Shen Luo saw this, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the sword in his hand changed.

The scarlet giant sword light suddenly became blurred, and after a "sou" sound, an exactly similar giant sword appeared behind the fire curtain, which appeared in front of the female corpse, silently Cut down without interest.

The complexion of the female corpse finally changed drastically, and the look of despair and misery appeared on the beautiful face, which made people unable to help but feel compassion. . .

But sword light did not have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, and there was no hesitation on the female corpse.

With a sound of "pu chi", the female corpse was split in half and flew towards the left and right. The black ghost knife was also shaken off. Hu hu whirled and chopped in the vicinity of a building, Most of it was submerged, trembling endlessly.

The female corpse that was split in half did not die, she made a weird "hoho" sound, and two groups of yellow glow emerged from each of the two halves of the remnant body. They flew towards one place, seemingly wanting To merge again.

However, the sound of startling heaven thunder cry exploded in midair, and two thick golden thunder and lightning fell from the sky, fiercely splitting the two corpses.

The golden lightning burst like a scorching sun, and the two remnants were shattered by the explosion, turning into countless fragments and floating away, but these fragments have not completely lost their vitality, and they try to converge towards one place.

Silhouette Yihua, Shen Luo's silhouette ghost-like appeared near the debris, rubbing his hands and raising it upward.

The sound of thunder suddenly started, and countless golden lightning arcs shot out, instantly forming two large golden nets, wrapping the debris on both sides in them, and shrinking sharply.

Countless arc jumps and ejections, fiercely hit the gray debris, and the sound of the explosion was loud. Under the golden arc, a large piece of black smoke rose from the gray debris, accompanied by a stern The sound of wailing.

Shen Luo hit the void with both hands, and two groups of Pure Yang Flame flew out and sank into the golden grid.

Thunder, lightning and flames are reflected in each other, and the power increases suddenly, and the corpse debris is turned into green smoke and completely disappeared.

This series of changes seemed complicated, and a few breaths ended.

Shen Luo's tight complexion loosened, he waved his hand to recall the Pure Yang Sword, and glanced at a nearby collapsed building. The gray light flashed on his body, and he disappeared into the void again.

next moment There was a flower beside the black ghost knife on the wall in the distance, and the black ghost knife disappeared without a trace.

There was a black light flashing from the collapsed building, and a black shadow appeared, showing an astonished expression, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

Shen Luo concealed his figure, immediately flew forward, and at the same time raised the ghost eyes to check his body.

The female corpse was able to accurately find him just now. It must be something unconsciously used by him. Without finding out the reason, he would never be able to escape.

He urged the ghost eyes to the largest extent, and soon discovered the existence of those Yin Qi filaments.

"It turned out to be the ghost of these things." Shen Luo suddenly came out with a stream of Pure Yang Power.

Those Yin Qi filaments were originally used for marking purposes, and had no other special features. Once they were washed by Pure Yang Power, it was as if frost met a fire, and they were evaporated in an instant.

The heartstring he was holding loosened, speeding up and moving on.


In the dimly lit great hall, one of the nine arrays around the coffin suddenly releases rays of light, and the ground ka-cha where the array is located cracks open, and all rays of The light disappeared.

"What! Ji Liu has fallen?" A surprised and angry voice sounded inside the coffin, and the green flame above violently fluctuated, and a vast and treacherous force erupted from inside.

The dim great hall was rumbling and shaking, and a large amount of dust fell from above.

The nine female corpses are not ordinary refining corpses, but the people in the coffin have spent countless thoughts and collected them from various places. Each woman is born with a Pure Yin Body, and the people in the coffin use the sacrifice secret technique. Training, it took a hundred years to advance them to the realm of King Fiend Corpse.

Each of the nine female corpses is powerful, and the nine people can work together to display a peerless divine ability. It is the trump card specially cultivated by the people in the coffin for a major event. Now, they died before the major event. One, the person in the coffin is extremely surprised and angry.

"Okay, I still underestimate him! You all person are ready, I will start the Doll City's Greatest Weapon, and you will kill it with all your strength!" The voice inside the coffin Calm was restored, said solemnly, full of murderous intention.

tone barely fell, a dazzling Yellow glow appeared in the coffin, which quickly poured into the ground.

The entire city bloomed with a yellow glow, the bricks and stones in the center of the ground squirmed quickly, and a few breaths condensed into a towering giant that almost reached the top.

At this moment, Shen Luo stood in a corner of the city, but he was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the giant giant, his eyes azure light widened, and he watched the surroundings for a moment. , Did not pay attention to the giant at all.

The appearance of the Great Sky Giant, those yellow light filaments changed drastically, ten times more intense than the previous city change.

The countless changes in the yellow spirits were reflected in his eyes, and he quickly analyzed all this in his mind.

Shen Luo knows nothing about the changes here, but he has reached the Heavenly Venerable level in his dreams. He has an extremely deep understanding of the operation of mana. These chaotic mana changes in the yellow light thread, It may be a mess and worthless to others, but it is different in his eyes.

Combined with the previously observed situation, he has vaguely grasped the law of the city's changes.

At this moment, one after another Escape shot from the city, suspended in the air, and it was the remaining eight female corpses.

As soon as the Great Sky Giant condensed, two thick yellow lights were immediately shot out from the eyes that were the size of a house, and they scanned the surroundings. Everything they passed by was every delicate hair was completely shown, Nothing is missing.

The giant's head turned half a circle, and his gaze suddenly settled somewhere. The originally scattered yellow gaze condensed and locked in a certain place.

A hazy silhouette appeared there, it was Shen Luo.

However, Shen Luo didn't respond at all to being discovered. His eyes were still quickly observing the surroundings, and his hands quickly pinched and flicked, seeming to be calculating something.

The few female corpses around would not give Shen Luo a chance, so they swooped in at all times. The nearest female corpse was holding a blue weird sword. The body of the sword was not flat, but a blue pointed pillar. , Like a blue Icicle.

The female's wrist turned, and the blue strange sword swiped in front of her, and a huge blue light cluster appeared out of thin air and slammed into Shen Luo like a meteor.

Although Shen Luo is focusing on observing the changes in the yellow light, he is not ignorant of the surrounding situation. The moon shadows of his feet are released, and his figure appears more than ten meters away, avoiding the blue With the blow of the light ball, the eyes did not leave the surrounding area.

The female corpse holding the sword missed a hit, she was unemotional on her face, and quickly formed various handprints with her other hand, one after another blue secret art shot out, all blended into the blue light group, blue light The group suddenly split, and in the blink of an eye it turned into countless blue ice needles the size of about one chi, suspended in the air, looking very scary.

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