how much of it is sentiment.

A terminal illness that cannot be cured three hundred years later must have been incurable three hundred years ago!

In an instant, An Qisheng suddenly became enlightened, and the deeds of Gu Changfeng emerged one by one.

Gu Changfeng, who learned boxing at the age of eleven, became a master at the age of seventeen. He traveled around the world without a rival. At the age of twenty, he was already the best boxer in the world at that time. It is said that he could form an army.

He once traveled to Japan to assassinate the Emperor of Fuso.

He even wandered outside the Golden Eagle White House for three days, which frightened the then Golden Eagle President to sleepless nights and was in a state of panic all day long.

Regardless of whether the later generations are exaggerating or slandering, and whether his deeds are true or false, no one doubts that his martial arts talent is the best in the world.

If Gu Changfeng's illness is really similar to his, then instead of believing the doctors at that time, it is better to believe that he recovered without medicine after holding the elixir!

"If that's true."

An Qisheng calmed down and began to understand the old man's boxing power.

With this feeling, An Qisheng seemed to have seen a new world.

Wang Honglin's strength has been integrated into one, and the three combinations of internal and external are integrated into one move. When his feet shake, he will have the power to rise from the ground and move to his shins, knees, waist, shoulders, elbows, wrists, palms, and fingers.

His strength comes from his fingertips, and his fists are like thunder, but at the same time, his shins, knees, waist, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and palms can all burst out with strong power.

Even with the control of strength in the elixir realm, even the ears can kill people!


In the courtyard, the old man suddenly retracted his fist, and the transition from extreme movement to extreme stillness also took only a moment.

Only the flying leaves and dust around, and the endless fist wind and waves, showed that the previous scene was true.

And An Qisheng, who felt the changes in the old man's strength, had a deeper understanding.

The previous moment, the fist was like thunder, and the next moment, it was as quiet as pine and cypress.

The circulation of qi and blood around the old man, the change of strength, and even the beating of his heart, all settled down in this moment.

It was like the opportunity in the middle of winter, the vitality of the earth was hidden, not leaking at all, and it was round like a pill.

"The secret of the pill realm is not only in the release, but also in the collection, and even the collection is more important than the release."

An Qisheng had a sudden realization, and he wanted to go out and play a set of punches to vent.

"Mr. Wang's boxing is really fierce and unparalleled! The boxing is so good, I wonder how far his spearmanship has reached."

At this time, a calm but appreciative voice sounded outside the courtyard.

Wang Honglin, who stood with his hands behind his back, seemed to have known it for a long time. He just raised his eyelids and said, "It's your business to set up the Central Martial Arts Hall. I won't participate. Baji will not be spread to others."

"Today's Daxuan is experiencing a change that has not happened in thousands of years. There are bandits rampant inside, warlords occupying one side, and foreign powers are watching. Although we are martial artists, we cannot stay out of it."

Outside the courtyard, the voice of the visitor was calm but with a hint of war:

"Between you and me, martial artists, we still talk with fists and feet. If I am not talented enough, but I can beat you by one or two moves, please follow me to the Magic City and take charge of the Central Martial Arts Hall."

"It seems that the set of boxing I demonstrated did not make you retreat."

In the courtyard, Wang Honglin's eyes were half closed, his breath was as heavy as the sea, and it was like a volcano about to erupt:

"I heard that Eleven learned boxing and achieved great success in six years. He has no rivals since his debut. I want to learn from you."

Eleven learned boxing and achieved great success in six years?

This person is Gu Changfeng!

An Qisheng, who was listening to the conversation between the two quietly, was shocked. Did these two great masters fight each other three hundred years ago?

"It's a pity that the old gentleman is in his sixties. Although he has locked his blood and qi in the realm of Baodan, he is not as good as a young man after all."

After a long sigh, the door of the courtyard was slowly pushed open.

Under the falling sunlight, the young man slowly raised his head and looked:

"Let me see the old gentleman's Liuhe spear!"

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