Great Demon King

Chapter 923: Realm improvement

A water-wafer ball, one is the soul of Hill who cultivates the power of death, and the other is the **** of death, the brain of hunting, the power of destruction, and the strength of the last god.

All the self-consciousness of the two gods in the water wafer ball is erased, leaving only the purest understanding of the power of the righteousness, in which the spirit of the death power Hill is wiped out by all the consciousness of him, the death **** is in Hill. A mark left in the soul of the soul is turned into a light smoke dissipated between heaven and earth.

At that time, Han Shuo had already stepped out of the death domain. In his heart, he understood that the moment when Hill’s consciousness of the soul was obliterated, leaving a mark on the death of the **** of the gods must have felt, but out of the death domain, into the realm of time and space Han Shuo is not too worried.

In fact, there is no accident. Although I know that Hill is dead, the Lord God does not seem to take any action, or that he has not acted yet.

Two water-wafer **** were hand-to-hand, and the mind was released. The two incarnations gradually floated out of the magical darts. One left and one right side sat next to the body, and two water-wafer **** were taken from the body.

After his magical power broke through to the realm of extinction, because the power of magical power has increased greatly, far surpassing the two incarnations of practicing death and destruction, Han Shuo has not used the incarnation of the body for a long time to confront the enemy. Some of the time has also neglected the cultivation of two incarnations.

Han Shuoxin understands that even if the strength of the two incarnations is too big, it should be hard to surpass the ontology. However, since I have tried to blend in the fields of two incarnations, he feels that if the two incarnations can combine the power of cultivation, they may also be able to make amazing power.

Under the action of two incarnations, the two wafer **** slowly floated in front of them, let go of the spirit, and began to try to connect with the memory of the pure power of the water wafer ball. When the two souls slowly attached to When the water wafer ball was above, it immediately felt a huge amount of information from the inside.

In my heart, the life form inside the water wafer ball suddenly changes dramatically, like a nebula, and a period of memory fluctuations and his two spirits are mixed together to carry out the most wonderful blending.

In this process, Han Shuo's ontology is divided into two parts, which also enter two water-wafer balls, which play a neutral role in arranging the memory of the water polo ball so that each piece of memory escapes. There is no confusion in the two souls, which saves too much effort for the two incarnations.

For Fibil and Emily, if you want to fuse the pure soul memory inside the wafer ball. It takes a lot of effort. There are so many rules about power and understanding. After they merge, they must spend ten times the time to reorder those memories. Otherwise, the realm will not be able to make rapid progress. It will also affect its own realm.

With the help of the ontological knowledge. Han Shuo has had too much time. Unlike Fibi and Stasom, it needs to be divided into many times to accommodate these soul memories. One time. The two souls absorb all the huge memories of the two wafers. There is no flexibility to fluctuate a minute.

Three days. Just three days. Han Shuo's two incarnations of the body have already got everything from the water wafer ball.

The huge message about death and destructive power cultivation is filled with two incarnations in the body. At this time, Han Shuo’s body knowledge was recovered. No need to spend any more power.

"Come in!" After the two incarnations returned to the body. Han Shuo said indifferently.

Waiting outside for a long time, Zocchi. I heard the news and rushed in. Respectfully bowed. Road: "Ossoo is coming to the news. I invite you to visit the Tyre King store. He said that Tyre, Rogge, and Vasis are all here. They are waiting for you."

"It’s really fast." Nodded, Han Shuo grew up and told Zoqi: "This time is optimistic about the scorpion pharmacy, and outsiders are not allowed to enter the scorpio pharmacy hidden area!" Han family should be eager to absorb the power inside, so as not to be seen by people here, Han Shuo has to be careful with Zouqi.

"I know, except for the front hall where the pharmacy is sold, the back defense is tight, no one can come in!" Zoczi confidently assured.

"Well, very good." No more to say, Han Shuo walked out of this dedicated training ground and went to the King's store in Tyre.

Ten minutes later, Han Shuo appeared in front of the king's shop in Tyre. This monarch shop did not do any business. It was a place where the Thais gathered. It raised a lot of spirits, mainly used to collect the chaos and ten. The news of the two major divines, the news of the Territory is the most widely used in the chaotic land, relying on this king store.

"You are here, a few adults are there, please!" One of Tyre's men in front of the door, I saw Han Shuo coming over and greeted him with respect and respect.

