Great Demon King

Chapter 906: Magic baby isolated

When the early Han Shuo left the Shadow City, he made up his mind not to look at it anymore. Although Yaros was more temperate than Wallace, Han Shuo was still reluctant to bet the Han family in the city.

What's more, the strength of Yaros is not seen by Han Shuo, how can he be willing to yield to the city of Yaros?

Upon hearing Han Shuo's refusal, Yaros only shook his head in disappointment, but Laklisson, Hoffs, and Wallace were obviously relieved, and a large rock hanging in his heart fell.

"Sure enough, I don't know how to lift, Big Brother, don't have to continue to smash with him. This kind of person should be killed!" Laclesson laughed.

Yaros looked at Han Shuo with great regret, and said helplessly: "I sincerely invite you to join the city of Tun Yun, but since you refused, then I can only kill you here, our family can never allow you this. Masters survived, sorry!"

"No problem, if there is any means to make it out, I have to see if you can leave me today!" Han Shuo is very arrogant, and he has not put a lot of crisis in his heart.

Covered in the surrounding layers of enchantment, the strength of all elements is isolated, even the space is like being frozen, even if the cultivation space power has the power of the space reel, I would like to release it here, it seems that Yaros they have With the best policy, Han Shuo’s retreat was blocked in advance.

"Brian, you can't escape, the enchantment here can stop anyone from leaving, unless you break through this hundred and twenty layers of enchantment, otherwise you can only passively accept our attacks!" Wallace is coldly Looking at Han Shuo, he said irony.

"Wallace, you and Ralph have come to swallow the city, shouldn't you tell Camerita, Andre? Oh, if they know that you are dealing with me like this, guess what they think?" Han Shuo smiled and was very relaxed.

When Han Shuo mentioned Carmelita and Andre, Wallace's face changed slightly. It seems that it was said that it was a painful place. "I will deal with the things of the family of the family, and it will not bother you!" Hey! Carmelita, Andre's eyes are stunned by your rhetoric, and they can't tell the truth for a while, but they can understand what I did for the family in the morning and evening!" Wallace calmed his face. To say that it is a resentment against Han Shuo, it is better to comfort himself.

Han Shuo nodded. No more to say. At this time, he mentioned that Carmelita and Andrei naturally did not want to let Wallace let them pass through them. I just wanted to pass Wallace to confirm that Carmelita and Andrei knew nothing about it.

So come. Han Shuo is at least not too chilling. Because Emily and Phoebe told him before they asked for help letters. Did not get a response. The heart is sinister. He also confirmed whether Andre and Camerita were involved in the matter. Now, when Wallace saw it, he denied it. Han Shuo knew that the two did not know.

As for Qinglin and Black Sky. As the news was explicitly received, it was opened. Han Shuo can be sure that the two people do not know anything about the fortress of Bergas.

"This is the end of the matter. I don't have to keep it." Yaros sees Han Shuo no longer. Knowing that more persuasion is useless. Lightly snorted. Road: "Black water. Blackstone. Please come over."

Two dark shadows. Suddenly appeared next to Yarus. The two men were in black. The face is dark. The same is true. Confucius dark power. The strength was originally in the last stage of the gods. But the two stood together closer to the ground. The dark power of the two will be stronger. This phenomenon is very strange.

Blackwater and Blackstone are twin brothers. It is the owner of the two cities of Blackwater City and Blackstone City. The twin brothers are second only to Yale in the Shadow City. Legend has it that the dark gods of the two souls have made a similar impression. Once the two men join hands, they can make extraordinary power.

The twins have the same mind, and the two men have fellowships, and they are all in the end of the gods, and they have been given the same imprint by the Diablo Lord. Only when they are completely similar can they multiply the power after joining hands.

When Blackwater and Blackstone appeared, Han Shuo’s brow was lightly wrinkled and his face was dignified.

The two men lurked in the dark, Han Shuo naturally clear, but the two were in two directions before, separated by a large distance, Han Shuo is only two superior gods, and did not mind.

However, when the two men plunged from the darkness and the distance between them was close, Han Shuo suddenly realized that the power in their bodies was greatly enhanced by an incredible force, and the darkness of the body was also fast. Gather together. After the two stood next to Yaros, Han Shuo’s divine power and the darkness of his body were far more than Hofs and Wallace, although not as strong as the Yaros’s main god, but It clearly exceeds the scope of the upper god.

A Yale has been somewhat difficult to deal with, plus the two city owners, there are more than one hundred layers of enchantment, Han Shuo immediately realized that to break through this layer of enchantment, the difficulty immediately increased.

"Brian, I will ask again, do you really want to be an enemy with me?" Yale's face smiled slowly, and his expression was heavy as never before.

