Great Demon King

Chapter 903: Return to the bone city

Chapter 903 returns to the bone city

After the Han family left, the Bone City was indeed busy for a while, but they were busy depriving the family of the Gianyaran family.

The world is so cold and cold. The original Geeland family, which was one of the best in the Bone City, died as a result of the death of the head of the family, Chang Shatuo and the five superior gods, and the killing of hundreds of family goddesses by the Han family. It suddenly became a family that couldn't even talk about second-rate.

All the top masters have died, and the existing strength of the Gianyaran family naturally cannot protect the great family property. The huge financial resources and family-owned tiger wolves of the Gianyaran family have long been on the day of the Korean family’s departure from the city. Take action.

According to the truth, Shado and the Gianyaran family did so much for Hill, and he should take care of it anyway to prevent those jealous families from working on the Giran family.

However, in fact, the first one is Hill!

In the absence of his consent, the Jiyalan family arbitrarily made an excuse for the unspeakable enemy of the Bone City. Hill took over the largest territory and industry of the Gianyaran family, and most of the industry of the Gianyaran family overnight. Changed hands, fell to the name of Hill.

He eats meat, others always want to drink some soup, and other families, large and small, deprive the rest of the benefits of the Gianyaran family. Many people who have hatred with the Giyaran family have not dared to start with the strength of the Shatuo and the Gianyaran family. Now they will jump out and avenge the revenge of Hill’s righteousness and pursue the orphans. To give the Giyalan family to the genocide.

Because Shatu suffered a great shame before his death, many of the guardians of the Gianyaran family felt the same. They felt that the Gianyaran family had branded the signs of shame, and they had left the family of the Gianyaran and turned to other families. It became the murderer of the orphans and daughters of the Giyalan family.

Almost overnight, a large family standing in the Millennium City of the Dead City, suddenly collapsed.

The direct descendants of all families, both young and old, have become the targets of the original enemies. In just a few days, the ancient surname of the Giyalan family has almost been destroyed, and there are no more in the whole city. The Geeland family is a native.

Ninety percent of the Geeland family. They were all killed in this cleaning. But there is one person. But no one dares to touch it!


Bone City. South of the city. A broken temple inside. Li Wei was huddled into a ball. His eyes are empty. Holding an urn in both hands. Muttered in the mouth.

Beside her. The ancestor of the ancestors Dagasi looked sad. Love and help Li Wei to straighten her hair like a madman. Can not help but sigh.

In just three months. Innocently, Li Wei experienced the most cruel change in the world. She watched as she loved her and she was peeled and boned. Those familiar with the brothers were killed mercilessly on weekdays. Those sisters were ruined. A good family. It collapsed in an instant.

A scene of painful scenes was taken by Li Wei. The earth-shaking changes have finally destroyed her mind. She can't take it all. The whole became crazy.

Li Wei, who was originally a arrogant woman in the Guayaran family in the city of Kua, became a silly woman who talked nonsense and madness in three months.

As the arrogant woman of the Giaran family, she should not escape the poisonous hands after her family is destroyed, but because many people know that Li Wei and Han Shuo have a good relationship, even though her brothers and sisters are in front of her. It was tragic, but no one dared to move Li Wei a hair.

All the people who have seen Han Shuo have severely stopped the family members, so that they should never play Li Wei’s idea. I have to say that they are really scared. I am afraid that Han Shuo will deal with them because of Li Wei’s revenge. They know that they are not the main gods. Han Shuo wants to kill them easily. Afterwards, no one will avenge them.

"Oh, I have suffered you..." Lizard ancestors Dagasi looked at the silly Li Wei, could not help but sigh again.

A ghost is generally close, and it falls into the broken temple. I hope to become Li Wei, who looks like this. I sigh deeply: "In this incident, I am most sorry for Li Wei... ..."

The ancestors of the ancestors, Dagasi, were shocked. They stood up vigilantly and subconsciously kept Li Wei behind them. But after seeing the people, he looked relaxed and said with a smile: "How come you?"

Han Shuo remembers the fluctuation of the soul of Dagasi. It is easy to search for the soul of Dagasi in a certain realm. He came to Han Shuo, who was going to kill him immediately. He suddenly remembered Dagasi and Li Wei. The two, hesitated for a moment, still looking for it.

Looking at Li Wei's appearance, Han Shuo's heart is a bit sour. Although the Giyalan family and Sha Tuo are ruthless to the Han family, Li Wei is innocent. She has tried her best to keep the Han family busy, although it has not played much. The effect, but this friendship Han Shuo will never forget.

