Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 897: Invincible prestige!

The Great Mountain Formation formed a huge enchantment, trembling violently, but in the end blocked the wave.

Otherwise, the fluctuations of the Supreme War, I am afraid that the Xuanjia tribe will be razed to the ground in an instant.

However, the enchantment trembles violently, and Lu Zhongtian and many elders are bitten by a sudden spit of blood, and his face shows an abnormal flush.

"Stop it for me!"

Lu Zhongtian roared, infused his mana with madness, and maintained the movement of the enchantment.

"Ling Xiao is so strong? Forcing the two great supremes to have to work together to deal with him? Could it be that he can really kill the supreme?"

Someone exclaimed, looking at the terrifying light above the void, with a very shocking look in his eyes.

"Kill the Supreme? Dream! Let the Supreme be all ants, Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Supreme join forces, Ling Xiao will die!"

Lin Hu of the fierce tiger tribe sneered.

Everyone nodded secretly, even if Ling Xiao is no matter how strong, it is impossible to be the two supreme opponents.

However, such a young man has such a powerful fighting force, and is a dragon clan that has disappeared for countless years. Once he grows up, he will definitely become the most dazzling genius in the entire world of samsara.

Unfortunately, he is about to fall here today.


I saw above the sky dome, in the dazzling divine light storm, two figures flew out.

Both Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Supreme shuddered as if they were hit hard, and coughed up blood in the corner of their mouths, making them look embarrassed.

There is a deep scar on Xuanguang Supreme's chest, flesh and blood flying, containing a sharp sword, as if to cut him in half.

And Tianxiang Supreme's arm was completely exploded, exploded into a blood mist, and above the pretty face, Ling Xiao left a blood stain, looking shocking.

And Ling Xiao stood above the divine light of the sky, holding the swallowing sword in the right hand, the sword was spitting, the sharp edge was unmatched, the left hand stretched out two fingers, clamping the black gold warrior of the Xuanguang Supreme, the black gold war gun buzzing and shaking , But there is still no way to escape Ling Xiao's control.

Ling Xiao's white clothes win the snow, her hair is flying, and the golden **** wheel behind her is as bright as the sun, making it impossible for you to watch!


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Supreme joined forces and were repelled by Ling Xiao? How could Ling Xiao be so strong?

What's more shocking to everyone is that Ling Xiao actually caught the Black Gold War Gun with his two fingers. That's a supreme weapon. It contains endless supreme divine power. Even the supreme dare not dare to connect the supreme weapon with bare hands, but Ling Xiao actually Shake the supreme device unscathed.

Is Ling Xiao's flesh stronger than the Supreme?

Ling Xiao groaned suddenly, his face pale, and a trace of blood appeared on the corner of his mouth. He had just forcibly urged the Sky Sword to swallow, and Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Supreme shook it hard, evoking the injury in his body. Unstoppable trend.

"It seems that we must make a quick decision!" Ling Xiao sighed softly.

"he is injured?"

"kill him!"

Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Supreme are all bright as soon as their eyes light up, killing Ling Xiao in an instant!

They were completely scared of Ling Xiao, this young man who didn't seem to have done anything at all, had a terrible combat power, and had almost the power to crush them.

You must go all out and kill Ling Xiao!


Earthquake trembles, the wind and clouds change color, the black light behind Xuanguang Supreme converges, and the enchanting spirit rises, a black giant snake rises in the sky, which is thousands of feet long, exudes a monstrous grief, the head of the triangular snake rises high, and the **** eyes The middle is full of murderous opportunities.

And Tianxiang Supreme has a bright body around her. Behind her, a huge colorful spider appeared, as tall as a mountain, eight spider legs, like a golden iron pouring, containing all the cutting edge.

Roar! Roar!

Both the black giant snake and the colorful spider roared at the same time and rushed towards Ling Xiao.

"Is it the original snake and colorful spider king?"

Ling Xiao's eyes revealed a sharp edge, recognizing the body of Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Supreme. Both the snake and the king of colorful spiders are archaic and very powerful.


The Swallowing Heaven Sword in Ling Xiao's hands rose horizontally, and a vast river of heaven spread out. The sword gas was vertical and horizontal, trembling in ten directions. This sword seemed to make the world and earth tremble.

The breath on Ling Xiao's body rose to the extreme, and he came with a sword across the sky, as if the sword had separated the world from the earth, and all directions would be destroyed.

Destruction in all directions!

At the same time, the snake roared violently, and suddenly a black divine light spewed out into a black ocean, as if it could corrode everything and enveloped towards Lingxiao.

The multicolored spider king fired tens of thousands of spider silks, each of which contained colorful glow, strong and unmatched, like a chain of order gods.

Everyone seemed suffocated, pale, and trembling in the soul.

But everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the battle above the void, trying to see who won and lost.

The eyes of Lu Zhongtian, Lu Xueer and others showed endless hope, and they seemed to see endless hope.

If Ling Xiao can really create the feat of slaying the supreme, since then, a thousand miles away, the Xuanjia tribe is the real master!

As long as Ling Xiao is in one day, no one will dare to play Xuan Jia's idea!


I saw that the white sword-mans fell across the sky, as if the heavens and the earth had been divided into two halves.

The sky full of spider webs was also swept away!

puff! puff!

Two blood flashes, accompanied by a terrifying roar, the snake is cut off by Ling Xiao's sword, and the colorful spider king burst into the void in an instant!

Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Extreme suddenly spouted a sip of blood, and the breath instantly became extremely depressed.

Among those two phases of law, the power of their primordial spirits was hidden. At this moment, they were broken by Ling Xiao, and they were naturally hit hard.

Ling Xiao stood in the sky, came with a sword, and his eyes were full of cutting-edge killing intent!

"Not good! Go away!"

Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang Supreme glanced at each both saw the panic in their eyes, Ling Xiao's strength was so horrible, they had been completely defeated.

If you continue to stay, you may be in danger of falling!


As soon as the two figures flashed, they wanted to tear the void and escape.

"Master Lingxiao, leave them soon!"

There was a trace of anxiety in Lu Zhongtian's eyes, and he shouted quickly.

If these two great supremes are allowed to escape, I am afraid that the Xuanjia tribe will be destroyed.

"Want to leave? You still stay for me!"

Ling Xiao said faintly that the King of Swallowing Heaven suddenly rose into the sky, suppressing the Quartet of the Void, the world and the world shattered at the same time, the Void was turbulent, and a powerful and unparalleled swallowing power was diffused, and the Xuanguang Supreme and Tianxiang were instantly The supreme shrouded.

(End of this chapter)

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