Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1274: Sweep invincible!

Emperor God Xiaoxiao Sword!

It is a famous holy treasure in the ancient times. Although it is somewhat crippled and only the power of the semi-holy treasure is left, it is still not something that ordinary people can resist.

The killing intention was completely in his heart.

This talent of Long Aotian is too horrible. The perfect cultivation of the spirit realm is a big realm lower than him, and he can still gain the upper hand. Such a person must die.


The void was slightly shocked, Ling Xiao directly broke through the blade of Ji Lingyang, and then Jin Xia flashed all around, dangerously and dangerously evading the sharp edge of Shen Xiao Jian, turned around and took a shot on Shen Xiao Jian’s Above the blade.


A mysterious sound wave oscillated, and the blazing sword gas burst out, looming toward Ling Xiao, as if Ling Xiao was going to be completely turned into powder.


The light of the Swallowing Heaven Sword flashed instantly and appeared in Ling Xiao's palm. The dazzling sword awn flashed, and a vast and powerful sword intention spread out.

Ling Xiao held the Swallow Sky Sword and suddenly fell towards the Shen Xiao Sword!

The destruction of Sword Dao erupted, so that the swallowing sword contained a mysterious Dao rhythm, the four sides of the void were trembling slightly, and the wave of destruction collided with the Shenxiao sword, and an extremely bright light suddenly broke out!


With the help of this collision force, Ji Lingyang flew back in an instant, rushing out of the area covered by the sword's intention, and his face was extremely ugly.

He didn't even think that Ling Xiao's strength was so terrifying. If it weren't for him, he might be defeated in Ling Xiao's hands!

"Give me, kill him!"

In Ji Lingyang's eyes, a murderous flash flickered, and he instantly pointed at Ling Xiao Road.


Ji Lingyang's men were stunned for a while, but then they all saw the murderous flash in their eyes, and they exhibited powerful martial arts, and they came to Lingxiao!


Cheng Ting sneered and shot an arrow in the air, and shot with Wang Liujun, ready to help Ling Xiao.

They did not expect that Ji Lingyang was not Ling Xiao's opponent, and he would not hesitate to let many men besieging Ling Xiao together.

"A group of slag, Ji Lingyang, even if you are not my big brother's opponent, what use is this group of slag?"

Ye Liangchen also sneered, his eyes full of disdain.


Ling Xiao stared at the people who were rushing towards him, his eyes flashed sharply, the swallowing sword radiated a dazzling light, and the swords were intertwined, and the explosion exploded!


Ling Xiao held the swallowing sword in his hand, and suddenly rose up into the sky. A brilliant sword like a galaxy fell across the sky towards everyone, endlessly, powerful and unmatched.

Those who were killed towards Ling Xiao changed their faces and felt a threat of death and their scalp tingled, but at this time there was no way to retreat. They all exhibited the most powerful magical martial arts. Kill Ling Xiao desperately!


Powerful artifacts rose into the sky, accompanied by powerful martial arts supernatural powers, and there were bright lights everywhere in the void.

But the swallowing sword fell across the sky, whether it was those artifacts or martial arts supernatural powers, all exploded and turned into a storm of divine light!

And those strong men were struck by lightning and suddenly spurted a sip of blood, and the breath became extremely depressed in an instant!

"Ji Lingyang, hand over your points, I can spare you not to die!" Ling Xiaojian pointed to Ji Lingyang, his eyes indifferent.

"Want the points of this seat? You don't have this skill yet! Long Aotian, this matter is not over, let's go!"

Ji Lingyang gave Ling Xiao a deep look, his face was ugly, but he knew he wouldn't get any benefit from staying, so he would immediately turn around and leave.

"Am I letting you go?"

Ling Xiao's gaze flashed in his eyes, and he shot towards Ji Lingyang with a palm in the air!


The invisible divine light is dazzling and dazzling, Ling Xiao's palm contains the power of the five elements of life and death, as if instantly transformed into a vast world of five elements, covering Ji Lingyang.

Five elements sealed sky style!

In the course of the battle with the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor, this form was also realized by Ling Xiao to the state of perfection, and the owner was extremely mysterious and unpredictable.

"Break me!"

Ji Lingyang's face changed drastically. The Shenxiao sword in his hand exuded a radiant light, a stream of purple thunder light converged, the sword gas rose, and then suddenly fell towards the five elemental enchantment in front of him!


Ling Xiao flashed around his body, as if a golden dragon came into the sky, and the swallowing sword in his hand greeted Shen Xiaojian directly!

Although the Heaven Swallowing Sword is only a superb artifact now, it has the innate spirit king as the spirit of the spirit, and Ling Xiao has also attracted the holy Dao sword intention, and even for a time he contended with the Shen Xiaojian.

Ling Xiao slammed into Ji Lingyang with one punch, strong and unmatched.

"Long Aotian, are you really going to die with this seat?"

Ji Lingyang was furious, his eyes full of cold murderous intent.

"Never die? That's you too!"

Ling Xiao sneered, but did not hesitate to punch, as if he must put Ji Lingyang to death!

"Long Aotian, this seat remembers you! One day, this seat will cost you blood!"

Ji Lingyang glanced at Ling Xiao decisively, and then crushed a jade charm decisively, and suddenly a strong and unparalleled force enveloped him and Shenxiao sword, and instantly broke the void in front of him, disappearing in In front of Ling Xiao.

"It turned out to be a sacred rune? It's worthy of being the prince of the Great Zhou Kingdom, and it was indeed a rich family!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a pitiful But he also knew that Ji Lingyang wanted to escape, and he really couldn't stop him.

After all, in the place of trial, there are countless pairs of eyes staring, and Ling Xiao cannot use many means.

While Ji Lingyang fled, Liu Wenqing and those people were dumbfounded.

They didn't even think that Ji Lingyang would suffer such a terrible defeat, and they immediately fled after losing, leaving them all here.

Cheng Ting, Wang Liujun, Ye Liangchen and Feng Ya were all excited, their eyes full of excitement.

Ji Lingyang was recognized as the strongest, Ling Xiao defeated Ji Lingyang, does that mean that Ling Xiao is the strongest in this too-virtual trial?

More importantly, Ling Xiaocai's spiritual realm was successfully cultivated. Once he grew up to Ji Lingyang, I am afraid that even Tianshen was not his opponent!

It's just a pity that Ji Lingyang's points were not snatched!

"Do you want to die or live?"

Ling Xiao glanced at Liu Wenqing and everyone lightly, and everyone's face suddenly looked ugly.

They understand the meaning of Ling Xiao, and if they want to live, they will hand over the points in the vain order. If they don't, then Ling Xiao will be the killer.

Although crushing Taixu made three breaths to be able to return to the ancient city of Taixu, these three breathing times may be enough to kill them.

After all, they are not as powerful as Ji Lingyang.

Facing Ling Xiao's sharp eyes, Liu Wenqing couldn't help but bow his head, but his eyes were full of resentment, and his teeth were about to bite.

(End of this chapter)

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