Great Demon King

Chapter 879: Rich atmosphere

Albert screamed in the fortress of Bergas, and he himself participated in the act of putting a piece of energy spar into the energy tower. He also said to himself: "Mom, this energy spar value is three." Thousands of black crystal coins, it’s too **** extravagant!"

The energy spar used in the Hanjia energy tower is the one with the highest purity and the highest energy. These energy spar can provide very huge energy, so that the energy tower can support the energy spar and energy enchantment, with the resistance Attack the enemies committed.

This time, although the enemies who committed the crimes were killed more than a hundred, but the energy spar consumed by the Burgas fortress is also worth millions of black crystal coins. For some small families, one million black crystal coins can be a huge number, and their tax and interest for several years may not be worth millions of black crystal coins.

Gilbert screamed in the mouth, sipping the guards of these Han families and continued to fill the energy spar with all his energy, so that those energy towers shine brightly and dazzlingly. Not only did it support the energy enchantment, but it also shot a beam of light that bombarded the fortress of Bergas and fell to the people of Hofs who shot the fortress.

These Korean guards passed through the checkpoints of the layers before entering the Korean family. Each of them was innocent and qualified. Of course, most of them had the strength of the median **** before entering.

Once they entered the Korean family, they were given the most suitable artifact armor under the support of the huge financial resources of the Han family, and then they were sent to the eight-waste separation and purgatory to honed themselves. Several people from Bolands trained themselves.

After being tempered by layers, each of these guards has the power to be underestimated. They are determined to be calm and tough, and will never drop the chain at a critical time! They are responsible for the filling and operation of the energy spar, which is more efficient than the other gods in the general shadow city!

Those energy spar guns not only have amazing attacking power, but also have a very long range. Under the bombardment of the energy spar, those of Hofs’s hands are in a hurry, and many people are hit by energy spar. Glas Fortress was killed outside the city!

At this time, the Bollard Fortress is burning money, using the wealth of the hands and the spar of these energies. Here, only 30 people in the area are constantly filling the energy tower with energy spar, which will be Hofs. A bunch of infringements are firmly in the outside.

"Distracted, damn, you don't know if the energy spar guns are far away!?" Hofs saw his men still hurt, and couldn't help but yell and let them pull bigger one by one. distance.

Laccleson and the upper gods of the Brodhurst family, at this time, had to spend their power to conclude an enchantment and shelter their area.

Lak Krissen and the few superior gods are all faces and faces in the city of Tengyun. Naturally, it is impossible to hide Tibet from the same people as Hofs. For their own identity and face, they have to start to consume their own power. Used to withstand the energy impact of flying down.

The war situation is in a stalemate, one party is powerful, and one party has enough financial resources, so it is consumed...

Obviously, the Burgas fortress is a party that can't hold it. They can carry a limited amount of energy spar. In such high-strength resistance and attack, they have consumed too much energy spar. Gradually, they are now There is no energy spar available in the hands.

"Gilbert, there is no energy spar, what should I do?" A guy who is as violent as a black dragon, screams.

"Crap, of course, retreat! What do you say? Do you want to rush out and die!" Gilbert shouted, "Brothers, almost, there are some energy support in the energy tower, we quickly leave This ghost place!"

"Let's go, first go back to the Korean family, we have more time, and they are slowly consuming!" The crowd groaned, filling the remaining energy spar into the energy tower and quickly heading to the Bollard Fortress Center. The Han family has retired, no one is late, and seems to have experienced this aspect of training.

All the energy spar in this area is stuffed into the energy tower. At the same time, there is nothing worthwhile at all. In a blink of an eye, they can't see a ghost shadow.

Although they have left, but the energy tower is supported by the energy spar, they continue to spray the light column and attack the enemies outside the fortress of Bergas.

At this moment, dozens of people under Hoffs were unfortunately bombarded by the energy spar. Even Lacson and the family masters consumed a lot of power because of the enchantment.

Gradually, the energy spar in the fortress of Bergas finally subsided, and they noticed that they were silent, and there was no trace of continued raging in the fortress of Bergas.

"Go in, no one is there!" Lackley felt it carefully and calmly informed Hoffs.

