Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1708: Oshu Shrine

The old black robe of the three Demon Clan, the pinnacle of the nine-turned half-sage, were all killed by Fan Tianyin!

And their Yuanshen was also suppressed by Ling Xiao in Fantianyin, preparing to torture the news from their Yuanshen. After all, these Heavenly Demon Powerhouses somehow besieged the War Shrine, making Ling Xiao smell a kind of Conspiracy breath.

"Fan Tianyin, it was terrifying!"

Niang exclaimed.

Tong Yuan and Han Li were both revived at the moment, and looking at the scene in front of them was a bit incredible.

They were terrifying in their eyes, and even they held the indispensable holy treasure, and opened the Demon Clan strong who could not resist the Nine Dragon Gods Great Array, and they all died in Ling Xiao's hands.

In just one or two years, Ling Xiao's cultivation practice has grown to such a level, and it is really terrifying!


And Gao Yang, Wu Xiong and Ji Feixuan were not idle. Under their joint attack, the strong people of the Demon Clan were mostly low-level half-saints and demon **** kings, all of whom were killed by them!

The Temple of War looks like a **** of Shura. Countless disciples and elders of this battle have died in the hands of the powerful Demon Clan, which can be a heavy loss.

Even the last Battle of the Wave Demon Saint, the loss of the Ares is far less important than this one!

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and felt a little tired.

With his current cultivation practice, driving Fan Tianyin launched a thunder blow. Although it seems to be easy to kill the strong of the three big demon clan, but the load for him is not small, if not today's Fan Tian Yin already has the Thunderlord King as the weapon spirit, I am afraid that even if he can urge Fan Tianyin to kill the Demon Clan, he will be exhausted directly under one blow, and there is no power to fight again.


Ling Xiao directly devoured the primordial gods of the three great demon clan strongmen by swallowing the mysteries of the heavens, suppressed them in the no-word heaven book, and began to torture the memories among them.

"Dr. Tong, Elder Han, why do the strong people of the Demon Clan come to siege the War Shrine?"

At this moment, Niosang also asked the doubts in his heart.

"We don't know this!"

Tong Yuan smiled bitterly: "The Demon Clan Powerhouse appears as if it were out of thin air. First, the three black robe elders cast the Demon Clan Formation, sealing up the Temple of War, preventing us from contacting Zongmen. There was a massacre, as if planned and planned!"

"That's weird! What are the intentions of the powerful celestial siege of the War Shrine? And where did they come from? Dean Tong, there is no situation in the space of God and Demon. ?"

Gao Yang also asked with some doubts.

"We are also puzzled about this! Although there are some small-scale frictions in the devil space these days, the ancient city is too heavy to be unharmed. The strong people of these devil races cannot come from the devil space!"

Han Li also said.

"You don't have to guess! I have tortured from their primordial gods, this time besieging the War Shrine, it is a conspiracy at all!"

Ling Xiao's voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help looking at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao walked over, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes: "The powerful of these Demon Clan is the evil remains of the Demon Clan lurking in God Realm long ago, but the Devil Clan is good at disguising, and has no appearance and human race. It’s different, so it’s hard to be discovered! This time it was a strong commander from some people who ordered them to hunt down the outer door of the Temple of War!”

Ling Xiao tortured the news that he was tortured from the primordial gods of the three great powers.

"Human powerhouse? It's **** dare to collaborate with the demon race! It's just who the human powerhouse is?"

Wu Xiong and Gao Yang were both cold-eyed.

"I don't know! The strong human race hides very deep, but it is certain that at least a saint! Even the strong people of these demon races do not know his identity, I am afraid that they are the people of the twelve immortal holy places! You must tell Zongmen guarded carefully. I am afraid that other Zongmen’s godstone mines, outer door agencies, shops, pavilions and other places will also be attacked by the strong forces of the Demon Clan! This person is so aimed at my temple of war, I am afraid that the plan is not small!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

He also had some regrets, and did not find the main messenger behind the scenes.

"I will summon this to Master! They should send someone to Warsong Academy to guard soon. Dean Tong and Elder Han must be vigilant during this time. Once there are more powerful Demon Clan attack, they will immediately call give me!"

Nixian said slowly.

After Niosong sent a message to Zongmen, Zongmen quickly dispatched several powerful half-sages to the Temple of War, and took strict precautions to begin to prepare for the aftermath. The five members of Ling Xiao took the teleportation array to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

However, the invasion of the Heavenly Demon Clan cast a shadow on everyone's mind.

The Heavenly City is the King City of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

The Tiandu City is located on the Tiandu Mountain. It is an ancient city that has stood for hundreds of millions of years. It occupies a land of thousands of miles. It is built on the top of the mountains. It is vast and majestic.

In the heavenly city, palace pavilions, carved jade and chisel, and Qingxiu mountain peaks can be seen in the radiant glow, it seems to be the palace of the gods, ancient and mysterious.

The origin of the Great Zhou Kingdom is very long. It is even rumored that the Great Emperor of the Great Zhou Kingdom once appeared the Emperor. However, the Great Emperor was short-lived, and the Great Zhou Kingdom did not receive much inheritance from the Great Emperor. Therefore, without the heritage of the imperial family, it could only be reduced to the general Kingdom of God.

However, in recent years, with the founder of the Great Zhou Kingdom, Ji Chufeng, striving to govern and make friends with many powerful sacred places, the strength of the Great Zhou Kingdom is also getting stronger and stronger. Although it still exists in the presence of the 9th Emperor Que, it is also getting more and more popular. Nine heavy emperor Que's attention.

The Musang Mountain in the Great Zhou Kingdom is rumored to contain a mystery of life, with the mystery of life and death, so every time Musang Mountain opens, it will attract a lot of strong people to participate.


When the five members of Ling Xiao came out of the Nether Teleportation Array in Tiandu City, they could immediately feel the liveliness and prosperity of Tiandu City, and there were many powerful breaths flashing.

"Tianducheng, I am back!"

Ji Feixuan looked at the Tiandu City in front of her and sighed softly, with a touch of vicissitudes and sadness in her eyes.

The Tiandu City is still there, but it is not the Tiandu City that Ji Feixuan is familiar with.

"Our Temple of War is in an attic in the Great Zhoushen State. Before Musashi Mountain is opened, let's go and settle there for the time being!"

Nixian said slowly.

Naturally, Ling Xiao and others did not have any opinions, and walked towards the attic of the Temple of War with Nisang.

God Rune Pavilion!

This is an industry of the Temple of War in the Great Zhou Kingdom. The main medicine is the business of immortality and Fulu. Although the business is not very good, the main thing is to gather intelligence and provide a stronghold for the Temple of War.

ps: The fourth is over, everyone rests early.

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