Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 852: 3 Great God Gong!

A large number of extraterrestrial demon died in the hands of the Red Dragon God of War.

The demon spirit is surging, and one horrible **** of heaven and gods is besieging towards the Red Dragon God of War. Every blow has a terrifying power of terror.

Even across the endless time and space, Ling Xiao can still feel the fierce breath.

With the current strength of Ling Xiao, I am afraid that it will be instantly crushed by the aftermath.

so horrible!

"Is this a picture of a million years ago?"

Ling Xiao's eyes were dazzling, he could feel that there was a very mysterious fluctuation in the Red Dragon God of War, as if he was evolving the mystery of the supreme martial arts for him, and he could see clearly every move.


The Red Dragon God of War burst out with a punch, and the seal of the fist was like the ancient mountain of God. It penetrated a huge **** of devil, and then the frightful seal of the fist broke out, turning it directly into powder.


A fiery light radiated from the eyebrows of the Red Dragon God of War, which contained a chaotic color and emptiness, and a group of extraterrestrial demons in front of him disappeared as if they had been wiped out of any traces.

"This is... life-changing technique?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes shook. The Red Dragon God of War performed the life-defying technique. Ling Xiao was very familiar with this supreme mystery. However, under the display of the Red Dragon God of War, three types of life-defying were presented to him completely. In front of you.

Breaking life!

Burning life!


The three great kills of the life-changing technique are in the hands of the Red Dragon God of War. There is almost a kind of unpredictable power that destroys the world!


The war in front of us is getting more and more intense. The Red Dragon God of War is crazy, and the battle is broken in nine days and ten days. The billions of stars are turned into powder.

Ling Xiao even saw that the stronger than the Demon God came from the sky, tearing the void, and fiercely fighting with the Red Dragon God of War, and finally blew into the sky and died in the hands of the Red Dragon God of War.

"My red dragon is not weaker than my life!"

The sound of the Red Dragon God of War is ancient and loud, with a wave of excitement, as if through a heavy time and space, ringing in Ling Xiao's ear.

"My red dragon dies for nine days, how can I watch Er wait to destroy my home? Destroy my compatriots? Er wait to die!"

"I have three great powers in my life, God of War, Menstruation, and Destiny. I use these three powers to extinguish the vitality and so on.

"If the sky blocks me, I kill the sky, if the demons block me, I blame, if the gods block me, then I will let the gods and gods in the sky disappear."


A sonorous and powerful voice passed through the endless time and space, and contained a tremendous fighting intent, ringing in Ling Xiao's ears, making Ling Xiao some blood boiling.

"What a red dragon God of War! What a nine days across! What a life is not weaker than others!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered with glorious glory, and he wished to kill the sword with the sword before entering the millions of years.

"It turns out that the true inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War is the three magical skills of God of War, menstruation and menacing life?"

Ling Xiao sighed lightly that these three great works were also the most powerful source of the three martial arts he saw on the Taoist platform.


As the Earthquake trembles, the Red Dragon God of War fights hundreds of millions of Heavenly Demons with his own strength.

The God of War tactics, menstruation and life-changing techniques, the three magical skills and martial arts' true intentions, were imprinted into Lingxiao's sea of ​​knowledge in a very strange way.

The Wushu Tianshu floats in the void, the earthquake trembles, and hundreds of millions of rays of light are dazzling. A chain of order gods penetrates the endless time and space, as if it were a bridge, imprinting the three great skills of the Red Dragon God of War on Ling Xiao. In the sea of ​​knowledge.

"It turns out that this is the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War!"

Ling Xiao's eyes are unparalleled. To get the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War, he must use the wordless book as a medium to obtain the inheritance of the three great works from the time and space of millions of years ago.

It turned out that the Red Dragon God of War left his inheritance for a million years before he had to get the Wordless Book to become the true inheritor of the Red Dragon God of War.

Ling Xiao finally understood why Xuan Tian Shen said that Du Gu seeking defeat is not eligible for inheritance. Even if Du Gu seeks defeat, he has no way to obtain the inheritance millions of years ago.


In Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea, the huge Yuanshen disk sat in the galaxy and began to realize the power of these three great works.

Ling Xiao has already practiced the life-changing technique already, and at this moment the God of War and the menstruation began to be slowly enlightened by him.

The Red Dragon God of War inherits the three great powers, and directly imprints the true meaning of the power on Ling Xiao’s Yuanshen, just like Ling Xiao had already practiced. The endless mystery appeared in his sea of ​​knowledge .

Otherwise, if you give Ling Xiao these three magical skills and let Ling Xiao practice on her own, even if Ling Xiao is unparalleled in talent, I am afraid that it will not be possible to practice to a satisfactory level without decades.

The mystery of God of War and the secret of menstruation slowly unfolded in front of Ling Xiao.

The God of War and the menstrual period are arguably the most powerful supreme skills Ling Xiao has seen so far!

The secret techniques in the Wordless Heaven Book contain the origin of martial arts and the laws of heaven and earth. If you want to exert powerful power, you must have corresponding cultivation practices to support it.

Although Wanlong Tushu is also a divine skill, it is far inferior to God of War tactics and menstruation.

Ling Xiao's self-created Seven Great Gods of Heaven and Earth, and the various supreme martial arts he had obtained before, are very far away.

The start of the Ares tactics must be supreme to be able to practice, condensing the strength of the Ares in the body, each strength of the Ares has the power comparable to the Supreme If all the strength of the God of War is condensed in the body, even the Supreme The strong man can also fight against the sky and kill the gods!

The God of War is the root of the Red Dragon God of War. It is by relying on the God of War that he was allowed to block the killing gods and the demons, and sweep the heavens and the world, terrifying terror!

As for the menstrual period, it also contains the power of time taboo, and the practice is to the extreme. It can even make the time stagnate, the years reversed, and the world is unbeatable!

Just like the **** of the years, he has inherited part of the menstrual period.

Ling Xiao finally understood why the God of Time would be so terrifying, and the power of time taboo, even the gods might not be able to master it, killing the ordinary supreme, like slaughtering a dog!

Originally according to Ling Xiao's current state, if you want to develop the War God's Secret and Menstruation, I am afraid that it may not be successful for decades.

However, under the communication of Wordless Heavenly Book, the true meaning left by the Red Dragon God of War was directly integrated into Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea, allowing him to instantly understand the origin of these three great skills!

"God of War, menstruation and life-changing skills? Although extremely powerful, but they are not what I can master today, if forced to urge, I am afraid that only two defeats will hurt!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, but his eyes were full of excitement.

The inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War, the three great powers finally fell into his hands.

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