In the wide and rich hall, there is a soft blanket.

The face was covered with bright lighting, and Tyre, Vasis, Rogge, and Ossau were all in the direction, and each face was covered with haze. When Han Shuo appeared, they nodded.

"Brian, you are here, waiting for you for a while." Ossie waved his hand and motioned Han Shuo to sit down.

"You go on." Tyre sighed softly on the road, and the man stooped to the five people in the house and bowed reverently. The whole house was left with the most powerful five people in the chaos. Many of Tyre's men do not allow anyone to step closer to this king store.

"Brian, the situation is not good. After receiving your news, we sent people to pay attention. It is true that the gods of the gods are consciously or unintentionally gathered in the chaos. This time, unlike the past, those hunting gods seem to be true. The unity of the gods, the hunting gods of several gods actually acted together!" Ossoi saw Han Shuo sit down, immediately sighed softly, his face solemnly stated the current situation.

"If the Hunting League is really all united, our chaotic land is definitely not an opponent!" Vassis also frowned, cold and cold.

"Yes, the reason why our chaotic land has been threatened in these years is because those hunting gods are arguing constantly and can't really unite to deal with us! But this time it is obviously different. According to the news I received, it seems that The forces of the Hunting Alliance reached an agreement, and the ironheartedly destroyed the chaos!" Rogge nodded.

"Death, Destruction, Diablo, the gods of the three major gods, I have seen it, the strength is very strong! This time it is not easy to deal with, because Saras is also mixed with them, Salas is too much for the chaos I am familiar with it. There is no secret in the chaotic land!” Shen Shuo said that Han Shuo had said that he was in the sea of ​​confusion and the three great hunting gods.

"It’s no wonder that the Hunting Alliance will come to the united front. It seems that you are indispensable!" Rogge was very surprised. He said coldly: "If you don't have a big killing of the hunting **** along the way, I want the hunting **** league." I won't really make up my mind, Brian Brian, you can really find something for the chaos!"

As soon as this was said, Vassis and Osoue also looked at Han Shuo with a weird look. Osoi’s face was full of smiles. I’m afraid he didn’t expect the reason for this, mainly because Han Shuo was The act of Diablo and Death.

Only Tyre’s face is calm, and it seems that he doesn’t care what the cause of the incident is. He laughs and rounds the scene: “The hunting gods have been in this place for so many years. Even without Brian’s shot, they will act together sooner or later. It’s a matter of delaying the crisis for a while.”

"I didn't expect Saras to be mixed with them. With Salas, their offense will become very easy." Vasis was silent, suddenly shook his head and saw him look. This time the situation is serious.

"Brian, ten days ago, one of my men, Waka, suddenly disappeared mysteriously. There is still no news today. I sent someone to inquire about it. I heard that in the area where he disappeared, only a group of Han Hao’s men What is the matter with this?" Rogge seems to have complained about Han Shuo and once again went out to find trouble.

Han Shuo glanced, surprised: "Is there such a thing?" Suddenly, frowned. "I will help you ask Han Hao to see if he knows about it, but I think it should be with him." People don't have anything to do with it!" His face changed, as if he suddenly remembered something, Han Shuo said with a fuss: "Isn't that the people of the Hunting League have entered the chaos? It is very likely that Rogge, this time When we have to be united, you must not be in the hands of the other side!"

Looking at Han Shuo’s big eyes and saying something, Rogge’s face was angry and shouted: “How can the Hunting Alliance come over, without careful consideration, and spend half a year’s planning, they will never rush into chaos. Brian, you did it, don't you dare to admit it?"

"You must have made a mistake!" Han Shuo shook his head, and the hand explained: "I only went back to the deep valley today. I have been outside before, I don't know anything. And I am sure that Han Hao's people will not move your hands for no reason. Definitely nothing to do with us!"

Rogge still wants to say something. Tyre insisted on his words and said: "Okay, this kind of little thing is not mentioned, those hunting gods have to come over, we should be the same at the moment! If you fight, don’t say it again!"

Seeing a few people calm down, Tyre took a deep breath and asked: "You, what can you have?"

Rogge, Vassis, and Ossie shook their heads together. Han Shuo looked at a few people and smiled. He said, "I have an idea." (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapters are more More, support &&!)

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