Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1266: 0th cycle!

But the murder of the father must be reported!

In the end, he ignored Murong Princess's pleading and beheaded Murongkun.

He still remembers that before leaving, Princess Yunyang's heart was ashamed, and his eyes were full of hatred. The hatred made him sad, but there was no way.

In the end, Xiao Ling left.

That year, he was thirty years old.

Since then, Xiao Ling did not follow the dust and did not get dust, and followed the Chongyang real person to practice immortality and seek detachment, but Princess Yunyang was still hidden in his heart, and even became his demon.

Finally, at the moment when he was 100 years old, he was already an old fairy by Dayan Kingdom, and he was about to go through the robbery, but because of the rebirth of Princess Yunyang's demon, he was about to die under heaven.

"Who am I? Who am I?"

Before dying, Xiao Ling roared upward and shook the sky.

"I am... Ling Xiao!"

There was a trace of confusion in Xiao Ling's eyes, and then he became clear, and sharp as a sword, straight into the sky!


The world in front of him was destroyed in an instant. As he was killed by the Heavenly Tribulation, the faces of Princess Yunyang, Murongkun, Xiao Yun and others flashed in front of him, and finally came to death and eternal darkness.

"Is this...a reincarnation?"

Ling Xiao found that he was still him, and there was still a vast chaotic void all around.

But he seemed to have experienced a reincarnation, and experienced the life of the man named Xiao Ling, enjoying glory in the first half of his life and miserable in the second half.

All kinds of love and hatred in the human world, in the end, are nothing more than glimpses.

Ling Xiao could feel that something in his heart seemed to have broken through.


Before waiting for Ling Xiao to savor it carefully, he was enveloped by a bright light and plunged into a strange world.

Another cycle.

In this life, he became a general.

He is an orphan. His family has been suffering since he was a child. Many people in the village bullied him and mocked him. He even robbed him of food and made him hungry.

By chance, he got a volume of cheats of magical skills, practiced a powerful martial arts, and entered the army. Starting from a young pawn, after hundreds of battles, he continued to grow, and finally he made a great achievement and became a big man. General!

After becoming a general, he returned to his hometown, watching the folks who had bullied him kneeling and shaking at his feet, he was extremely satisfied, and he breeds a stronger ambition.

So he took control of the military, cultivated his wings, rejected the dissidents, and even controlled the dynasty in the end. All the disobedient people were killed.

Even the little emperor became his puppet and could only let him dominate.

During this period, many people wanted to assassinate him, but either beheaded by his guards or died under his mighty martial arts.

His ambitions became stronger and stronger, and eventually the little emperor was directly abolished and he became the emperor himself.

But because he didn't understand the politics of the dynasty, he only knew that he was extravagant and hectic, and he strove to conquer the world. Eventually, he became angry and resentful, the world's rebels gathered, and the 36th anti-king killed in the capital.

He was defeated and the people betrayed his relatives, and finally he could only kill himself!

Before he died, he fired and burned the bustling capital completely. In the endless fire, he suddenly remembered his identity and awakened Su Hui.

"I am Ling Xiao!"

His eyes became as hard as iron, with the destruction of the capital, and this vast world.

In this way, Ling Xiao's continuous reincarnation has experienced one life after another.

In the third generation, he was a sectarian leader, leading the sectarian to continue to be strong, and eventually became the master of the world, but eventually died in the hands of his apprentice.

In the fourth generation, he became an emperor and worked hard to achieve prosperity, but eventually died in the hands of his son, because he lived too long, and the prince was not willing to be just the prince.

In the fifth world, he became a chivalrous man. He spent his entire life in a majestic, hoeing strong and weak, seeing uneven roads, life was extremely wonderful, but he died in the hands of an orphan he helped because the orphan wanted to To get his martial arts heritage.

In the sixth world, he became a thief...

In the seventh world, he became a butcher...

In the eighth world, he is a master of three thousand peaches...

In the ninth world, he was a military strategist who planned thousands of miles away...


In this way, Ling Xiao has gone through life after life, experiencing various life, joy and sorrow, love and hatred, life joy and sorrow, all kinds of desires and sufferings can be savored.

His heart also became stronger.

Everything works like a dream bubble.

In this way, Ling Xiao experienced the reincarnation of the Baishi, and the mysterious seeds in his heart began to germinate, and gradually grew up, and a mysterious force began to awaken.

After the rebirth of Baishi, when Ling Xiao reincarnates again, he immediately awakened Su Hui and broke the world with his own hands!


In his heart, the mysterious power is vast and the endless light rises, as if it were earth-shaking, forming a mysterious world of unreal fantasy.

There are countless mysterious scenes appearing in that All the creatures, mountains, rivers, and heavens and earth of the reincarnation of Lingxiao have appeared in that mysterious world.

And with the change of his mind, the world began to rebirth and rebirth continuously. In a flash, the vicissitudes of the sea and tens of thousands of years passed.

Moreover, Ling Xiao can feel that this illusory world and the small world inside him form a kind of incomparable mysterious balance, just like the two sides of yin and yang, so that the small world inside him seems to start to grow up. .

"Heart is born!"

A thunderous sound exploded in Ling Xiao's ears, and all the scenes around him disappeared, the endless chaotic light flashed, and an eternal and ancient chaotic temple appeared in front of him!

The whole body exudes a bronze-colored light, the mixed element is the same, the mystery is unpredictable, as if it is the eternal master in chaos.

"Heart world?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with precision, these two words are very strange, he had never heard of it, but he seemed to understand the meaning.

In the first level, defeat yourself!

The second hurdle, defeat the world!

The third hurdle, victory over reincarnation!

And all the purposes of these three levels are to subdue their hearts and open their hearts.

Ling Xiao gave birth to a kind of enlightenment, and slowly walked towards the chaotic temple in front!

In that chaotic temple, there is a breath and power fluctuation that makes Ling Xiao's heart realm look forward to.

Could it be that the inheritance of the Emperor Taixu?

Ling Xiao's heart was a little agitated. The door of the Chaos Temple was closed. It must be that Fu Wang had not passed the assessment, and he was the first one to pass the assessment.

In other words, the inheritance of the Emperor Taixu is his!

PS: Third, the overtime work is late today. The brothers take a break early. There should be five more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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