Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1628: Return to Zongmen!

"what's up?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"This time the demons are going crazy like this, they intercepted the disciples of Ninefold Emperor Que everywhere. It is said that because a disciple named Ninefold Emperor Que was named Huang Wuji, he robbed the treasures of the demonic clan and killed many demons. People, so it attracted revenge on the demons!

But Ninefold Emperor Que claimed that Huang Wuji was killed a few months ago. Someone must have been impersonating Huang Wuji and robbed the treasures of ghosts and demons. That person is most likely the murderer who killed Huang Wuji!

However, the Ninefold Emperor Que suffered heavy losses. This time he sent a lot of strong men and hunted ghosts and demons everywhere! "

Cheng Ying said slowly.

"Huang Wuji? I haven't heard of it!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a weird look, but he didn't expect him to make a lot of noises in the Red Lotus Valley, and the ghost and demon clan all accounted for the nine heavy emperor Que.

However, it seems that Huang Wuji has a high status among the nineth emperor Que. Even though the strongest of the nineth emperor Que has been looking for the killer to kill Huang Wuji, Ling Xiao also had a trace of vigilance in his heart.

"Sister Long, it's only one month since the opening of Fan Tianyin. If you can't consolidate the robbery, I'm afraid that if you want to compete with Zhantianxing, the possibility is very slim!"

Cheng Ying said a bit reluctantly.

"Sister Cheng is assured that this time I have also gotten some chance in the demon space, and I have condensed a robbery. This time I will definitely control Fan Tianyin completely and become the master of the battle hall!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, with a strong confidence in her eyes.

"Has already condensed the robbery? Brother really a man with great chance! I will wait and see that sister!"

Cheng Ying's eyes lit up and smiled slightly.

Next, Ling Xiao chatted with Cheng Ying for a while, and said goodbye to each other.

Cheng Ying still has a task, and needs to investigate the movement of the Demon Race, while Ling Xiao is ready to return to the Sect Gate, preparing for the opening of the next Fan Tianyin.


The bright light bloomed, Ling Xiao returned to the Temple of War through the teleportation array in the ancient city of Shangqing.

"Xue Hua, they are all dead, and it is also a trouble! Do not go to the mission hall for the time being, go back to War Mountain first!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Wang Chuan, Liu Xian'er, Wei Zhen, and Wei Xing all died in the hands of ghost demon genius, but Xue Hua was killed by Ling Xiao himself. After all, Ling Xiao went to perform tasks with Wang Chuan, and now Wang All four of Sichuan are dead, I am afraid that the mission elders will definitely find him in trouble.

Not handing over the task is equivalent to a task failure. As long as the time limit is exceeded, there will be some punishment at that time. It is nothing more than deducting the corresponding contribution value. These are not taken into account by Ling Xiao.

Therefore, Ling Xiao simply ignored the problem of the task, and left the teleportation array and returned to War Mountain.

After Ling Xiao returned to Battle Mountain, the majestic disciples of the white robe guarding the teleportation team flashed in their eyes, and turned and skimmed towards the thunder mountain.

Tianxing Peak is the cave mansion that fought against Tianxing.

The Tianxing Peak is extremely beautiful, full of aura, ancient trees towering, an ancient and magnificent palace sits on the top of the mountain, exudes a bright light, as if the stars above the nine days have been led down, gorgeous.

The white-robed disciple arrived at Tianxing Peak and entered the palace directly. He didn't even dare to look at the figure of the head, and knelt down deeply.

"Meet Brother Zhan! That Long Aotian has returned from the divine space, and should now be back in the battle hall!"

The white robe disciple's eyes were full of awe.

At the top of the palace, Zhan Tianxing has a purple suit with a handsome face and super-dusty temperament. Between the open and closed eyes, it seems that there is a bright galaxy flashing, vast and deep.

In addition to Zhan Tianxing, there is also a charming woman in a long dress in the palace. Her body is hot, her skin is better than snow, and she smiles and exudes a variety of styles.

It is Tang Fei's sister, Tang Yao!

"Long Aotian? Good! Very good!"

There was a hint of coldness in Zhan Tianxing's eyes, said indifferently.

"Senior Brother Zhan, this Long Ao is innocent and deserves to die! I have checked. There is no disciple named Hu Qing in the Lei Dian. According to the description of the Senior Brother, the Hu Qing that the Senior Brother encountered must be Long Ao. No doubt!"

Tang Yao sneered.

"Is it certain that Xue Hua and Wang Chuan are all dead?"

Zhan Tianxing said lightly.

"Senior Brother Zhan, I personally went to the Yuanshen Temple to check. Xue Hua and Wang Chuan were indeed dead! I think it must have been done by the little animal of Long Aotian. !"

Tang Yao said coldly, with a hint of killing in his eyes.

Xue Hua and Wang Chuan were the people she sent into the demon space to kill Ling Xiao. As a result, Ling Xiao had nothing to do, but Xue Hua and Wang Chuan had completely dissipated.

She was shocked and hated Ling Xiao in her heart, this true disciple who only has the realm of God King The strength is too scary.

"Very good! Now that it is determined, report it to the Law Enforcement Hall, and arrest Long Aotian for guilt. This kind of slaughter of the same kind of scum, I don't need it in the Temple of War! Doesn't he want to control Fan Tianyin? But he can't wait at all. After a month!"

Zhan Tianxing said indifferently, there was a cold killing intention in his voice.

Ling Xiao was put together in the Shenxiao Palace, which made Zhantianxing very uncomfortable, and he vaguely speculated that perhaps the inheritance of the Saints of Shenxiao had fallen into the hands of this dragon Aotian, anyway, this dragon Aotian must die.

"Brother Warrior, rest assured that you are the future warlord, and Fan Tianyin is yours, no one can take it away!"

Tang Yao's eyes are full of worship.

She knew that if it wasn't for the control of Fan Tianyin, Zhan Tianxing would have already broken through to the seven-turn half-holy and even eight-turn half-holy, and became the fourth son of the Temple of War.

Zhantianxing will force the cultivation to be suppressed at the pinnacle of the six-and-a-half sage, just to control Fan Tianyin and become the master of the battle hall.

You know, the status of the Lord of the First Temple is much stronger than that of the Son, especially the Battle Hall. Although the Battle Hall is now decayed, but one million years ago, the Hall of War was in the nine veins of the Temple of War. The most powerful vein, and almost all the gods of war come from the vein of the war hall!

The first step in Zhantianxing is to control Fantianyin and become the master of the battle hall.

The second step is to stabilize the God of War Supreme!

In Tang Yao's mind, even if the other three sons of the Temple of War are very strong, they are still far worse than Zhan Tianxing!

Tang Yao left Tianxingfeng and headed towards the law enforcement hall.

She sneered in her heart, and there was a cold killing intention in her eyes. This time, Long Aotian was dead!

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