I don’t have to say anything at Lacson, Hoffs also

The anomaly in the fortress of Bergas, but this time he looked more careful, reaching out and pointing at one of his men, and told him: "Go in and see the movement!"

The man was bitter in his heart, but he did not dare to show it and nodded and rushed out. When he came to the fortress of Bergas, he cautiously fell in. When he really broke through the enchantment, he screamed loudly: "The power of energy enchantment has been exhausted, and those energy towers are also No longer shining. Adults, no one!"

"Go, rush in!" At this point, Hofs knows that there will be no more danger at the moment, and he will order it.

A group of people flew out from here and fell into the center of the Burgas Fortress. As soon as Hofs and Lacleson entered, they immediately looked around and seemed to want to see if they could find anything worthwhile. .

With a round of eyes, Hofs yelled: "Mom, nothing. The **** Han family, really don't leave a little benefit to us!"

Lak Krissen is also a sullen face, apparently not satisfied with this enchantment, coldly screaming, Lak Krissen said: "It has already entered the fortress, the following is much easier. Hey, Han is at the center of the fortress, I look What can they do this time! Hofs, rest assured, I dare to assure you that the Korean family must have what you want!"

"I can't wait!" Hoffs chilled and ordered: "Go, go to the center of the fortress, destroy the Han family!"


Bergas Fortress Center, Han family.

I don't know when it started, the thick layers of dark clouds stayed in the sky above the Han family. This black cloud of black clouds is very strange, just covering the position of the Han family.

In addition, the place of Berg's fortress was clear and sunny, and the sun was warmly spilled.

In the darkness of the Han family, the cold wind of Sen Han bursts, a group of confused smog does not know where to come from, flooding every corner of the Korean family, covering the entire Han family, so that outsiders can not see the Korean family in the end What is there.

"Balanz, blood spirit, all the magic arrays have started?" On the top of the tallest building in the Han family, a spacious and incomprehensible hall, Feibi looked intently.

"No problem, just checked it again, it has already started!" Bloody nodded, red-red scorpion looked into the distance, took a deep breath, said: "Gilbert is back, the task over there should be completed!" It seems that it will take a long time for Hoffs to come over!"

"Mr. Stasom, is there any unrelated person in the fortress?" Emily smiled and asked the old-fashioned old-fashioned Stasom next to her.

Stasom also nodded and smiled and said: "I have already left. Now, except for our Han family, there are no other people in the shadow city. Those people have nothing to do with our Korean family. I think even if it is Wallace has the heart to get rid of us and not to take them."

"With their mouth, you can pass those messages out. I think Wallace is waiting to be scolded!" Almeric interjected, and he was very disdainful of Wallace’s approach, thinking that such a small belly chicken would not I can brighten up the Shadow City. "I finally understand why Shadow City will only be on the Dark City in the Dark World. Hoffs is not forbearing. Wallace has no capacity. These two people are strong. Extraordinary, but because these two points are difficult to achieve!"

"Take him, anyway, as long as we can smash it in the past, we will leave the Shadow City to find Brian. With the power of Brian, we will definitely bring us a bright future!" Stasom smiled relaxed and relieved Everyone said: "Although I don't have a long time with Brian, I know that his potential is unlimited. In the future, the strength of our Korean family will definitely exceed that of Wallace's family. At that time, we can come back to revenge!"

Stasom still underestimated the ability of Han Shuo, and now Han Shuo does not need to personally shoot, just relying on the power of Xiao Hao Han Hao in his hands, it is enough to suppress the Sain family of Shadow City to death!

"I am back, Mom, I have consumed so many energy spar, my heart hurts!" Just then, the scream of Black Dragon Gilbert came, and for a while, Gilbert came in with a heartache. .

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can receive the effect, we are not afraid of losing some energy spar!" Emily smiled and asked: "Black dragon, how?"

"We killed 200 of them!" Gilbert sneered, saying: "There are still a lot of minor injuries, and even the guys of Laclesson should have been consumed a bit of power!"

"Great, haha, black dragon, really have you!" Bloody drink, eyes reddish: "You look at it, I will not lose to you, I want to kill them, hell, crying!" [Two chapters Finished, exhausted, oh, next year is said to be a widow's year, Xiaorui several elderly people are also urging Xiaorui to do the marriage this year, the headache is dead......]

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