Great Demon King

Chapter 892: House arrest

Shuo has promised to others that Xiaohao Han Hao has clearly told Han Hao that he will leave the Hunting Gods Alliance. Even if one day chaos and the Hunting Gods Alliance fight, Han Hao will stand on their side and hunt. The Alliance of Gods is an enemy.

With the guarantee of Han Shuo, there are no excuses for the great monarchs to make a fuss.

Han Shuo finally entered the deep valley, and the ten kings stores that belonged to Salas were handed over by other major monarchs, and the owner became Han Shuo. Like the other great monarchs, every year in the deep valley, Han Shuo will take one-fifth of the tax. This tax is just an astronomical figure.

When he first entered the deep valley, Osoue once sent his own king store to Han Shuo, which was used by Han Shuo as a branch of Tianzhuo. This time Han Shuo took over the ten kings stores in Salas and returned one of them to Osoue. It is also the human condition of Oso.

He had some scruples about Ossau from the beginning, and he dared not to be 100% assured. Vassis reminded Han Shuo that he had more eyes, so he tried to avoid being too involved with Osoe, so as not to be in the future. When I started, I was worried and was made a lot of talks.

When the ten kings shop arrived, Han Shuo let the Zoe and the gold armor of the Magic Valley enter the deep valley. The gold corpse can open the gold stone shop in the major gods to prove that he can be extraordinary in this respect. In the deep valley, Han Shuo handed over one of the king's stores to him and used him as a branch of the gold stone shop in the deep valley.

Zoqi's brain is flexible, and the doorway to the chaotic land is very clear. Han Shuo let him come to help Jinjia corpse to get the gold stone shop early. In addition, Zoqi and some of the deep valleys of the wind have some friendship, Han Shuo gave him a black crystal coin, let him establish his own network in the chaotic land.

After talking to the dead volcano last time, the three monarchs took the initiative to contact the owners of the shops, indicating that they do not need to continue to blame Han Shuo. The owner of the shop, who was mad at Xiao Han Han Hao, immediately ordered the three monarchs to immediately agree. After this incident, they all understood how sinister Han Shuo was, and no one dared to provoke Han Shuo.

In addition, they also know that the three monarchs must have reached an agreement with Han Shuo, and hate and fear the Han Shuo, who has just risen.

On this day, I am refining a new medicinal herb, and I plan to recruit all the poisons in the deep valley to recruit Han Shuo, and suddenly saw that Zoqi rushed in.

Han Shuo once told Zocchi that when he refining the medicinal herbs or avoiding cultivation, there is no urgent matter to stop to disturb him. Zoqi is not the kind of blundering person. For the first time in three months, this is the first time. Come over, and see him as so urgent, Han Shuo immediately knew that something must happen.

"What happened?" Han Shuo's face sank, and his heart raised an inappropriate feeling.

Zoqi was anxious. After a ceremony, he immediately replied: "I just received the news from Han Hao. He said that he was coming from the death domain and reporting to him about the Han family."

When the look was tight, Han Shuo became even more uneasy. He immediately said, "What is the matter?"

"In the Longsen Grand Canyon, the hunter of Han Hao received the message from the Han family. The forces of the great hunters in the Longsen Grand Canyon united and planned to work with the Han family. The man was sent to the chaos. He talked about the situation at the time..." Zocchi hurriedly described the situation he knew.

From the time when Han Shuo handed over the task of setting up the intelligence network to him, Han Shuo told him to pay more attention to the situation of the Han of the Dark Gods. After staying in this position for some time, Zach naturally understood between Han Shuo and Han. What is the relationship, so when he received such urgent news from Han Hao, he reported to Han Shuo as soon as possible.

The hunter who reported the news to Xiao Han Han Hao was the starter when Xixi went to the gathering place of the Hunter League. He didn’t know what happened in the Longsen Grand Canyon. The words fell to Han Shuer. The same is true, let Han Shuo understand that it should be very crisis at that time.

From the land of death to the place of chaos, that Han Hao

The non-stop has been shared for more than four months, which means that the news has been four months ago.

Han Shuo’s face was gloomy. Based on this news, he inferred that Han’s family must have something in the Dark God’s Shadow City. Otherwise, the Han family would not go to the death domain. After four months, Han Shuo did not know what happened to the Han family. I don’t know if they escaped from the Longsen Grand Canyon.

