Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 909: Kill the Iron-Blood Commander!


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed coldly, and he slapped it straight away, suddenly pulling it on the face of the Iron Predator and pumping him out.

The eyes of the commander-in-chief are full of resentment, but they dare not say anything more.

Ling Xiao glanced at Chu Qianqian lightly and said, "Who are you? Why should you stop me?"

"Have seen Brother Ling, in the next Chu Qian Qian, daughter of the King of Chujiang! The Iron-Blood Commander, the leader of the Black Dragon Army that my father personally enshrined, although he offended Ling Brother, but the sin will not die, please also give Brother Ling the next face , Spare her life!"

Chu Qianqin smiled slightly towards Ling Xiao and said generously.

Everyone around was shocked.

The daughter of Lord Chujiang King, Qianqian County Lord, this is the most beloved woman of Lord Chujiang King, and is very famous throughout the Chujiang area.

Chu Qianqian is not only outstanding in appearance, but also extremely talented in cultivation. The legend holds the bloodline of the candle dragon, and his power is terrifying.

The ancestral dragon and the candle dragon are ancient gods and animals born in the world. One is the dragon to the yang, and the other is the dragon to the yin.

According to legend, the candle dragon guards the gate of the Nine Nether, when it opens its eyes, the heavens and the world are bright and eternal, and when it closes its eyes, the heavens and the world will fall into eternal darkness.

Therefore, before Chu Qianqian was fifty years old, he already possessed the triple cultivation of Supreme Realm!

"Qianqian County Lord, I don't seem familiar with you? Why should I give you face? And, the Iron-Blood Commander wants to kill me, but he is not as good as a person, and he dies in my hands, and he deserves it! Qinqian County Lord, if there is nothing Please leave now!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

Chu Qianqin was surprised for a moment, but she did not expect Ling Xiao to give her face so much. She looked at Ling Xiao's teeth, but she could not let the Iron-Blood Commander die in Ling Xiao's hands, so she was still struggling.

"Ling Xiao, even if you don't give me face, but I also hope that you can spare him a life! After all, he is the leader of the Black Dragon Army. The three generals of the Black Dragon Army are all titled supreme, and their strength is terrible. If they know If you kill the iron blood, you will definitely not be willing to give up, and then you are only afraid that you will be in danger of life! So, I hope you don’t take it easy!"

Although Chu Qianqian knew that Ling Xiao was very strong, he felt that Ling Xiao should have taken advantage of the true dragon's bloodline. The strongest combat strength was the Supreme Realm.

However, the title Supreme is much stronger than the Supreme Realm, she naturally does not think Ling Xiao will be the opponent of the title Supreme.

"People don't commit me, I don't commit anybody, and if anyone commits me, I will kill them! Thank you, Qianjun County, for your kindness, I've taken the lead!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, a sharp edge appeared in her eyes.

What Chu Qianqian didn't know was that Ling Xiao had killed even half a step of the gods. How could he be afraid of a few titles?

However, Ling Xiao didn't explain it, and even Chu Xianqian wouldn't believe it.

"Brother Ling, your temperament is too strong, I'm afraid I will lose money in the future!"

Chu Qianqin laughed bitterly and tried his best.

"Thank you, but my opinion is decided!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with a sharp flash in his gaze, and Ling Kong's palm knife slashed toward the Iron-Blood Commander, exuding a terrifying edge and the power of destruction.

"Ling Xiao, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost! The three generals and Lord Chujiang will avenge me. I'm waiting for you..."

The commander-in-chief has been hit by Ling Xiao at this moment, and he can't escape this horrible palm knife, but his eyes are full of resentment, and he roars towards Ling Xiao.


However, he didn't speak a word, and suddenly the sky's sword fell, and he directly split him into a blood mist, even the Yuanshen was killed by Ling Xiao.

"Great Commander!"

Many warriors of the Black Dragon Army showed a look of extreme sorrow in their eyes, and looked at Ling Xiao with hatred.

Everyone in Xuanguang City was also shocked.

They didn't think that Chu Qianqian personally pleaded, Ling Xiao didn't even give face to him, and killed the **** leader.

This courage made many people couldn't help admiring it.

"Brother Ling, you have a big disaster!"

Chu Qianqian sighed softly. She didn't expect Ling Xiao's temperament to be so decisive. If she didn't listen to her advice, she would kill the Iron-Blood Commander.

"Now that I have done it, I will naturally do my best! It is nothing more than a soldier to block it, and water to cover it!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, with a sharp edge in his eyes.

"Humph! You are too arrogant, the master of the county is kindly considering it for you, but you are kind enough to be a donkey liver and lungs! Do you think you can overcome the title of Supreme or the spirit?"

Xiaoyue glanced at Ling Xiao with some discomfort, and complained.

"How do you know that I can't?"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with an extremely calm look, exuding a strong confidence, as if the world and the world were in his hands.

Chu Qianqin was stunned for a moment. The breath from Ling Xiao's body at the moment was very similar to her father. It was a kind of extreme self-confidence in his own strength. He controlled the power of the world, respected the eight wildernesses, and was invincible. Momentum.

Who is this Ling Xiao?

After Ling Xiao killed the commander of Iron-Blood, he put away the small world in the blood-blooded body. There may be a lot of life and death pills in it, which can provide Ling Xiao to heal.

After doing all this, Ling Xiao turned around and left Xuanguang City.

Chu Qianqin looked at Ling Xiao's leaving, suddenly made a decision, and chased up with his teeth.

"Master, what are you doing? Wait for me!"

When Xiaoyue saw Chu Qianqian leave, she hurriedly caught up.

Outside Xuanguang City, above a mountain, Ling Xiao looked at Chu Qianqian who was chasing behind him, her brows frowned slightly: "Master Qianqian County, do you have anything else?"

"I want to ask you to do something for me!"

Chu Qianqin looked at Ling Xiao seriously, as if he had made a lot of determination.

"whats the matter?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and asked faintly.

"Help me go to a secret place, pick something! The conditions are up to you!" Chu Qianqian Ling Xiao did not directly agree, but pondered and asked, "What secret place, what to take?" Things, you make it clear!"

"This is the case! A month later, at the junction of Chu River and Rotating Domain, there was a nine-yin secret realm to be opened! The nine-yin secret realm was a small world of Jiuyin supreme hundreds of thousands of years ago. Get a treasure, let him break through the humane peak, promoted to the supreme **** realm!

When Jiuyin Supreme was promoted to the realm of the gods, ascended the heavenly road, stepped on the **** realm, and left that treasure, I hope you can go to the secret realm of Jiuyin with me and help me grab that treasure! "

Chu Qianqin looked at Ling Xiaodao expectantly.

"What treasure?" Ling Xiao asked.

"Candle Dragon Dzi! It is said that among them, it is likely to contain the whole blood of the dragon candle!" Chu Qianqian said slowly, his eyes showing a very excited look.

PS: Five shifts are over, the brothers rest early.

(End of this chapter)

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