"How is she?" With a low sigh, Han Shuo asked Dagasi.

"Experienced so much, she

The spirit of life has collapsed. In the Giaran family, Xiaoliwei and I have the most to see her like this. "The voice of Dagasi is very embarrassing." After I came to the family of the Gianyaran, I realized that the original owner had already died. No one in the Gianyaran family can afford me. They don’t care if they live and die. Only Xiaoliwei, perhaps because Your relationship is still very good to me, Brian, can you think about it? ”

"I erased her memory and let her forget everything about the Gianyaran family. Only then can she start again." Han Shuo thought for a moment and said helplessly: "I have no other way. Can only give her a new start."

"That's fine, as long as she can be happy, then it will be fine. Forgetting the Giyalan family, it is a good thing for her." Dagasi nodded and praised Han Shuo's proposal.

Stretching his hand on Li Wei’s back, Han Shuo’s knowledge is in it, and Li Wei’s soul is gently wrapped in the glimmer that is hard to see by the naked eyes, and finds all the families of the Geeland. Related memories, using God's knowledge to entangle the ablation.

Even the man who cultivated the power of death in Shasha can find memories from the souls of others. Han Shuo, who cultivated magical powers to reach the realm of heaven and earth, is naturally easier. His knowledge is more mysterious than any power to spy on the soul. Wei's memory will not leave a little bit of sequelae.

A few minutes later, Han Shuo sighed and took a look at Li Wei, who was breathing and sleeping calmly. On the lizard ancestor Daga West Road: "When she wakes up, she will completely forget everything about the Gianyaran family. You take her to the ethereal city of time and space, go there to the scorpion pharmacy, don't stay here."

Dagasi nodded and said: "I was going to take her out of here, and the ethereal city is indeed a good place."

"Sorry, everything about her is caused by me. The only person I am sorry for in the Giyalan family is her." Han Shuo was very self-blaming and watched Dagasi sigh.

After taking a shot of Han Shuo’s shoulder, Dagasi picked up Li Wei and said, “The past is over, you don’t want to blame anything. I’m looking at it. It’s Shado and those people are too much. They I can't see it without dying."

To Dachaxi, I said that Han Shuo’s heart was better. I thought about it and asked: “Talk to me about those things, especially those who have dealt with Han’s family. Tell me about it.”

A glimpse of Dagasi, thinking about a sudden change of face, seems to think of something, exclaimed: "Brian, are you coming back this time not to find us? Is it to start with Hill?"

I don’t hide it from Dagasi Han Shuo, nodding and admitting: “Yes, Hill is the culprit, I will not let him go!”

"But, but Hill is the owner of the city of the dead bones. There is a mark in the soul of the **** of death! You, this will lead to the wrath of the death god, so, this way..." Dagasi was anxious, thinking To discourage Han Shuo from giving up.

"I know, you can rest assured, I won't have anything." Han Shuo's heart was moved. Suddenly, I feel that these friends from the Qiu mainland are good. Their concern is unreserved.

Dajiaxi saw persuasion not to move Han Shuo, smiled and shook his head, and did not continue to persevere, quite sighed: "When I was in the dark underground world of the Qiu mainland, when I saw you, you were just a little The necromancer did not think of blinking for hundreds of years, you actually exposed the gods in the mainland, and now even the Lord God dare to provoke, it is really unpredictable..."

To Dachaxi, Han Shuo couldn’t help but recall the situation with him in the underground world. He was indeed a little necromancer in that year. In the face of Dagasi at that time, he did not have any power to fight back. For a short time, he has stood on the mainland of the gods and has such a supernatural power.

"Well, I don't persuade you. Besides Shado and Hill, I know..." Dagasi did not say much, and reported the participants he knew one by one.

"You take Li Wei to go to the time domain, and the bone city may be messed up for a while!" After Dagasi finished, Han Shuo was cold and ready to kill.

"Be careful." Dagasi saw Han Shuo want to go, and finally sighed.

Han Shuo did not answer, and the figure disappeared, and disappeared in front of Dagasi. It was faster than the space power of the torn space.


In the city of Kushen, in the city's main government, Hill summoned the heads of the various family patriarchs. After discussing the family of the Gealand family, Hill belonged to the affiliation of the three divisions of the Gialan family.

Suddenly, a chilly and gloomy power suddenly enveloped the entire city government. All the family leaders who were negotiating things were changing their faces and stood up.

They felt the familiar power, and they understood one thing in their hearts - killing God is back!

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