Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 751: Double Ancient God Prohibition

"Hahaha Long Aotian, I've opened the ancient god's restraint. Hurry up and call Grandpa!" Zhao Ritian's incredulous blame, facing Long Aotian Dao, did not forget to give Ling Xiao a provocative glance. e┡bsp; The ancient stone is shining brightly, with ample color and brilliance. It is like a **** stone, and a mysterious scene emerges.

"No? It's so easy?"

Long Aotian was also taken aback, and quickly went to see the black stone, but after reading, Long Aotian burst into laughter suddenly, breathlessly.

"Hahaha Longaotian, are you stupid? You just broke through a layer of ancient **** prohibition, there is another layer? You can't open the small world without breaking through!"


Long Aotian turned his head quickly, and when he saw the scene above Black Stone, he was dumbfounded.

Although the ancient **** prohibition was broken, a layer of prohibition appeared on the black stone, and there were thirty-six black runes intertwined, and a mysterious and ancient wave loomed out.

"Ha ha ha turned out to be a double ancient **** ban? You can't be troubled by this layer? Zhao Ritian?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Even the Emperor Qing who sat there slowly opened his eyes slowly, as if it was a divine light at the beginning of the world. There was a faint mist of chaos, which made everyone feel nervous.

Qingdi's eyes fell on Black Stone, revealing a strange color.

This layer of ancient **** prohibition is even stronger than the layer just now, and there is a perfect wave of flow.

"If you can open this layer of ancient **** prohibition, all three treasures are yours!" Qing Emperor glanced at Zhao Ritian lightly.

And Zhao Ritian's face was already green.

Because the second uncle is roaring in his heart: "His grandma, why is Tiangang thirty-six ancient gods forbidden? I am really a crow mouth, I did not expect to be really caught by me, Tiangang thirty-six ancient gods forbidden, how could it be Appear in such a small world?"

At the moment, the second uncle was a little crying, but he was already there. As long as he was not banned by the thirty-six ancient gods, he would be able to unlock it.

But who ever thought that this black stone was actually a double ancient **** prohibition. After unraveling the weight, the weight inside was actually the Tiangang thirty-six ancient **** prohibition.

At the moment, the second uncle scolded his mother.

There was a bad hunch in Zhao Ritian's heart: "Two uncles, can't you untie the thirty-sixth ancient **** prohibition of Laozizi Tiangang?"

"Hey, if I can still give it a try in my heyday, but I am just a remnant soul. There is no way to ban the thirty-six ancient gods in perfect form!"

The second uncle sighed a little unwillingly.

"Second Uncle, you have no choice? What should I do? But I bet with that little fart boy, can I really call his grandfather?"

Zhao Ritian's face was green, like a dead father and mother, extremely ugly.

"The big husband can bend and stretch, and calling a little doll, the three-life grandfather is not a shame, haha." The second uncle gave a haha, and suddenly no more, no matter how Zhao Ritian shouted, he would not come out.

Obviously, the second uncle couldn't get rid of the thirty-six ancient gods' prohibition, and he felt ashamed.

"Zhao Ritian, do you undo it? If you can't do it, hurry and roll over to call grandpa, but you have made the oath of heaven, is it because you want to be successful?"

Long Aotian feared that the world would not be chaotic, and shouted there.

Zhao Ritian was tinkering there for a while. Without the help of the second uncle, he could not have solved it, and he could only give up unwillingly.

"Zhao Ritian, come and call grandpa, ha ha ha, I'm waiting!" Long Aotian said with great excitement.

Even he was shocked just now, thinking that Zhao Ritian really lifted the ancient **** ban, but did not expect Zhao Ritian to be so sad that he encountered a double ancient **** ban.

"Long Aotian, I can give you a treasure, whether it is holy medicine, Taoism, or Pure Yang Pill. Can you spare the bet?"

Although Zhao Ritian was not reconciled in his heart, he could only accompany with a smile.

"No, you just can't give me an artifact. You have ordered these three grandpas!" Long Aotian directly refused.

"You don't want to deceive people too much, I am not irritated by Zhao Ritian!" Zhao Litian began to threaten again by failing to lure him.

"Okay, Zhao Ritian, put away your set! I will only ask you a question, as long as you tell me, your bet will be free! What is the origin of the remnant soul in your body?" Ling Xiao Suddenly the voice was passed to Zhao Ritian.

"How do you know the second uncle?" Zhao Ritian was like a ghost, but he stopped immediately before the words were over.

"Second Uncle? The remnant soul in you is your second uncle? Why haven't I heard that your Zhao family has such a powerful character?"

Ling Xiao's brow furrowed, and finally heard a little message from the residual soul.

"Well, you die this heart, don't I don't know the origin of the second uncle, even if I know it, I won't tell you, the second uncle is so kind to me, I won't betray him!"

Zhao Ritian said righteously.

"Hey, Zhao Ritian, don't you know if you are sold by others! Do you really think that the residual soul in your body is here to help you? Maybe you want to train waiting for your repair In order to be strong to a certain degree, I will take you away, and there will be no pie in the sky, only a trap!" Ling Xiao sneered.

"Huh! Don't slander the second uncle, and don't want to provoke the divorce, the second uncle is so kind to me, even if you take my flesh? Don't worry about it, isn't it the grandfather of three sentences? My husband, Zhao Ritian, can stretch out , What did it count?"

The voice of Zhao Ritian's righteous words to Ling Xiaodao.

Then he walked directly to Long Aotian and said: "Little fart boy, you are waiting for Ben Shengzi. Sooner or later I will let you call my ancestor, grandpa, grandpa, grandpa!"

After Zhao Ritian even shouted three grandpas, he suddenly jumped angrily into the Void Golden Eye Beast and turned away from here.

"This guy even agreed so easily?" Long Zhantian felt a little weird.

After all, he can see that Zhao Ritian is so powerful that he has survived the four elephants. As the tenth son of the Sun Palace, there should be no easy compromise.

"Well, it's cheaper for him. His voice is too low. I should have him shout grandpa just now and let everyone in the city hear it!"

Long Aotian said something uncomfortable.

"Okay, let me try it!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly and walked towards Heishi.

Although he was very interested in the remnant soul in Long Aotian's body, but unfortunately Long Aotian kept his mouth shut, he just inadvertently confessed the words of the second uncle, and nothing else.

Ling Xiao is ready to unlock this second ancient **** ban.

Tiangang's thirty-six ancient gods are banned, although Ling Xiao is not sure, but the secret of swallowing the sky is nothing, and the power of the wordless book, perhaps Ling Xiao can break through the ancient gods ban.

(End of this chapter)

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