Great Demon King

Chapter 816: Dare to black me?

The Eighty-sixth Chapter of the Great Devil dare to black me? Vip

Waiting for Han Shuo to come to the west. ★ Chinese network is updated quickly, the novel is complete ★ After seeing the fire armor Han fire. Only then did he find out that he was unexpected. After the fire of Han, he also evolved into a new step.

It is an artifact shop that disputes with Han. He entered the ethereal city and found that there are all kinds of shops in the ethereal city. No hurry to find Han Shuo immediately. Instead, he wandered around the shops of major artifacts. Because the price of the ore is fired by Han Huo and the National People's Congress.

A fire corpse that cultivates the power of fire. The use of fire power is also superb. There is not a lot of hands in this shop. Five or six clerk besieged Han fire one. He was also beaten and bruised by him. If it weren’t for the nearby ethereal city, the guards would come to hear it. He did not burn the shop.

The ethereal city gods who came over knew the identity of the Korean fire. It is known from his mouth that he is actually the son of Han Shuo. Do not dare to act rashly. Immediately sent people to the city government to inform Han Shuo. I am afraid that the fire on Han will cause Han Shuo’s anger.

Those gods know about Han Shuo. From the attitude of the ethereal city owners to treat Han Shuo, they know that Han Shuo is not an easy person to deal with. Plus, there is a talented pharmacist. Once the day pharmacy opened in the ethereal city. If they want to buy the right medicine later. I must have a good relationship with Han Shuo. So I don’t dare to sin Han Shuo.

Han Shuo came to this shop with Han. Found that the shop door is black. Han Huo was standing at the door and glaring at the clerk.

"Father. You are here first!" Han Shuo appeared. Han Huoli cheered. Excited and Han Tu first hugged. Then I looked at Han Shuo with a smile.

"What?" Han Shuo's inside is also very happy. But the surrounding ethereal city guards are all embarrassed. The few clerk were all looking at this with anger. Still have to figure out the situation first.

"Hey... Mr. Brian, your son doesn't give money to buy things!" The gods in charge of the matter recognized Han Shuo. It’s full of faces.

Han Shuo is a glimpse. Suspicion of the hope of Han fire. Crying and laughing: "I really didn't give money?"

"They are nonsense. It's just a piece of fire. They dare to ask me for fifty black crystal coins. Obviously kill me! Xiaojinchu said. Firestone is not worth much. How much can he get? How cheap? The head. I gave them five black crystal coins that are enough to give them face!" Han angry and angry. Pointing at the few clerk violently said: "You a few bastards. Believe that Laozi has to dismantle your stores. In the broad daylight, dare to open a black shop and dare to black me?"

"The deception is too much. The deception is too much. I am fighting with you!" A long and beautiful female clerk cultivated the power of the water system. The face is red. Ghostly shivering. It seems that it will be rushed to death.

The few clerk were also furious. If you don't care about the guard of the ethereal city. I am afraid I have to rush to find Han fire. Don't buy if you don't have black crystal coins. It is not necessary to sell it to you. Throw down five black crystal coins and take the East and leave. This is simply a robbery. Do you still care about you? "The female clerk was dancing against the Korean fire. It was not mad."

"Mad woman. You are allowed to open a black shop. I am not allowed to buy anything?" Han fire dismissed the female clerk. His face was stunned: "What is it called? Then Laozi burns you!"

"I am fighting with you!" screamed. The female clerk broke free from the blockade of an ethereal city guard. Straight toward the Korean fire.

"There is something to say!" Wei, who is responsible for this incident, screamed. A hurriedly formed a wind barrier blocked the female clerk who rushed up. Wry smile and explained to Han Shuo: "No matter what the fire stone is. It is absolutely no less than forty-five black crystal coins. This shop has no problem with the price of fifty black crystal coins. This is not good."

"Xiao Jin said that it is worthless if it is not worth the money. You are less nonsense!" Han Huo took a look at the guard. I rolled my eyes. Road: "You guys must help them. He pays you. Is that true?"

"Stupid. Xiaojin has never paid for the stone. What stone did he find? He said that it is worthless if it is worthless." Han Tuo smiled. It seems that this scene is very interesting. Make fun of the Korean fire.

The gold corpse has extraordinary inductive power for metal ore. It is really not difficult for him to find any ore purely. Han Huo sees the price of the same thing by his standards. Of course, it’s a thousand miles away.

"Ah..." Han said that he did not believe. But Han said that he was immediately shocked. It seems as if I understand it now. I touched my head and whispered: "So, is it really that I got it wrong?"

"That woman. Forget it. This broken stone is for you. There is nothing to lose. Let's go. Don't bother Laozi!" A fiery stone "嗖" flew out. Accurately fell on the sole of the female clerk. The fire stone that should have been shining red. I don't know why it has become dull. It is as gray as white stones everywhere. Nothing special.

