Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 777: Everyone persecuted!

"What you just showed is Changsheng Jianqi?" Changsheng Cao's eyes showed a trace of surprise.

"You even know the sword of longevity? It seems that in the rumors, you are the supreme **** medicine left behind for the sake of defeat, it should be true!"

Ling Xiao looked at Eternal Grass with some surprise.

Swish swish!

Ling Xiao's hands were sealed, and a few banned runes were immediately placed on the longevity grass. Unexpectedly, the longevity grass did not resist.

"Boy, how can I discuss it with you? You help me save Xiaoqing, and I pass on to you the supreme school of loneliness and seeking defeat, which is definitely more powerful than the longevity sword you are practicing!" Changsheng grass glanced at Ling Xiao, hehe Smiled.

"Is that the sword you just cast? It looks nothing remarkable!"

Ling Xiao pouted.

But in his heart there was a move. The sword just cast by Eternal Life Grass, the vast sword meaning, is definitely a god-level martial arts, but Eternal Life Grass does not seem to be able to mobilize too much power, so Ling Xiao can easily break it. That sword.

Discussing that sword alone has indeed surpassed Changsheng Jianqi.

Could it be that the longevity of the grass is the true inheritance of solitude and defeat?

"Early buns, every insight! Just now the old man only used the power comparable to the realm of the emperor. That sword already has the power to threaten the supreme. If the old man has the supreme power, even if a god, the old man can slaughter!" Longevity said proudly.

"Can you die without bragging? Is Qinglin Swallowing Tian Python your pet? If so, I can save it!" Ling Xiao stared at Changsheng Grass and rolled her eyes.

He felt that there was a bunch of exotic flowers around him. The big radish was an exotic flower. This evergreen grass was even an exotic flower. There was nothing normal.

Changsheng Cao said: "Xiaoqing is my partner, a good friend, not a pet! Boy, I tell you, if you dare not save Xiaoqing, the old man will explode and you won't get Mao by then. !"

Ling Xiao sneered: "Yeah? Dare to threaten me? Believe me or not, I killed King Kong ape and Qinglin and swallowed Tian Python?"

Changsheng Cao suddenly lost his temper and smiled bitterly: "Boy, since you will live a sword spirit, you must also be a descendant of the duo for defeat. We are a family, there is no need to kill, kill? Hurry up and save Xiaoqing, if it alarms other people, it will be troublesome!"


Ling Xiao nodded, and he had no intention of giving up Qinglin to swallow the sky python, and grabbed the longevity grass. Qingling swallowed the sky python would surely obediently obey. This is simply an extra super thug!

Swish swish!

At this moment, a few broken sounds sounded, and a group of powerful figures came quickly towards this side.


A cold and angry voice sounded, and the eyes of Burning Demon Emperor fell on Ling Xiao instantly.

The disciples of the Star Palace and the Heavenly Demon Palace have all arrived.

"Burn Heavenly Demon Emperor, Ziwei Xingzi?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and the movement here still alarmed them all.

Ziwei Xingzi saw the evergreen grass in Ling Xiao's hand at a glance and said coldly: "Ling Xiao, hand over the evergreen grass, I will spare you your life, otherwise you will die today!"

"Hand over the longevity grass!"

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor also said coldly, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

Swish swish!

More people arrived, all of them strong men of the martial arts holy places, shocked by the movement of the Vajra Ape and the Green Scale Swallowing the Heavenly Python.

Among them, there are still many people whom Ling Xiao knows, the strong men of the martial holy places such as Nantian Family, Emperor Tomb Hill, and Zhenbao Pavilion, even Zhao Ritian came.

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a sharp edge, and it seems that there will be a battle today.

"What?! The elixir of supremacy?"

"I heard that Eternal Life is the supreme potion left behind by the sword and the devil, and it is very likely that the inheritance of the desolation will be hidden!"

"Ling Xiao, hand over the longevity grass and spare you not to die!"

"Ling Xiao, don't mistake yourself!"

Many strong men scolded, staring at the longevity grass full of greed.

Although they know that Ling Xiao is a strong player on the Qingyun List and has a very powerful combat power, there are Ziwei Xingzi and the Burning Demon Emperor. Ziwei Xingzi ranks higher than Lingxiao.

In addition, there are hundreds of strong people gathered here, Ling Xiao is simply not the opponent of so many people.

"It turns out that your kid's name is Ling Xiao? No matter what your name is, hurry to rescue Xiao Qing, it won't last long!"

Changsheng grass said anxiously.

In the distance, the Vajra Ape and Qinglin swallowed the sky python, and the breath became extremely weak, as if a dead situation had formed, and the two fierce beasts were ruthless, depending on who killed the other first.

There are even some martial arts strongmen approaching these two fierce beasts, their eyes full of fiery and greedy colors.

There is only one plant of longevity grass, and they may be difficult to compete, but these two supreme beasts are all treasures. Now they are both defeated and injured, just giving them the opportunity to be fishermen.

"Relax, if I'm here, the green scale swallows the sky python will not die!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a sharp edge, and said lightly.


Ling Xiao didn't care about those people at all, and instantly turned into a golden light, rushing towards the Vajra Ape and the Green Scale Swallowing the Python.


Ling Xiao shot it with his palms, his palms were spitting sharply, and a deep beam of light burst out. He used the big soul extermination technique and instantly hit the soul extermination needle into the eyebrows of the Vajra Apes.

At this moment, the Vajra Apes have been weakened to the extreme, and the battle between Qinglin and Tiangu Python is entirely based on a fierce instinct and will.

If it was in its heyday, Ling Xiao's Great Soul Extermination and Soul Extinguisher had no effect on it at all, and even the body could not be broken.

But now, Vajra Apes have no resistance.


The eyebrows of the Vajra Apes split It knows that the demon soul in the sea is its only weakness, and now exposed to Ling Xiao, it is instantly killed by the Great Destroyer.

The Vajra Ape's eyes were wide, full of unbelievable looks. It couldn't even imagine that it would be killed by a small bug.

"No, stop him!"

"He wants to get involved in the two great supreme beasts. Let's get together!"

Both Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor and Ziwei Xingzi changed their faces, and came to them instantly, exuding a monstrous godman's body, and punched them towards Ling Xiao.

The Burning Demon Emperor performed a Qilin fist, and the hot flames filled his body. It seemed that a huge unicorn jumped out of the fist, wrapped in a fierce and violent momentum, and rushed towards Lingxiao.

And Ziwei Xingzi cast Ziwei Emperor's fist, punched out, Wan Xing shook, and the bright starlight fell, as if he was a supreme emperor, launched a peerless blow towards Ling Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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