Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 883: perish together!


Ling Xiao stood on the sky, with only one hand to suppress the Supreme, swallowing the heavenly King Ding brilliant light, a golden chain of order gods pulled the Yuanshen of the left and right Tianzun, seemingly shocked.

Everyone was stunned, looking at Ling Xiao's eyes full of awe.

Only the strong can be respected.

At this moment, Ling Xiao won the respect of everyone with his strength.

Such a power, I am afraid that even if it is not the first person in the world of the God of War, it is not far away!

Everyone in the Temple of War is panicked, and their eyes are full of terrified looks.

Everyone was deterred by Ling Xiao's might, completely lost their fighting power, just wanted to escape from here!

"Ling Xiao, let us go! Otherwise, when Lord God of War returns, you will definitely die!"

"Yes! The God of War is ten times more powerful than us. It is already a real god. He wants to pinch you like it is to pinch ants! Let us know if we know you!"

Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun's eyes were full of terrified looks, but they were still threatening Ling Xiao.

"Dare you threaten me when you die? Really looking for death!"

Ling Xiao's voice was cold, his eyes indifferent, without any hesitation, he was still urged to swallow the heavenly king, and wanted to completely refine Zuo Tianzun and Youtian Zun.

Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun saw that Ling Xiao didn't care about their threat at all, and finally began to beg for mercy.

But Ling Xiao did not eat hard and hard, still urged to swallow the king of heaven.

"Ling Xiao, you forced us! Since you won't let us live, then die together!" Both Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun's eyes showed a hint of madness and shouted.


The two gods instantly became dazzling and dazzling, exuding a very dangerous atmosphere. The power of Yuan Tianzun and Right Tianzun rose, and they exploded!

The two of them chose to explode and wanted to die with Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, as if it had been expected that Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun would explode, and immediately cast a secret move technique, leaving the scope of the two exploding.


The void shattered in an instant, as if two bright suns exploded, the divine light swept all directions, the reincarnation sea water within a few million square meters evaporated instantly, and a large pit appeared in the reincarnation sea.

The endless waves swept up into the sky, the wind was raging, the chaos was filled with fog, everyone was swept by that horrible wave, they were all struck by lightning and flew back instantly, and their faces became extremely pale.

The two half-step gods explode, even if only the body of the primordial **** is left, that kind of power is extremely terrifying, even if it is the title of Supreme, I am afraid that it can be directly blown into powder, and the bones are not saved!

Both Zuo Tianzun and Right Tianzun are half-step deities who have refined the divine personality. In order to swallow the power of Heavenly King Ding, it is not enough to refine both half-step deities.

Ling Xiao did this before to force Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun to give birth to the same thoughts.

Sure enough, both of them chose to explode in the end.

Ling Xiao had been prepared for a long time, so when Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun exploded, they moved out and did not suffer much damage.


The light in the void was blazing, and two bright gods floated in the void, exuding mysterious fluctuations.

Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun have long been completely dissipated.

Ling Xiao was a little amazed. He didn't expect that the two half-step gods' self-exploitation did not destroy the two gods.

The divine personality is really unimaginably strong!

Everyone looked at the two gods, and they all showed extremely hot greed, but no one dared to step forward.

The Temple of Lien War suffered heavy casualties, and they naturally did not have the guts to provoke Ling Xiao at this time.


Ling Xiao's figure flashed, and instantly came to the two gods, grabbing towards the god.

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a look of expectation. If he could refine these two divine personalities, he might not only heal his injuries, but also his cultivation.


However, the reincarnation sea suddenly began to riot.

The situation is changing, and the sun and the moon are dull. It seems that this battle has completely angered the reincarnation of the sea. A terrible reincarnation storm began to slowly condense and form on the far sea, and swept toward this side.

The waves are violent, and in the reincarnation of the sea, there is a blood basin with a big mouth coming out of the air, containing a terrifying force of devouring, swallowing towards Lingxiao!

"No, it's a reincarnation!"

Someone exclaimed, with a very dignified look in his eyes.

I saw the waves in the sea of ​​reincarnation, the power of chaotic reincarnation swayed the Quartet, a giant beast covered in black light, full of heights, like a huge mountain, all exuding a palpable breath .

It is the reincarnation beast in the reincarnation sea!

The target of the reincarnation beast is the two gods in the void!

"not good!"

A deadly crisis arose in Ling Xiao's heart, he didn't want to urge the removal of secrets, he wanted to escape!

But this reincarnation beast is unexpectedly powerful. The horrible swallowing power is not weaker than Ling Xiao's Sky Swallowing Mystery. It even contains a cold and dead breath. God swallowed in!

"Asshole, let go of Xiaoxiao!"

"kill him!"

Long Lie and Fire Phoenix Supreme and others are extremely anxious, and they have used powerful attack methods to attack the samsara!


The reincarnation beast is surrounded by chaotic reincarnation power, and even Longlie and others are not taken at all. After swallowing the divine personality, he instantly sinks into the sea of ​​rebirth with satisfaction!

The waves are The reincarnation storm in the distance came quickly, and the reincarnation beast and Ling Xiao have disappeared!

"Ling Xiao was eaten by the samsara?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Ling Xiao was so powerful that he slashed Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun, and completed the feat of killing God, and the Temple of War was also severely damaged by Ling Xiao.

It is conceivable that Ling Xiao has become the entire God of War continent, the most dazzling peerless arrogance, the most important thing is that he is still very young, as long as he is given time to grow, he must be the first person in this era!

But now, Ling Xiao is eaten by the reincarnation beast like this?

Everyone has a feeling of dreaming.

"Although Ling Xiao beheaded Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun, he also paid a great price himself, and he was already the end of a strong crossbow, so he did not guard against the sneak attack of the reincarnation beast, and was swallowed by the reincarnation beast! What a pity, such a peerless Tianjiao, just fell!"

An old man with a very vicious look sighed.

"Huh! Even if Xiao Xiao is immortal, the God of War in the Temple of War will not let him go. He was eaten by the reincarnation beast, it is really cheap for him!"

Duan Wuji sneered. I was relieved in my heart.

He used to worry that Ling Xiao would find him in trouble. Now that Ling Xiao has been swallowed by the reincarnation beast, he must have definitely died, and he has completely relaxed.

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