Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1812: Tragic Xiao Rui!

"Old stuff, would you rather turn to the Tao than give me the Prajna Sutra? Very good!"

The man in black robe was furious, and his look became very ugly.

He originally intended to torture the old monk's Yuanshen and found the whereabouts of the Prajna Sutra, but he did not expect to kill a Ling Xiao halfway, and the old monk was directly converted.

He can be said to be empty of money!

"Not even Master, you are really **** it!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were full of cold murderous intent, and he screamed angrily. In a flash, Fantian Imprint radiated immeasurable light, and the endless chaos filled with air, as if surrounding the three thousand worlds, facing the black robe Suppress.

The King of Thunder Ling directly urged Fan Tianyin's extreme divine power. Fan Tianyin contains unparalleled power, as if to turn everything into powder.

"This is... this is... Di Wei Di Wei?! Who are you in the end?"

The black robe's face changed instantly, and there was a terrified look in his eyes.

Although Fan Tianyin just made him extremely fearful, but he was confident that he could compete with Fan Tianyin, but the divine power in Fan Tianyin was urged, he instantly felt a threat of death, as if Be slammed by Fan Tianyin at any time!


Fan Tianyin came from the sky, Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, he didn't answer the question of the black robe at all. In his heart, the black robe has become the target of death. Damn it!

"damn it!"

The whole black robe is locked, there is no way to dodge, his eyes show a very cold killing intention, holding the magic demon pestle, all of the horrifying power in the whole body immediately poured into the magic devil pest, Buddha light and magic light interweave Vertically and horizontally, there is a terrifying power.


Jiangmo Pestle and Fan Tianyin collided together. In a flash, the divine Emperor Wei diffused and flew Jiangmo Pestle out, even the runes on it were exploded.

Although the Magic Demon Pestle is also a powerful holy treasure, it is far from being comparable to Fan Tianyin, so it was knocked off as soon as it touched!

Fan Tianyin is suppressed like an ancient god, as if there is no power to resist Fan Tianyin.

At this moment, the black robe feels that his power is so small, just like the ants face the dragon, there is no power to contend at all.

"I remember you! Boy, I will kill you someday!"

The black robe yelled loudly, staring at Ling Xiao with death, the murder in his eyes was like substance.


Fan Tianyin fell and smashed the black robe into a blood mist, and it exploded completely, even the Yuanshen broke in an instant!

"Huh? It turned out to be just a doppelganger?"

A glance flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and he found that the primordial spirit of this black robe was not complete. It seemed that the black robe was not dead, and he still had a back hand.

Just a doppelganger, with the power of the nine-turned half-sage, how strong is the real strength of this black robe?

Ling Xiao's heart shook slightly.


Ling Xiao saw that although the black robe was dead, a treasure had fallen out of his body, and was not damaged by Fan Tianyin. It was packed in a golden box covered with runes.

"This box looks familiar, this is..."

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he suddenly rang. It was this golden box that was the last to enlighten the futon above the auction.

It's just that there is the same golden box on the black robe?

Ling Xiao thought for a moment, directly destroyed the rune on the box with violence, and then opened the box.


A bright blue light bloomed, and a blue futon appeared in the golden box, which looked crystal clear and permeated with the mysterious Dao Yun, which was the Taoist futon!

"How could the Taoist futon be in the hands of this black robe? Is it possible that he robbed him from Xiao Rui?"

Ling Xiao was a little surprised, thinking secretly in her heart.

You know, this Taoist futon, but Xiao Rui spent 50 million drops of saint on his hands. It can be said that it was a huge blood, and Ling Xiao did not expect it to fall into the hands of the black robe.

Presumably, Xiao Rui is really a tragedy!

However, this was also an unexpected surprise. Ling Xiao naturally took it for himself and put away the Taoist futon.

"Little monk, your master has gone to heaven, don't be too sad! Practice in the future. I believe that with your talents, you will definitely be able to avenge your master and kill the traitor!"

When Ling Xiao raised his head, he saw that the little monk was still sitting there. The little figure looked very thin and distressed. Ling Xiao could not help but sighed and walked over to help him.

"Donator, do you say that I can still see my master? My master said that as long as I can enter the pool of eight treasures of merit, I hope to see him!"

Huineng raised his head and looked at Ling Xiaodao with a hopeful look.

"Absolutely! The Eight Treasure Lotus Merit Pool is rumored to be the Western Elysium of Buddhism. As long as it is a Buddhist disciple, after death, they will enter the Eight Treasure Lotus Merit Pool and reincarnate. Your master should have gone there too!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

"Well! I will definitely go to the Eight Treasure Lotus Merit Pool and take Master back! Donor, can I follow you in the future?"

The little monk stared big eyes and asked naively.

Ling Xiao originally wanted a refusal, but when she looked at the young monk's really pure eyes, she couldn't help but feel soft, and sighed, "Well, you will follow me in the future!"

Ling Xiao did not expect that once he came out of Taixuan City, he took a tow oil bottle back.

The cultivation of the young monk is not high, it seems that only the cultivation of God King Realm, but his flesh is incomparably pure, there is an immortal fluctuation, which makes Ling Xiao some see through.

"Thank you donor, I will be obedient!"

The little monk said with great pleasure.

"Okay, come back to Taixuan City with me now!"

Ling Xiao said with some Then he took the little monk's hand and went up towards the sky. ..

In Taixuan City.

The Xiao family has gone crazy, and countless Xiaojia strongmen searched the Taixuan City extensively, and even dispatched a saint to make the atmosphere of the Taixuan City extremely tense.

After the auction of the Zhihua Baolou ended, Xiao Rui left the Taohua Futu with the Wudao Fulou and was stunned by a black robe, and snatched the Wudao Futu.

You know, Xiao Rui is the cultivation practice of the Seventh Half-turned Saint. It is powerful and has many self-defense treasures. He wants to stun him quietly, and then steal the Taoist futon. To.

The Xiao family even doubted whether it was done by the other three big families or the immortal holy land, but the other three big families all denied it. The Xiao family had no evidence at all, and the black robe had no trace of it at all.

Although the Xiao family sent a large number of strong men to search around, but did not find the whereabouts of the man in black, Xiao family and Xiao Rui also became the laughing stock of everyone.

After all, the Taoist futon, which was purchased with 50 million drops of saint, was just snatched away just after leaving the Huabao Baolou. This is just hitting the Xiao family’s face. Dan Fushan is in his eyes.

Xiao Rui was already vomiting blood, and originally wanted to rely on the Taoist Fu Tuan to win the championship in the Danfu Diandian in one fell swoop.

When Ling Xiao returned to Taixuan City, he heard Xiao Rui being stunned and the Taoist futon being robbed.

"Really the black-robed man did it? Silently stun Xiao Rui and **** the Taoist futon, this guy really has the ability!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a strange look.

PS: Four shifts are over, everyone rest early.

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