Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 845: 10 extreme situations!

After killing Mo Yan, Ling Xiao felt a strange power integrated into his body, which made him very relaxed.

It was a feeling of breaking away from the shackles, being free of the whole body, melting into the world, and being happy and free.


A blazing flame enveloped Ling Xiao, and the flame burned to the sky, as if everything could be burned to ashes, and there was no source, no mystery.

Ling Xiao stood in the flame, the flesh was crystal-clear, the sea of ​​Qi was perfect, the Yuanshen was pure and clear, and gradually the five qi in his chest began to rise slowly.

This is a fire disaster!

The last of the four elephants has come!


In the blaze, Ling Xiao's flesh, Qihai and Yuanshen seemed to merge into one, a new force rose, exuding a force that made the world tremble.

That is the divine power, the divine power that the Supreme Realm can master. At this moment in the fire robbery, Ling Xiao begins to condense the divine power and slowly transforms towards the Supreme Realm.

Ling Xiao was standing in the fire robbery. I don't know how long it took. When San Hua gathered at the top, with five qi qi Yuan in his chest, and his whole body was perfect, Ling Xiao slowly opened his eyes.


The two Shenmang holes penetrated the sky, exuding a bright and sharp breath.

For Ling Xiao today, whether it is the flesh, vitality, or primordial spirit, he has already reached the state of perfection and survived the scourge of fire, which is a breeze.

Ling Xiao can even feel that, as long as he wants, he can provoke the supreme robbery and prove the supreme supremacy to achieve the eternal giant!

"It turns out that this is the ultimate situation! Break the taboo, reborn, promote the myth, do not enter the Supreme, but you can cut the Supreme, you can swallow the world!"

Ling Xiao said to herself, her eyes were extremely deep, and her whole body exuded an unfathomable breath.


This piece of galaxy world is broken, Ling Xiao stepped forward, and came to an ancient palace.

The eighth chongtian palace is only one step away from the summit of the ninth chongtian!

The God of Time will stand in the palace of the Eighth Heaven, with a complicated look at Ling Xiao: "The Ten Wonderful Realms, your talents will exceed my expectations! The ninth level has been opened, and the God of War is in Waiting for you inside, as to whether you can become the inheritor of the Red Dragon God of War, it depends on your creation!"

Behind the time **** general, the palace of the ninth chongtian has been opened. An ancient portal is sprayed with a thin glow of light, which looks dazzling and exudes ancient and mysterious power.

"Thank you Senior Senior, how many people have passed the eighth pass?" Ling Xiao nodded and asked.

"The heirs of the Temple of War, Buddha, Kaye, Qingdi, Zhao Ritian, Zhu Biao, Qingyun have entered the ninth level, plus you, there are a total of seven people! Unexpectedly, there is such a arrogant battle in this world. There are so many geniuses in this world, and this world will eventually be chaotic!"

Years God will say lightly.

Ling Xiao also flashed his gaze, and he did not expect that there were so many people who passed the eighth level.

You have to know that the God of War mainland has emerged for a million years, and the sword and devil alone have defeated a nine talents, perhaps ten talents, but this time there were seven in the general election conference.

There is also a pervert, Ling Xiao, who breaks taboos and is promoted to a ten-point situation.

Years of God will give Ling Xiao a deep glance, his whole body gleams and disappears into the palace.

Ling Xiao set foot on the sky and walked into the ninth heavy palace!

The ninth level: God of War level!

In this level, only the sword and the devil alone passed through, and finally failed, so no one knows the conditions of the ninth level.

However, everyone knows that as long as you pass the ninth level, you can become the inheritor of the Red Dragon God of War!

Outside the Temple of the Years, countless talents are waiting anxiously.

They all want to know who is the son of this election and who can set foot on the top.

"I really didn't expect that this time there were seven great geniuses and nine great geniuses, and the successors of the Temple of War are just that. I didn't expect that Buddha Kaye, Qingdi, Zhao Ritian, Zhu Biao, Qingyun and that Lingxiao, it was also Jiuju genius!"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes full of shock.

There are nine rare geniuses that have been seen for a million years!

Seven of them are the half-step supreme of the four elephants. Doesn't it mean that they have the most powerful fighting power in the supreme realm?

Have not entered the supreme, but have already set foot on the supreme peak!

This talent, Kuangshuo ancient and modern, makes everyone feel like a dream.

"Finally, it is my cousin who has reached the summit and stepped to the top to become the son of the heavenly election. What about the successors of the Temple of War? It is nothing more than scum. My cousin will definitely be able to crush them all!" Said fartly.

"Ling Xiao? Just because he deserves to be compared with Lord Son? Lord Lord Son can kill him with one hand!"

Duan Wuji sneered.

His face is very ugly. Duan Wuji has become a joke for everyone at the moment. He even thought that Ling Xiao couldn't even pass the first pass, but he didn't expect Ling Xiao to even break through the ninth heaven and step into the peak.

Everyone looked at him with ridicule, making Duan Wou-kii almost crazy.

His heart was full of anger and murder, and he wished to kill Ling Xiao now.

"Yes! Brother Duan, don't worry, how could Ling Xiao be the opponent of Lord Shenzi? Even if he reaches the ninth level, he will definitely be eliminated!"

Geniuses from Murong Xuantian, Emperor Tomb Hill, Star Palace, Nantian Aristocratic Family, Mingwang Temple, and several major martial holy places with hatred in Lingxiao all echoed with each You scum, wait for my cousin Suppressed the successors of the Temple of War, I think you dare to be so arrogant! Long Aotian sneered.

"Ling Xiao, he still wants to come up? Offended Lord Divine Son, I think in the ninth level, he will definitely be beheaded by Lord Divine Son, little boy, you just wait for his bones to be saved!" Duan Wuji sneered. .

"Yes! How could Ling Xiao be the opponent of Lord Son? Lord Lord Son swept across the warlord continent, and he has a unique talent. It is a peerless genius for millions of years, and even the sword and the devil alone can't beat him!"

"Compared to Lord Son, Ling Xiao is simply a ants, you can run to death!"

"How can fireflies compete with Haoyue?"


The crowd echoed, eyes full of sneer.

Even those neutral geniuses have a look of suspicion in their eyes. After all, the descendants of the Temple of War have reached the top of the Qingyun list. No one can shake them for decades, and they are powerful.

Many people even speculate that if it were not for the election of the General Assembly, the descendants of the Temple of War would have preached supreme.

Therefore, most people do not think that Ling Xiao can overcome the successors of the Temple of War.

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