Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 805: Heavenly Chaos Monument!

Tomb Xuan's performance was so eager that Ling Xiao had to wonder whether there was any secret hidden in this stone tablet.

And the ninth chapter of Destiny, recorded on this stone tablet, when Ling Xiao got the stone tablet before, he already had some doubts and could be cherished by the demon holy if it was placed with the blood of the demon holy **** and a magic medicine Together, it must not be as simple as the ninth chapter of Destiny.

Tomb Xuan smiled bitterly: "Ling Xiao, I really can't hide your eyes! The ninth chapter of Destiny is indeed very important to my tomb king city, but this stone will probably be more important!"

"Oh? What to say?" Ling Xiao's eyes moved.

Tomb Xuan said: "This matter is the top secret of my tomb king city, and it was also told by my grandfather. This stone monument is called the Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument. There are a total of nine pieces, which contain heaven and Dao, and more importantly, If you can gather nine heavenly chaotic monuments, you can forcefully open the gate of God Realm and enter into God Realm!"

"What?! Nine pieces of Heavenly Path Chaos Monument, can you enter the God Realm?"

Ling Xiao was also shocked, and he had never heard of such a secret.

Today, Ling Xiao can confirm that it is probably because of the invasion of the extraterrestrial demon millions of years ago, which caused some kind of great change in the **** realm, and closed the gate of the **** realm. No one can soar into God Realm.

Even, even the sky road that Ling Xiao saw on the colorful God Mountain was cut off.

Without being able to ascend to God Realm, there is no way to break through the realm of the gods, and to obtain a long life, even the Supreme One can only live for ten thousand years. How can they be reconciled?

But Ling Xiao was also the first to hear the argument of the Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument.

"This news is very secretive. My tomb king city also got a trace of traces from a lot of ancient ruins! Nine pieces of heavenly chaotic monuments are probably the things of the **** realm, I don’t know why they will fall in the heavens and the world, It is already an ancient or even an ancient thing! I'm sure that the entire world of God of War, knowing this matter, I am afraid that there are no more than three martial holy places!" Tomb Xuan said honestly.

"This is indeed amazing news. If it spreads, I am afraid that the supreme world of heaven and earth will be crazy! That is the supreme opportunity to enter the **** realm. I am afraid that no one will be willing to miss it! , But still concealed to me!" Ling Xiao looked at Tomb Xuan with a smile.

Tomb Xuan smiled bitterly: "Ling Xiao, this matter is too important after all, too grandpa he is also more cautious, so please don't blame him!"

"Anyway! I'm curious. Since the tomb king city knows the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument, I'm afraid it has already been obtained?" Ling Xiao asked.

"Yes! My tomb king city got a Heavenly Chaos Stele. There are two at Daleiyin Temple, and there should be four at the Temple of War! With one in your hand, there are a total of eight Heavenly Chaos Steles. trace!"

Tomb Xuan did not hide anything at all, and all spoke out.

"Have there already been eight Heavenly Path Chaos Steles? No wonder that the descendants of the Temple of War and the Buddha Kaye will fight for this stone stele!"

Ling Xiao remembered that in the demon holy palace, the descendants of the Temple of War and the Buddha Kaye were pregnant with ghosts. At that time, Ling Xiao was still wondering, and the ninth chapter of Destiny can be understood by two people together. Why do you have to fight?

It turned out that what they value most is not the ninth chapter of Destiny, but the Heavenly Chaos Monument!

"Why is the ninth chapter of Destiny recorded on the Chaos Monument?" Ling Xiao asked, looking at the tomb.

"I don't know about this. I don't know what it means to leave the ninth chapter of Destiny! But the piece of heavenly chaotic monument we got from the tomb king city left nothing on it!" Tomb Xuan said.

"Ling Xiao, you now know about the Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument. Can this Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument be sold to our tomb king city? No matter what the conditions are, my tomb king city will agree!" Tomb Xuan looked at Ling eagerly. Xiao said.

Ling Xiao glanced at the Tomb Xuan, and did not immediately agree, but asked: "Tomb Xuan, even if it is a collection of nine heavenly chaotic monuments, can open the gate of God Realm, but it is still the last piece that has not been found, and even if it is found After the last piece, can the tomb king city grab the remaining Heavenly Chaos Stele from the hands of the Great Leiyin Temple and the Temple of War?"

Tomb Xuan said: "The Great Leiyin Temple and the Temple of War are both forces that have inherited hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. It is unfathomable. Although my tomb king city is not afraid, but I want to grab the Heavenly Chaos Stele from their hands. , Basically impossible! But we can cooperate, and then open the door of God Realm together, and Ling Xiao will leave you a place when the time comes!"

"According to you, it seems that even if nine heavenly chaotic monuments open the gates of God Realm, there is a quota limit? It is strange that they have to advertise the news. At that time, for a quota to enter God Realm, I am afraid that everyone will fight. !"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"Although I don't want to admit it, it is true!" Tomb Xuan nodded.

"I'm sorry, Tomb Mansion! I can give you the ninth chapter of Destiny, but I still want to stay and study the Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument. Anyway, you said that it is everyone's cooperation. The problem is to find the Ninth Fast Heaven Dao Chaos Monument. Right!"

Ling Xiao glanced at Tomb Xuan and refused directly.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, the tomb was still a bit disappointed. He could only sigh: "Okay! Heavenly Chaos Stele, you don’t want to give me the tomb of Wangcheng, but it’s okay, but you need to be careful of the descendants and Buddhas of the Temple of War. Kaye, they already know that the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument is on you, even if there is no way to help you in the Suiyue Cave, I am afraid that it will be bad for you after going out!"

"Is the descendant of the Temple of War and Kaye the Buddha? I will be careful! Thank you!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly. He handed a copy of the ninth chapter of Destiny to Tomb Xuan, and tomb Xuan left the city of the demon, and was preparing to leave the Suiyue Cave with his secret method.

He came here originally for the ninth chapter of Destiny and the Chaos Monument of Heavenly Dao, not for the Heavenly Election Conference. Since it has succeeded, he does not need to continue to stay.

Ling Xiao stood on top of the mountain, surrounded by mountain breeze hunting, blowing away his hair, Ling Xiao's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"Ling Xiao, did not expect that the stele turned out to be a chaos stele of heaven and earth? This is really earth-shaking news!"

On Ling Xiao's side, the void was rippling like water waves, and the old goat came out silently.

As soon as Ling Xiao saw the tomb, the old goat secretly followed.

Ling Xiao did not have any surprises, and said: "The Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument, if it is really like the Tomb Xuan said, can open the gate of the God Realm, I am afraid it is really earth-shattering news! Old Goat, did the Holy Saint leave you with the Heavenly Dao Chaos? News from the tablet?"

(End of this chapter)

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