"This is not a fire stone. Who are you cheating?!" Several store clerk looked at the fire stone at the foot. Immediately angry with the Han fire. I feel that I have been insulted. Such a stone scorpion is different from the one just seen. They feel

The fire deliberately made them joke

"It's a fire stone. It's just that the crystal energy inside is gone!" Suddenly. A skinny old man came out of the store. He went up and picked up the plain stone. Looking at Han fire with a look of surprise. Curiously said: "How did you do it? Even a big alchemist. You need to use magical arrays to extract the energy from the firestone. And it takes at least a few days. You take the stone for less than ten minutes. It’s all possible to extract all the energy inside. How is it possible?”

"Grandpa Myers. How did you come out?" The clerk came to see the skinny old man. I was taken aback. Each attitude is respectful. Even the female clerk who was wearing the claws was quiet.

Myers waved. Signal that the few clerk are quiet. Just looking at the fire. It seems that I have to get a satisfactory answer from the Korean fire.

"Isn't it a flint? It's too easy to get the firepower out inside. What's so great!" Han fire looked disdainful. Look at him as lazy to take care of this sudden old man.

Myers is old. I don't know what power to cultivate. Han Shuo observed it. It was discovered that this Myers had the power of the upper god. It is a pity that he did not see the line in which he cultivated the twelve powers.

"Give you a flint. Not your black coin. Can you do it for me?" Myles smiled. A larger fire stone was taken from the space ring and handed to the Korean fire.

"The old man is very interesting. Hehe. Then you are optimistic." Han fire is not welcome. Hold the piece of fire stone in the palm of your hand. Under the gaze of everyone. The blaze of the fire blaze was a little bit bleak. Less than a minute. The whole piece of flaming stone no longer sees a red light. It became the most bland gray stone.

"It's amazing!" Mais whispered. Looking at Han with surprise. Dao: "I didn't expect it. Can you really come? Hehe. I know a lot of people who cultivate the power of the fire. But I never thought that someone would bring firepower from the fire stone so quickly!"

Fire Yaoshi is an energy spar. It is not the kind of fire crystal that can be directly absorbed. Even those who cultivate the power of the fire will not want to extract firepower from the fire stone. Not only is Miles surprised. The young clerk and the ethereal city guard who is responsible for the matter. Every one of them is also incredible.

Those who normally cultivate the power of the fire can hardly do this. But the Korean fire is of course different. His body was all forged with the fire of fire. At the beginning, the Chio continent naturally formed a fire that was not known for many thousand years of fire. It is easy for him to absorb the firepower in the fire stone.

"There is nothing to say here." Looking up at the sky. Stinky: "If nothing happens, then I will leave."

"Bad boy. How long have you not seen. Your tail is upturned?" Han Shuo saw him look like a slap. Can't help but smile.

"Which can dare. Hey. Father. We are so hard to meet. Don't waste time with them here.

Walk away. Leave this black shop. Let's get together. "Han fire is a head. Hurry to please Han Shuo. He is not afraid. But he has an instinctive awe.

A bag of black crystal coins was thrown out by Han Shuo. It happened to be at the front of the store. Han Shuo smiled and said: "This thousand black crystal coins. I am paying compensation for your store. I hope you don't mind!"

"Ah... a thousand black crystal coins!" Out of Han Shuo's surprise. Han Tu Han Huo screamed in unison. Not waiting for Han Shuo to react. The two rushed to the door of the store. Go up and add the bag of coins that Han Shuo threw down. Han grabbed the coin bag. Take out one hundred black crystal coins from it. He smiled and said: "My father must have taken the wrong bag. These losses in your shop. One hundred black crystal coins are enough!"

Han Shuo just said that a thousand black crystal coins. Everyone listened clearly. The words of Han Tu are too shameless.

Han fire hurried nodded. The heart said: "Enough is enough. Enough!" His eyes glanced. The fierce **** swears: "You black shop. Give a hundred black crystal coins to you. Don't give your face a shame!"

"Oh..." The gods in charge of the matter looked at each other with a smile.

Han Shuo is very embarrassed. I didn't expect these two guys to be so embarrassed. He even made such a big discount on the black crystal coins he gave. Too unexpected to Han Shuo.

"Father. You are too extravagant." The coin is a good thing. In this world. Anything can be bought. How can you waste it?" Han fire looked at him with resentment. Long and short sighed: "If I have enough black crystal coins. There will be nonsense with them for so long. You are good. A thousand black crystal coins don't blink. Throw and throw!"

"Nothing to do!" Looking at the two stingy guys. Han Shuo is not laughing. to him. Thousands of black crystal coins in the district are not counted at all. It seems that these two sons have made amazing progress in strength and intelligence. But the ability to collect money is not very good.

[The next chapter comes out half an hour later]

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