Zorchi is also unclear about the current situation of the Han family. According to the news, it is more likely that the Han family will be more vicious in the Longsen Grand Canyon. Therefore, he can’t find a good word to comfort Han Shuo, only to be embarrassed. silence.

After a while, Han Shuo took a deep breath and said to Zoe: "I want to leave the chaotic land. I don't want to tell anyone when I leave. When someone asks, I say that I am practicing in Magic Valley." It will take a long time to go, and you will handle the messy things during this time. I will come back as soon as possible."

"Adults rest assured, I know what to do!" Zocchi nodded and understood that he was also an old fritter in the chaos. What should be done should not be clear to him.

Nodded, Han Shuo said: "I will leave immediately, those little guys you have more snacks, I am not in the deep valley, don't let them cause trouble."

The account of this accounted for a lot of things, Han Shuoguang just left the deep valley, a deep valley immediately smothered the atmosphere, so that no one can find his movement. Out of the deep valley, Han Shuo immediately contacted Xiao Han Han Hao in a unique way. After finding Xiao Han Han Hao, the two of them talked about each other. He left the whole place and stopped staying in the deep valley.


Death **** domain, dry bone city.

Among the cities in the Death Valley, the buildings in the Bone City are the most peculiar. The walls of the city do not know what kind of bones are made of Warcraft. The bones are different in color, and each piece is very strong. At first glance, it consists of many bones. The dead bones are terrible, like a giant beast.

Within the city of Kusu, the Gianyaran family.

The Han family gathered in a building made up of white bones. The conditions and facilities here were much worse than those in the Shadow City. The environment was not good, and the side was relying on a stinky smelting field.

The bone-removing field is a place where the bones are forged with special metal. Through some rare metal inclusions, the bones can be made harder than the rocks. The bones refining the bones are used, and the buildings used as houses are next. Some materials are very good as the base material for artifacts.

Most of the bones in the refining field come from Warcraft, and some of them are death gods. The bones that are sent are sometimes connected with broken meat and stinking, making this piece of taste very unpleasant.

The area where the Han family lives is not far from the bone refining field.

It’s been a while since I came to the Death Valley, and it’s not a good time to go down the fence. The people of the Gianyaran family were very enthusiastic when they started the Korean family, but when they found out that they could not be with Han After the agreement is reached, the attitude is not so hot.

Han family is not short of black crystal coins, which can completely improve the current conditions. However, the Changa Tuo of the Giyalan family has repeatedly promised to improve the status quo as soon as possible, and to use all kinds of excuses to leave the Korean family in the Jialan guys, not to let the Han family How quickly to leave from the Gialan family.

Li Wei and Han Shuo have a very close relationship. I have expressed my opinions many times in this matter. Unfortunately, Li Wei’s opinion is not reused in the Gianyaran family. Shadra did not change her decision because of Li Wei’s opinion.

Philebi, Emily, a woman who loves cleanliness, smells the stench of the nearby smelting field all day, and is about to be driven crazy.

After repeated requests for unresolved, Phoebe, Emily and others are becoming more and more impatient. However, the strength of the Giyalan family is very strong, and the Kylang family in the Bone City belongs to one of the best families. They seem to And the city owner also reached a certain agreement, secretly blocking the Han family's leaving the city.

"I didn't expect it to break away from the Shadow City, but now it has fallen into another dangerous place. The Giyalan family is in disguise of us!" Feibi looked angry, but there is no way.

"That's the first thing to endure. The strength of the Bone City is stronger than the Shadow City. There are always guards in the periphery of the Jiyalan family. It is impossible for us to force the city away!" The old demon Stokem sighed softly. It seems to be ambiguous. I thought it was a relief from the Shadow City. I didn’t expect the wolf to go into the tiger’s mouth. The situation was not improved, but it was even more dangerous.

"What they want is the prescription of Brian's refining agent, and the training method of Hanjia Defender. This is the basis of our Korean family's foothold in the mainland. I will not give it to them if they die!" Road.

After a long time, Phoebe certainly knows what the Jiyalan family and the Bone City played their minds.

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