Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1764: Saints of Jinde and Saints of Soul Curse!

The genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The three of them instantly felt cold, and a threat of death enveloped their hearts. In front of that kind of divine power, they seemed to be No resistance at all.

Seeing Liu Yun, Wang Dao and Xue Yuan Dan Sheng about to die under Zhou Tian's life and death mirror.


Suddenly the void exploded, a golden bracelet, ancient and mysterious, flew out of the void, blocked the front of the king, and collided with a black light to dissolve that black light.

From the other direction, a large black flag flew over, covered with dense golden runes, from which an infinite amount of ray of light was sprayed, which also blocked the black light shot towards Liu Yun, bursting into earth and earth. The roar of the sound finally resolved the black light.

But Xue Yuan Dan Sheng had no such good luck, no one shot for him.

His eyes were extremely red, and suddenly a spit of blood spurted out, and the all-powerful blood tripod burst into a bright light, protecting him as a whole, and at the same time she felt unsafe, and took out dozens of photos in succession. The defensive charms were all activated and turned into a terrifying divine enchantment.


The dozens of defensive treasures exploded directly, and even the indispensable holy treasure of All Souls, could not stop the black light of death, and suddenly exploded after a while.

This indispensable holy treasure was just destroyed!

However, the power of that black light was also weakened to the extreme, and finally only left a blood hole on the chest of the blood element Dan Sheng, and it was completely annihilated.

"Puff... my soul-deep blood tripod!!!"

Blood Elemental Dan Sheng suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, his eyes were full of extremely painful and angry looks, and his mouth screamed again and again.

But he was also very decisive. After glancing at Ji Feixuan and Ling Xiao bitterly, his figure flashed instantly and rushed directly into the void torn by the explosion of Wanling Blood Ding, and disappeared instantly.

Ling Xiao and Ji Feixuan did not chase down Blood Yuan Dan Sheng, because their eyes were all over Liu Yun and Wang Dao's heads, and a dignified color appeared in their eyes.


The void is broken, two breaths of terrifying and monstrous figures fall from the sky, the endless divine power pervades, the avenue is vast and majestic, so that the people in the whole city of heaven feel shaking and can't help but bow down.

Two saints have come!

"Meet Master!"

Wang Dao looked at the saint above his head, his eyes suddenly showed a very ecstatic look, directly rose into the sky, and then bowed down deeply.

The saint wore a white robe, his hair was white, his face was stern, and there was a lingering temperament all over his body, just like a worldly master!

His face was rosy like a baby, and the whole body exudes a vast divine power, and his eyes are deep, shining vicissitudes and wisdom.

In his palm, there is a diamond bracelet, simple and mysterious, flowing Cabernet Sauvignon, pervading Ruiqi. It is the diamond bracelet that just blocked the killing blow for the king.

"See Uncle Master!"

On the other side, Liu Yun was also very excited to salute a black robe in front of him.

The black robe saint breathed dark and evil. He wore a black banner, just the banner that had just saved Liu Yun. The whole person looked like a dark king. Although his face was very vague, a pair of eyes revealed it was broken. The indifference and cruelty of life and death of all things!

"Soul curse sage, I really didn't expect that the two of us even met the Ji Dao Emperor as soon as they left the gate.

The white robe sage smiled faintly, his eyes fell on Zhou Tiansheng's mirror of life and death, with slight fluctuations, obviously his heart was also a little restless.

"The life and death mirror of Emperor Zhou Tian of Life is indeed a fortune! We have been monitoring the Ji clan for so long, and we have not found the news of the life and death mirror of Zhou Tian. I did not expect to be hidden in the Musashi Mountains! Mirror, it belongs to my Tianmanzong Sect, how?"

Soul curse saint's voice is very cold, there is a chilling wave.

"Soul curse sage, you are too greedy! Since it was discovered by both of us, Zhou Tiansheng's life and death mirror should belong to both of us. After we take down this female doll first, then discuss how to belong?"

Saint Jinde shook his head.

The two saints stood on the sky dome, the holy prestige sealed off the entire capital city, and if there was no one beside their dialogue, they did not put Ji Feixuan and Ling Xiao in their eyes at all, as if Zhou Tian's life and death mirror were already theirs The things in his palm are average.

"it is good!"

Sacred Mantra said indifferently.

"Want Zhou Tiansheng's life and death mirror, I'm afraid you'll have no life to get it!"

Ji Feixuan's eyes were dazzling, her whole body exuded a vast breath, as if integrated with the life and death mirrors of Zhou Tian above her head, Di Wei Di was hovering around her, terrifying.

"Small doll, you are only a half-sacred person, and you dare to make such rants? Give Zhou Tiansheng’s mirror of life and death, this is not something you can have, such as Ji Dao Emperor soldiers, it’s just big on you. The source of the disaster, as long as you are willing to hand it over, I and the two of you are willing to accept you as a how?"

Sage Jinde smiled indifferently, the diamond bracelet in his palm glowed slightly.

"Take me as a disciple? What are you guys? Less nonsense, if you want Zhou Tian's life and death mirror, just take your life to change!"

Ji Feixuan said coldly, his whole body of fighting became stronger and stronger.

She could feel that the Jinde saint and the soul curse saint are not ordinary saints. I am afraid that the power of terror has reached the peak of the saint. Even if she has Zhou Tianshen's mirror, she must be careful.

"Ling Xiao, you can't stay here for long! Zhou Tiansheng's birth and death mirror is born, I'm afraid more and more saints will come here, I will take you to kill!"

Ji Feixuan sent a voice to Ling Xiaodao.

"Okay! You don't have to control me, I have a way to escape! Can you deal with these two saints?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"Don't worry! The idea of ​​daring to play Zhou Tiansheng's life and death mirror, even the sage has to pay enough!" Ji Feixuan sneered, a strong confidence wave in her voice.

"In this case, then you rushed out of the blockade of these two people and left Tiandu City first to return to the Temple of War. As long as you arrive at the Temple of War, even if the news of Zhou Tian’s life and death mirror spreads, the Temple of War will certainly protect you well! I will leave in chaos!"

Ling Xiao said quickly.

"Then be careful yourself!"

Ji Feixuan agreed.

Although she holds Zhou Tianshen's life and death mirror, she still has some reluctance to protect Ling Xiao. After all, they are two powerful saints. Since Ling Xiao has a way to leave, she can stop the two saints and create a chance for Ling Xiao to escape!

"Little doll, since you are obsessed, don't blame the old man for being polite!"

The saint of Jinde smiled faintly. The diamond bracelet in his palm exuded a dazzling light. The vast divine power diffused in an instant. The diamond bracelet was like a golden lightning, flying directly towards Ji Feixuan!

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