Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1694: Resurrection of the Word!


At this moment, Zhanshan began to tremble violently, and a mysterious rune flew out of it, as dazzling as the flying fairy light, all integrated into the Fantianyin, so that the breath of the Fantianyin began to terrorize. stand up.

At this moment, the entire Battle Mountain became crystal-clear and bright, like a glazed glass, the mysterious power recovered, as if it had become a sea of ​​laws!

Ling Xiao was surrounded by blazing fire, and the endless avenues really seemed to be integrated into his body at this moment. His eyes were extremely bright and shining. He lifted up the vast Fantian Imprint and smashed down directly towards Huangtai!

"Resonance of the Word? Not good!"

Huang Tai's face changed a lot, as if he saw a scene from a million years ago, so that his inner heart was trembling violently, and he felt a monstrous murderous intention looming over him.

Million years ago, that peerless figure was holding Fan Tianyin, and once fought against the saints, and even killed a lot of saints, let them spit blood on the battle mountain, the battle sky collapsed, and the battle mountain was stained red.

At that time, Huangtai was just a teenager, but the invincible figure was deeply imprinted in his heart.

Now, Ling Xiao's figure seems to coincide with that figure.

"Give me!"

The horrible Shengwei of Huangtai broke out, and his head was shining brightly, like two bright suns floating, a thunder road fruit, and a flame road fruit, intertwined into a powerful holy road enchantment.

At the same time, the light flashed in the palm of Huangtai, and a red-red big tripod appeared, exuding the majestic light, smashing up towards the Fantianyin!

"Huang Tai's Huang Ji Ding has all come out? He is desperate!"

Someone's eyes showed a shocking look, and the two Daoguo all showed up, which urged Huang Jiding, and Huangtai was like a great enemy at the moment, which surprised everyone.

"Long Aotian aroused the resonance of the Holy Path, but that is the mark of the All Saints, as if all the Saints are urging Fan Tianyin, how could Huangtai not be afraid? Did you forget the Red Dragon God of War millions of years ago? ?"

An old man with white hair and black robe sighed softly.

"Yes... Lord of the Yin Temple, see Lord of the Temple!"

Everyone's eyes were shocked. The old man with white hair was Cheng Changkong, the master of the Yin Temple, and also the father of Cheng Ying. He was also a sage ancestor. He did not expect him to be shocked.

However, everyone was immediately attracted by the meaning of Cheng Chang’s empty words. The Red Dragon God of War millions of years ago was holding Fan Tianyin, which caused the resonance of the Holy Path, and then bombed the Saints, shocking the entire Divine Realm!


The void suddenly broke apart.

The endless turbulence of the turbulent flow of the void makes the world of the world screaming violently. The power of the poles contained in the Fantianyin seems to recover, bumping on the Huangjiding, making the Huangjiding tremble violently, and the runes explode. Open, flames and thunder are intertwined, setting off a terrifying storm of divine light!


Huang Jiding flew directly out, the light became extremely dim, Huang Tai was trembling all over, and could not help but suddenly spurted a sip of blood, the breath became languishing!

Everyone is petrified.

Who is that? Ninth Emperor Que's Taishang elder, Dan Dao saint, Huangtai was injured by Ling Xiao!

Everyone felt something unreal, and all of this was too shocking.

Ling Xiao of the God King Realm, holding Fan Tianyin and wounding Huang Tai, has just completed a feat that everyone dare not even think about!

This can be said to be a miracle!

"This kid... is still too impulsive!"

Liu Wenzheng scolded with a smile, the big rock in his heart finally landed, and his face was full of pride that could not be hidden.

"Old guy, don't pretend, are you very proud? My brother gave you such a big face in the battle hall, can your Sacred Heart Grass be given to me?"

The black donkey licked his face and stepped up, staring at Liu Wenzheng.


Liu Wenzheng's smile was stagnant, and he immediately felt the black line at the end of his forehead. The mouth of this black donkey was too cheap, and he flew the black donkey black kick away with one foot.

"Do not give, don't give, stingy!"

The black donkey rolled over a few times and stood up from the ground, whispering softly.

Everyone was very excited.

The entire disciples and elders of the Temple of War are cheering for this moment. Now think about what Ling Xiao was before. It turned out that it was not arrogance, it was self-confidence. Ling Xiao wanted to use this battle to tell everyone.

Those who offend my temple of war, even saints, will have to pay a price!


Emperor Tai's body was radiant, he exhaled Tianjing, exuding the wind and thunder, so that the Quartet's voids were trembling slightly, and the injuries on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, there was a hint of flesh pain in his eyes. Huang Jiding was completely damaged by Fan Tianyin this time. Although they are all indispensable holy treasures, Fan Tianyin and Huang Jiding are naturally different.

In order to restore Huang Ji Ding to its original state, it would take hundreds of years for Huang Tai to take care of it.

This time, Huangtai not only lost his face, but even Huangjiding was hit hard. It can be said that he lost his grandma's family!

"Hahaha...Fan Tianyin...The Holy Path resonates, okay! Very good! Long old man remembers you! Lord God of War, the old man has left!"

Huang Tai smiled angrily, his eyes gloomy, revealing an undisguised murderous opportunity, and then coldly looked at the White God of War, with a big sleeve, and took Huang Yu and Huang Wudao together and left the Temple of God.

He didn't have a face to stay here. The sage supreme, was even injured by a kid in the realm of King Realm. I am afraid that Huang Tai's face will be lost.

The eyes of the God of War in white were calm and deep, and he gave Huangtai a faint look, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

The faces of Zhan Tianxing, Lei Qianju, Xing Jun and others all became extremely ugly, like frosted eggplants, filled with unwillingness, but they were helpless.

They knew that this battle was as expected before Lei Qianjue had made Ling Xiao's prestige in the Temple of War reached a peak, and then it would be logical to become the leader of the Temple of War.

They don't even have the ability to stop.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, three powerful breaths came out of the air, and soon came to the top of the battle mountain, standing in front of Ling Xiao.

It was two men and one woman. Both men were in their twenties. One was wearing a red robe and the other was wearing black armor. They were tall and magnificent, and both of them had reached seven turns. Half-Holy Realm!

The woman was dressed in a white dress with extraordinary temperament, elegance, extraordinary skin, crystal-clear jade, and a perfect face. She looked graceful and graceful, and had a posthumous and independent temperament.

Her eyes are azure blue, as bright as gems, and her gaze is full of curiosity between her eyes.

In particular, her cultivation base has reached the realm of eight-turn half-saint!

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