Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1204: Disaster star Ye Liangchen!

?? "Fuck off! Ye Liangchen, you are a broom star, I am miserable by you! Xiaoya, come here, stay away from this guy, be careful of his doom!"

Ling Xiao couldn't help but finally broke his tongue.

"Brother Long, don't be angry! I promise that it will be fine next time. If something goes wrong, let the sky drop a knife and hack me!"

Ye Liangchen was angry when he saw Ling Xiao, and immediately swears very sincerely.


But at this moment, a ray of light flashed above the void, and a fierce knife-gun instantly, containing the unparalleled strength, suddenly fell towards Ling Xiao!

The speed of the knife blade was extremely fast, and it didn't react until it quickly chopped onto Ling Xiao's body, and instantly retreated towards the back.


The knife stood on the ground, and suddenly left a deep groove mark on the ground, the rocks flew across, the ground vibrated, and Ling Xiao's face could not help changing.

This knife contains a horror of incomparable horror. If it is chopped on Ling Xiao's body, it may be like the thunder ball of the white snake, which can instantly hurt Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao looked at Ye Liangchen, and his whole body shivered a little. This guy is really a broom star. He really wants to be far away from him in the future, otherwise he will not know when he will be pitted.

Ye Liangchen gave Ling Xiao an innocent look.

Above the void, two horrible figures are fighting, that is a young swordsman in a black robe and an old man with white hair, both of whom are actually the cultivation of Heaven and God Realm, powerful and unmatched, fighting at the moment Extremely intense.

"It turned out to be a ruthless swordsman and a blackhearted old man? How did they hit Xuanjin City?"

Ye Liangchen saw the two figures above the void, and said to herself with some doubts.

"Who are these two guys?" Ling Xiao took a deep look at them, just that the knife was felled by the desperate swordsman.

But in their eyes, I am afraid that the three of them are all like ants, and they did not put it in their eyes. While fighting fiercely, they were heading towards Xuanjin City.

"The unsympathetic swordsman and the black-hearted old man are all cultivators, and they are both righteous and evil. They are also quite famous in the area of ​​Xuanjin City. Many gods and holy places want to attract them, and they are rejected by them! Both of them are veteran gods, I am afraid that they are also attracted by too virtual secret! **** and scare Lao Tzu, why don't God hack them!"

Ye Liangchen said indignantly. Although he just swears, the knife fell towards Ling Xiao, which made him startled, so he looked at these two guys too.


Who knows, Ye Liangchen's words just fell, and the clouds in the distance were covered with clouds, and suddenly a black thunder fell towards the desperate swordsman and the black heart old man.

The thunderous thunder, which contained the power of terrifying destruction, made Ling Xiao and Feng Ya feel numb.

"I Cao, who the **** are you? It's more powerful than saying things right?"

Both Ling Xiao and Feng Ya are far from Ye Liangchen, and their faces are full of vigilance and shock.

Along the way, Ling Xiao finally realized the power of Ye Liangchen's broken mouth. It was like saying what came, no one was spared.

This is no longer a broom star, this is simply the embodiment of doom!

"Can this be the legendary doom?"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and suddenly thought of a certain constitution in the legend.

The legendary doom holy body is the incarnation of doom, which dominates the power of doom in the world. It can be said that it is the disaster star, and where the disaster is.

It is just that the so-called doom holy body appeared in ancient legends, and even the memory of the Red Dragon God of War did not find the existence of doom holy body in God Realm.

Ling Xiao now feels that this Ye Liangchen should be the so-called doom.

After all, this guy is too scary!

"I don't know if the fate of destiny can resolve this guy's doom?"

A move in Ling Xiao's heart, although his destiny is incomplete, he has only realized a fur, but it has shown an extremely magical effect. At least Ling Xiao's spiritual consciousness is very powerful, able to predict danger and confuse himself. Breath.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao slowly operated the fate of Destiny, and suddenly a mysterious breath flowed in his body, and the shadow that enveloped his heart disappeared instantly.

Ling Xiao only felt comfortable all over, no longer that cold feeling.

Ling Xiao became more and more certain that he must be contaminated with something unclean, and the culprit was Ye Liangchen.

"Brother Long, I don't know what's going on! But the old man told me that I am the son of destiny, destined to become a party master, pushing the world horizontally, so no one can hurt me!"

Ye Liangchen said innocently, but as he said, he began to ridicule, a look of triumph.

After getting rid of his doom, Ling Xiao's thoughts turned around. Ye Liangchen, this bastard, was simply a big killer. Even the gods could not resist the doom he released. I am afraid that even the **** king might not be able to resist.

And this guy is just the cultivation of Divine Spirit Realm. Once this guy grows up to Divine King Realm, wouldn't even the saint have to retreat?

Not only can this guy not be allowed to go, but he must be firmly tied to this guy. Once he encounters an enemy who can’t contend, he will just close the door and let the dog go...No, it is to close the door and leave Ye Liangchen. A smile.

Anyway, he has the fate of destiny, which can withstand Ye Liangchen's doomed holy body, and others may suffer.

"Brother Long, what are you laughing at? How do I feel that your smile is so and disgusting?"

Ye Liangchen glanced at Ling Xiao somewhat nothing! I suddenly found out, Brother Ye, you are Yu Yuxuan, handsome and extraordinary. If you take part in the trial of too fictitious, you will surely attract a lot of beauties. I decided that Taixu tried out with Brother Ye, when we joined the Temple of War together and swept the heroes, wouldn’t it please? "

Ling Xiao said with a tempting tone, as if abducting an ignorant girl.

"Join the Ares Academy? Are there five major colleges? Why should you join the Ares Academy? I heard that the Taishang Academy is full of goddesses from the country, I should join the Taishang Academy!"

When Ye Liangchen heard the beauty, her eyes lit up and said to Ling Xiao.

"Taishang Academy? Brother Ye doesn't know! Taishang Academy is a group of cold, non-interesting guys. Joining Taishang Academy has no meaning at all! And Ares College has all kinds of beautiful women, absolutely let Brother Ye, your eyes are open!"

Ling Xiao persuaded her to speak.


Ye Liangchen really moved!

"That is of course! I will not lie to you! Let's go, let's go to Xuanjin City first, maybe we can meet your favorite woman!"

Ling Xiao said very enthusiastically.

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