Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1730: Shameless!

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and the eyes looking at Ling Xiao were full of unholy colors, burning one by one in anger, Ling Xiao immediately became a villain in their hearts.

Blood Yuan Dansheng was so open-minded and bold. As a result, instead of empathizing, Ling Xiao took a rake, and Ling Xiao immediately became synonymous with despicable and shameless in their hearts.

For a time, all the people above the Tianjiao Banquet were aiming at Ling Xiao, and the appearance of the blood element Dan Sheng as a compassionate person, naturally occupied the position of great righteousness.

Even Niosang, Wuxiong and Gao Yang looked at Ling Xiao with some doubt, not knowing which one he was doing.

"shut up!"

Ling Xiao suddenly looked cold and yelled at everyone.

His voice was like a thunder, which instantly overshadowed everyone's voice of discussion, making everyone stunned.

"What do you know? A group of ignorant and stupid things, do you really think this is a white spirit beast? Blood Yuan Dansheng, even the life source beast can be turned into a white spirit beast by you, you really don't know shame! This time bet It’s Shi Mingming who won me. You reverse the black and white, you mean the deer, and you must pretend to be awe-inspiring. It’s disgusting!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were sharp and fierce, and he swept the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on the blood element Dan Sheng and Ji Tian, ​​his eyes full of disdain and sneer.

"What is the source beast of life?"

Everyone was shocked by Ling Xiao, but some people heard what Ling Xiao said, this white beast is not a white spirit beast, but what life source beast? But they have never heard the words life source beast.

"Ridiculous! What life source beast, the old man has never heard of it, Long Aotian, even if you are an editor, you have to make it look like a little bit, okay? You framed the old man, clever talk, I think you are the real black and white upside down !If you don’t make it clear to me today, the old man will call you on the spot!"

Blood Yuan Dansheng was furious, his eyes full of cold murderous intent.

His terrifying breath rose from the whole body, and the pressure of the Nine-turned Half-Sage was pervading, causing the emptiness of the Quartet to violently tremble and oppress toward Ling Xiao and others!

"Yes! I have never heard of any source of life! You must not be deceived by Long Aotian. I think he just can't afford to lose by betting on stones.

Ji Tian was also a bit angry and ruined.

He couldn't figure out how Ling Xiao knew the source animal of life. The source animal was originally a secret. Even among the Ji people, there are very few people who know the source animal of life. The prince like Ji Chen knows nothing. At this moment, it is still in a state of coercion.

"Yes! This Long Aotian can't afford to lose. How can the Temple of War make such a person the master of the Temple of War?"

"Don't dare to slander Blood Yuan Dansheng, we must not let him go!"

"Kneel down and apologize! Long Aotian, if you don't apologize, let your blood splash on the spot today!"


Everyone was irritated by Ling Xiao, one by one filled with righteous indignation, spit stars flying, even could not help but want to shoot Ling Xiao!

"Mother, these people are so stupid. Little Bai Mingming is the life source beast. Why are they white spirit beasts? How can the idiot Bai Ling beast be compared with the noble life source beasts?"

At this moment, the life beast lying on Ji Feixuan said, blinking his curious eyes, his eyes were clear.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This white beast even admitted that it is a white spirit beast?

Blood Yuan Dan Sheng quickly said: "Don't listen to it blind, it must be Long Aotian what means he used to instigate the white spirit beast to lie!"

Ji Tian also said coldly: "Yes! The White Spirit Beast is the White Spirit Beast. Long Aotian. Your behavior today is destined to wipe the face of the God of War Temple, and I am also embarrassed with you."


Ling Xiao sneered and directly interrupted Ji Tian's words, ignoring his spitting eyes: "The source beast is the companion beast of the life empress, and the life emperor is the ancestor of the Ji clan, but it is the no Great Emperor! When you go back and look up the ancient books, you should be able to find some clues and traces. The beast of life is born in heaven and earth, raised by the sun and the moon, and the supreme existence of the bell of fortune is not the inferior Bailing beast. Comparable to your bloodline?"

In Ling Xiao's words, Xiaobai also proudly raised her small head, staring at the clear eyes with big clear eyes, and looked very cute.

"Ji Tian and Blood Yuanzi, in order to get the life source beast, you don't hesitate to refer to the deer as a horse, reverse the black and white, and turn the life source beast into a white spirit beast, can you still have a face? Jiuzhong Emperor Que and Dan Fushan came out like you Is the real shame!"

Ling Xiao sneered unkindly.

Nisang, Wuxiong and Gao Yang only reacted. It turned out that the blood element Dan Sheng turned upside down in black and white, just to plot to be the source of life, and they were all furious.

If they really succeed, then Ling Xiao is really the wrongdoer, and the Temple of War is really the laughing stock of everyone.

This Ji Tian and Xue Yuan Dan Sheng are simply bullying!

"Bloodman son old man, Ji Tian miscellaneous, you even dare to deceive the Uncle Dragon Master? Stinky shameless dog thing, you are a white spirit beast, then you dare to swear the devil, if you lie, then Immediately go into flames, the spirits and spirits will be destroyed?"

The hot-tempered Gao Yang suddenly pointed at the noses of Xueyuan Dansheng and Ji Tian and yelled at Everyone looked at the white faces of Xueyuan Dansheng and Ji Tianqing. Dare to swear the heart demons, and I immediately understood something in my heart.

This white beast is really a beast of life, not a white spirit beast?

After listening to the origin of the life source beast, everyone was shocked one by one, and even some people's eyes showed a very hot light. This life source beast is simply a treasure against the sky. With the life source beast on the side, It would hardly hurt at all, and there is no need to worry about Shouyuan's exhaustion, there will be supreme chemistry and chance, how can they be unimpressed?

I am afraid that the saints who will die of Shou Yuan, if they listen to the birth of life, will probably come in swarms one by one!

"Everyone! I'm afraid you don't know yet? You have been fooled by Ji Tian and Blood Yuanzi. These chaotic stone scraps have no treasures at all. Most of them are some waste stones, and the blue **** flower was cut out at first. The young man in black robe is their support, and the chaotic stone from which the green **** flower is cut out is not a real chaotic stone, but a versatile stone that has been moved by people!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, and added another blow!

The face of Ji Tian and Xue Yuan Dan Sheng changed instantly!

ps: It will be a new year in a few hours. Thank you for your support this year, so that Mu Yu can insist on writing a beautiful story for everyone. Please join the reader group of Vanguard Emperor: 597752565, and the VIP reader group: 614330688 (more than 5,000 fans are required to send screenshots to the administrator to verify the group). At twelve in the evening, the rain will send you a new year red envelope, the VIP reader group will There are big red envelopes. Let's add them if you haven't added them yet.

(End of this chapter)

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