Great Dao Ji

Chapter 82: Psychology? No, heart-worship!

But if this scroll is left to me, should I go to see Mr. Yangming first and then he leave the scroll, or should I go to see him after he leaves the scroll?

This seems to be a paradox

An Qisheng held the yellowed ancient scroll and couldn't calm down.

He calmed down, put down the book, went to the bathroom to wash away the non-existent dirt, and changed his clothes.

Only then did he hold up the scroll again with great care.

"I should have burned incense, bathed and purified my hands, but conditions were limited."

An Qisheng sat upright and opened the yellowed book again, and the first sentence of the opening line came into view:

[When you don’t read this scroll, this scroll is silent in your heart. When you see this scroll, the words on it come alive by themselves, and this scroll is in your heart]

An Qisheng was startled. He also knew the origin of this sentence. It was one of Mr. Yangming's deeds.

When he got it in the darkroom, he took a quick glance at it and felt nothing at all. But when he looked at it again now, he was deeply touched.

This was just what he was told.

"This handwritten scroll was really left to me."

An Qisheng calmed down and continued reading.

[Confucianism, Buddhism, Laoism, and Zhuang all belong to my heart. However, if I want to learn from the saints, I cannot have the saints in my heart. Clay puppets are only in temples. They must not be placed in my heart. The center of my heart is the body of the universe, the master of all things, and the destiny is established. Measuring right from wrong, my way is to lead to conscience, know and act in unity, and the heart is reason.

Knowledge and action are one. Now that I think about it, the word "unity" is too redundant. Knowledge and action are one."

There are not many words on the yellowed scroll, but An Qisheng looks extremely slow.

Whenever the words flashed through his mind, he seemed to see the figure of the old man with a pale face and gray hair.

The old man is either walking or sitting, or crouching at his desk writing, or holding a scroll in his hand, drinking from a ladle and a basket of food, enjoying himself.

Gradually, An Qisheng fell into a trance.

In the soul, light seems to sprout, impurities disappear, and slowly becomes like glass, reflecting everything in the outside world.

[Planting trees requires bacon, cultivating the mind first requires nourishing the body

On the autumn night of Kaiyuan 8764,

An essay for a friend, Wang Shouren]

End of volume.

"Practice is to be a human being, to develop a conscience, the heart is reason, and knowing and doing together is the way of the teacher!"

After a long time, An Qisheng just closed the ancient scroll, put it in his arms and kept it close to his body.

There are more than a thousand words in the ancient scroll, and none of them are about spiritual practice. However, in his opinion, every word is about spiritual practice.

In just over a thousand words, I have already described everything that I have learned in my life, the essence of my inner learning, and the essence of my practice.

All his previous doubts had been solved.

Heart to heart, that's it.

It is much more miraculous than the legendary initiation and transfer of qigong!

An Qisheng stood up. He had not slept all night, but his energy was very good. Something seemed to be sprouting in his heart.

If the heart is the seed and the Tao is its nourishment, a towering tree can grow.


He opened the curtains, and the sky was getting brighter. A red sun was rising slowly between the clouds, and the morning light broke through, shining on the earth.

"This heart is so bright, what else can I say!"

An Qisheng's heart was very quiet.

When the sun was rising, it seemed as if the sun was rising in his heart at the same time. The light shone through the haze, making it as bright as glass.

All the things I have learned in the past come to mind.

The mind is like a clear mirror, reflecting all doubts and all kinds of enlightenment constantly arising.

An unprecedented sense of relaxation spread from his soul, and then reached his hands and feet, and every detail of his body, as if water and milk were in harmony, and as if heavy shackles had been removed.

As soon as I closed my eyes, my mind was reflected like a bright mirror, and all the doubts in the past seemed to be answered.


With a thought in his mind, he started boxing in this small, small hotel room.

The movement of his feet is as light as a civet cat, as thick as a bear, and as powerful as a tiger.

It was just stepping. All the steps he had learned in the past, such as horse steps, snake steps, chicken steps, monkey steps, mouse steps, etc., were naturally integrated into his steps.


He raised his arm and pressed forward. The phone shut down, and he grabbed it with his fingers. The air flowed through his fingers like water.

Fists, palms, fingers.

In an instant, dozens of fist and palm techniques were changed in his hand, including Baji, Xingyi, Tai Chi, Eagle Claw, Gumen Xinyi Fist, Xiangxiang Fist, Dragon-shaped Fist and other boxing techniques at his fingertips.

When the mind is together, the strength reaches the whole body, and all kinds of boxing routines are spread out.

When it goes out, it moves like clouds and flowing water; when it goes out, it makes the clouds disperse and flow like wind and water.

Indescribably relaxed, freehand and natural.

It was difficult for An Qisheng to describe the feeling at this time. It was as if a person who had been stupid for many years suddenly became enlightened, and as if his body suddenly disappeared and his mind was functioning spontaneously.

I had learned and watched the boxing technique before, and I was proficient in it but not proficient in it, and suddenly I reached an extremely high level.

To use an analogy, it's like seeing other people doing some fancy movements on weekdays. At first glance, you feel that it is simple, as if you have learned it yourself, but it is extremely difficult to actually operate it.

Has it been learned or not learned?

In fact, it has been learned, but the brain knows that in order to use it for action, the body still has to convey countless complex instructions and mobilize the skeletal muscles, countless cells, and countless nerve nodes throughout the body.

Only then can he make such an action.

But for An Qisheng at this time, physical limitations seemed to no longer exist.

Those who are proficient but not proficient, even if they have only seen it a few times but have not practiced the boxing routines and fighting movements.

As long as it appears on the 'bright mirror' in his mind, he can learn it, perform it, become proficient, and master it in just one thought!

It's like cheating!


An Qisheng's beating became more and more pleasurable, and he felt more and more intoxicated. He didn't use any strength at all, but his body naturally exuded a pleasant smell.

His movements were slow and fast, moving from inch to inch without touching anything, as if his whole body was covered with eyes.


After a long time, An Qisheng stopped and quietly realized this feeling.

"The mind knows what the body does. If I can maintain this state all the time, no unparalleled talent will be able to compare with me!"

An Qisheng's eyes were very bright.

This ancient scroll cannot make him make rapid progress in an instant, hold elixirs or even see gods, but this benefit is more shocking to him than the huge improvement.

At the same time, he also understood clearly what it means in the theory of mind that the heart is the body of the universe and the master of all things.

"No wonder you are able to study Confucianism, Buddhism, Laoism, and Zhuangzhuang. Knowing your mind will make your body move. When this kind of ability is used in learning, it couldn't be more terrifying."

An Qisheng's heart was filled with ripples:

"For me, it is an unparalleled magical skill!"

With his supernatural power, he can learn countless boxing techniques, but his learning progress is still limited by his own learning efficiency. It would take others ten or eight years to learn a boxing technique, and it is impossible for him to master it in a few days.

But as long as the "clear mirror" is high in his heart, his learning efficiency is not only a thousand times that of ordinary people?

One day of learning boxing can be compared to three years of hard training for others!

This is not a matter of learning from the heart, it is simply cheating!

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