Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1234: Blood Sacrifice!

Chapter 1235 Blood Sacrifice God Medicine!


A dazzling divine light rose from the mountain peaks, and there was a colorful ray of diffused light, and a strange aroma diffused, making the Quartet's voids tremble slightly.

Clouds and mist are misty, which seems to have the sound of dragon chanting, a mysterious dragon-shaped phantom, swimming between clouds and mist, looks very mysterious.

"Five-colored Dragon God Fruit is ripe! Get started!"

Cheng Ting was shocked, his eyes suddenly showed a look of extreme surprise, and quickly said to Ling Xiao and Wang Liujun and others.

"Wait a second! I am afraid that the five-color dragon fruit is not yet mature, this is a trap!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in the centre, and instantly caught Cheng Ting who wanted to leave, and said to her.


Both Cheng Ting and Wang Liujun's eyes were shocked.

"Yes! This fragrant smell is wrong. The reason why the five-color dragon **** fruit can make the small world evolve is because it contains the power of the five elements law, the five elements circulate, and nurture the world, so the small world can evolve! But you feel it carefully. There are no fluctuations in the five-element rule at all for those fragrantly fragile, so I guess, I am afraid this is a smoke bomb released by the bully!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and said slowly.

His voice just fell, and dozens of figures suddenly jumped out of the four swamps, all with mysterious tattoos on their bodies, shouting incomprehensible syllables in their mouths, and rushed towards the mountains. .


The huge roar of the beast shook the void, the earth shook in the swamps of the four sides, the towering ancient trees trembling, a giant rune beast, which looked like a tiger, leopard, wolf bear, was also attracted by the strange fragrance, and was moving towards Rushing above the mountain.


At this time, the eyes of the man in the green robe and the woman in the purple skirt showed a hint of sarcasm, as if there was no accident, and a word was spit out in the mouth.

And after hearing the orders of the Qingpao man and the purple skirt woman, the hundreds of gods retreated towards the mountain instantly, and disappeared into the clouds instantly.


The clouds were surging, the sky was shaking, and there was a dark golden thunder falling from the mountain peak, containing all the power fluctuations that destroyed it, and instantly shrouded those rune and rune beasts.

A dazzling divine light exploded, forming a very chaotic field, and those runes and runes were all trembling, as if they were hacked to death by a knife, the body exploded and turned into an instant There was a blood mist.

The blood mist gathered together to form a blood-colored divine rainbow, and instantly flew into the cloud and merged into the five-colored dragon **** vine.

"What?! Really a trap! What do he want to do?"

Both Wang Liujun and Cheng Ting's faces changed greatly. Looking at all of them in front of them, their eyes were full of incredible looks.

That was dozens of rune and rune beasts, and all of them died out in an instant.

Moreover, their flesh and blood spirits actually merged into the five-colored dragon **** vine, giving them a bad hunch in their hearts.

"Blood Sacrifice! This bully is really a lunatic, so cruel!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and he sighed softly.

"Blood sacrifice magic medicine?"

Upon hearing these four words, Wang Liujun suddenly showed an incredible look on his face.

The so-called blood sacrifice **** medicine is to sacrifice the **** medicine with the flesh and soul spirit of the soul, or even the vitality, just like the five-colored dragon **** fruit. There is no complete maturity at this moment. According to Ling Xiao's estimation, it may take at least a few months. Even a few years.

Xiongba naturally can't wait that long, so he laid traps here to lure those runemen and rune beasts to use their flesh and soul spirits to sacrifice and cultivate the five-colored dragon **** vines, so that the five-colored dragon **** fruit can accelerate its maturity.

"The male bully is fierce. Although the blood sacrifice **** medicine can quickly cure the **** medicine, is he not afraid of any future trouble?"

Cheng Ting naturally also knew the blood-sacrifice **** medicine, and said in disbelief.

"Having troubles is better than not getting the five-colored dragon **** fruit!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

However, there is not a word in his mind that the blood sacrifice **** medicine will indeed make the five-colored dragon **** fruit lose some of its strength, and the five elements rule is impure, so that the evolution of the small world will probably be greatly reduced.

However, through the blood sacrifice **** medicine, the power contained in the five-colored dragon **** fruit can greatly increase the physical strength of the martial arts. For the body-building powerhouse, the benefits are harmless.

"Is it possible that this bully is also a flesh?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and he thought secretly in his heart.


After devouring so many Rune and Rune beasts, the growth of the five-colored Dragon God Vine seems to have reached an extreme.

The nine five-colored dragon **** fruits are shining brightly, and the five-color Shenxia flows, so that the sky and the clouds are extremely gorgeous. A sky of divine light rises in the sky, as if forming the shape of nine suns on the nine days, the vision is extremely Amazing!

The miraculous medicine is mature, and the vision is shocking!

I am afraid that the news of the five-colored dragon **** fruit can no longer be concealed, and soon many powerful people will come to **** it, but this time is enough for the bully to collect all nine five-colored dragon **** fruit.

"Must get the five-color dragon **** fruit! Long Wang Liujun, I went to break the trap left by the bully, you must entangle the bully, gather the power of the three of us, Can win the five-colored dragon **** fruit from the domineering hand!"

A trace of anxiety appeared in Cheng Ting's eyes. After he said to Ling Xiao and Wang Liujun, he instantly turned into a black light.


Surrounded by the turbulent sky, the sky thundered, the ancient bow in Cheng Ting's hand was pulled into a full moon by her, and a silver arrow contained all the power to penetrate, and instantly shot towards the domineering man on the mountain peak.

"Cheng Ting? How dare you!!!"

The sound of the bully's cold and furious sound, he also recognized Cheng Ting's identity, and knew the horror of the ancient bow in Cheng Ting's hand!

The silver arrow is like a vast galaxy, spreading in the void, and the entire mountain will be submerged in an instant.

The powerful tyrants under the mountain are so powerful that they can kill so many runes and runes in one fell swoop.

But in front of Cheng Ting's arrow, the powerful killing team was overshadowed, and the bang exploded all at once!

The gleaming divine light swept the Quartet and caused the void to oscillate. Several towering ancient trees around were swept away and instantly turned into powder.

"Stop her!"

In the eyes of the man in the green robe and the woman in the purple skirt, a flash of opportunity struck him, and he immediately led hundreds of gods and powerful men towards Cheng Ting.

They have to create conditions for the Xiongba to collect the five-color dragon **** fruit. Although Cheng Ting is extremely powerful, they have hundreds of gods here. Presumably blocking Cheng Ting for a moment is not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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