All the cards were taken out, and I hope that Han Shuo can see the situation clearly.

Han Shuo was dumbfounded and said to Yaros: "With them, do you think you can hold me down?"

Shaking his head, Yarus answered: "Not to trap you, but to kill you!"

"Haha, I want to see, how do you kill me!" Han Shuo laughed and looked up at the darkness of the black and heavy, saying: "You think that the strength of all elements in this area is isolated, and I have lost strength. Haha, come on, let me see what you have!"

This space element is isolated, and only the endless darkness of the air is filled in all directions, like a black crushed mountain. The gods who have changed the power of any element of cultivation, in the area where this element is isolated, will greatly reduce the strength, and can only rely on the power of the body to compete.

If there is no supplement of elemental power, the power consumption is one point. Once the body's divine power is consumed, the master of the realm will become weak, and then it can only be slaughtered and become the meat on the chopping board.

"Okay, it’s a personal thing, it’s a pity, I’m dying here today!” Yaros sighed, and said to the city owners of Blackwater, Blackstone, Hoffs, and Wallace who practiced the dark power: "I will Spread the black hole vortex, you only need to put the dark power into it, you can continue to increase the power of the black hole vortex. When the black hole vortex is covered, all the dark matter will smash everything in the most frantic way, he will die! ”

Blackwater, Blackstone, Wallace, and Hoffs, as well as several strong cultivators of dark power, nodded and understood that they knew how strong Yale has and how horrible the whirlpool of the black hole of Yaros.

Yaros no longer spoke, suddenly closed his eyes and made it in the same place, and a dark breath flew out of his body and fell into the endless darkness enveloped by the enchantment. The dark power was injected into the absolute darkness of the head, and the darkness of the air seemed to be pushed by many forces, forming a vortex that slowly turned.

At the same time, Blackwater, Blackstone, Wallace, and Hoffs, which had already been prepared, were not idle. The forces of darkness flew out of several people, all of which fell into the area where Han Shuo was bound. Over the sky, falling into the whirlpool that has just begun to spin.

After the dark forces of the two brothers of Blackwater and Blackstone flew out of their bodies, they were twisted together in the middle of the road, twisting together like a twine, and the two forces of the two entangled. After becoming a share, the power has multiplied several times, far exceeding the single strength of Hofs and Wallace, which is ten times greater than their strength.

A dark force of power injected into the vortex of Han Shuo’s head, the vortex that was slowly turning slowly and faster, the void in the head of Han Shuo seems to have been torn apart by an endless black hole, and the terrible power is constantly accumulating. It seems that the entire world will be engulfed.

Yaros itself has the realm of the gods. After the combination of Blackwater and Blackstone, the power is also very strong. In addition, Hofs, Wallace and several powerful upper gods, the fellow practitioners, the power of darkness, after joining forces The power is completely beyond the expectations of Han Shuo, and the power of Pisa Russ, Vassis and Han Shuo is much stronger.

They gathered all the power together. It was intended to smash Han Shuo with a single blow. The power in the dark vortex that constantly accumulates power is becoming more and more horrible. Han Shuo’s heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Under this terrible force, Han Shuo really couldn’t think of a solution. The seventeen flying swords had already flown away from the body, and they were bombarded with more than one hundred layers of enemies that bound the space. However, the one hundred and many layers of enchantment are full of resilience, and the seventeen flying swords cannot be destroyed at once.

"Picture!" In the electric light and flint, Han Shuo suddenly made up his mind and finally decided to use all the power of himself and Ding Ling.

The 17-segment flying sword no longer indiscriminately bombarded the surrounding layers, and was suddenly taken back by Han Shuo, holding his breath and sitting down in the original place. The fundamental magical baby of Magic Confucianism slowly flew out from the body. The innumerable gods turned into a dark light and suddenly poured into the magical baby, giving the magical baby all the essence, qi and spirit of Han Shuo.

The magical baby was slowly flying out by Han Shuo Tian Ling, and the illusion of the same as Han Shuo was erratic and longer.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of devils in the waning whistle whistling out, all disappeared into the magical baby and disappeared. Originally, only the baby-sized magical baby was injected into the power of hundreds of thousands of devils. The bigger it became, the more time it became a giant who suspended a few tens of meters in the air.

The horrible power of icy, chilly, violent, and murderous, suddenly filled the entire city of swallowing clouds, and the more than one hundred layers of dense enchantment seem to be unable to hinder the evil power of the devil in the baby.

"Oh..." After all the power of the devil was injected, the magical baby suddenly screamed.

The sound of the devil's medals broke through the layers of enchantment. For a moment, many of the Brodhurst family's gods bleed in seven holes and died on the spot! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support & Chinese network &!)

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