Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2050: 8 turn half holy!

"This guy is going to break through? Is the reincarnation secret technique really so powerful?"

Bai Longma's eyes widened, his eyes full of incredible looks.

At this moment, the little black fat man also gave up the lesson of the white dragon horse. When Xue Wei evoked the reincarnation secret technique in the void, he also sat down at the same time and began to enlighten the reincarnation secret technique.

However, the breath of the little black fat man was very calm, and did not cause as much movement as Ling Xiao.


In the void, there is chaotic thunder and light flashing, Ling Xiao's body is blazing and the vastness is like the sea, and the mysterious power of Nirvana erupts.

The eighth Nirvana came!

When enlightening the mysterious technique of reincarnation, the source of reincarnation was integrated into Ling Xiao's body, allowing Ling Xiao's cultivation to reach the pinnacle of the seven-and-a-half holy saints, and then broke through.


A crack appeared on his body, and the whole person began to break apart. The power of Nirvana flowed all over his body, and he began to enter a state of returning to the ruins.

His flesh exploded suddenly, and turned into a mysterious blood mist, composed of the smallest particles of origin. Whether it is the flesh, the primordial spirit, or the laws of the body, it all shattered.

There were only seven mysterious lines above only one mysterious life lattice, representing that Ling Xiao had gone through seven nibbana.

The eighth pattern also began to emerge slowly, and exuded a mysterious wave of eternal immortality and immortality.

The thunder was blazing, the flames were rising, and Ling Xiao showed all kinds of mysterious visions around him, even making the reincarnation jade bi tremble slightly, as if a certain kind of induction was born.

The eighth Nirvana robbery slowly dissipated, and Ling Xiao's breath also began to soar.

His physical body reorganized, and the magnificent vitality of his life was thinned out. The whole person was like a bright day, exuding an endless gorgeous light.

Ling Xiao felt warm all over her body, especially Yuanshen became more and more pure. It seemed like she was comfortable after a training session.

And his understanding of the law of Dao is deeper, and his body is lingering with a layer of immortal light, which is becoming more and more indestructible.

The eighth Nirvana can be said to be a matter of course. It seems that because of the secret technique of reincarnation, the rebirth of Ling Xiao's Nirvana is like the withering of the leaves. It is very easy to pass through.

"Congratulations to Brother Ling Xiao, Xiuwei goes further!"

Xue Wei said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, it's still not as good as ours!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

The secret technique of reincarnation has completely appeared in the wordless book, and has been deeply imprinted in the mind by Ling Xiao. The secret technique of reincarnation is profound and profound, involving the mystery of life and death, and the secret of life and death of Ling Xiao. Confirmation has benefited him a lot.

Ling Xiao is enlightening the secret technique of samsara every moment, gradually realizing the true meaning of samsara and evolving towards the road of samsara.

"Hey, thank you Ms. Xuewei. I used to know Taishan. I asked Ms. Xuewei not to be surprised!"

The little black fat man also got up and laughed.

He seemed extremely excited, and it was also a complete enlightenment of reincarnation secrets, which made him extremely excited. If it was not Xue Wei, it was not so easy for him to obtain complete reincarnation secrets.

The war spirits outside the reincarnation jade bi, the reason why the reincarnation jade bi has such a strong attraction to them is because of the reincarnation secret technique.

Every war spirit thinks of enlightenment reincarnation, which can reverse life and death, and obtain eternal and immortal life.

It's just that, for so many years, there are very few people who can realize the slightest fur of samsara, let alone get the complete samsara.

"Don't thank me, thank you or Brother Ling Xiaoxiao!"

Xue Wei said lightly, her voice was calm, and she seemed indifferent and gentle, and she was aloof.

"Hey, all thanks! All thanks!"

The little black fat man laughed.

"Xue Wei, the general election meeting is about to open. There will most likely be a passage to the ancient chaotic land in this cosmic sky river. Do you want to find a passage with me next to attend the general election meeting?"

Ling Xiao looked at Xue Wei and smiled.

"Is the passage to the ancient chaotic place? Brother Ling Xiao said this, I really think there is a place in the universe Tianhe, most likely it is the passage to the ancient chaotic place!"

Xuewei pondered a little, then raised her head and said.

"Oh? Where?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"Tianhe Quanyan!"

Xue Wei said solemnly.

"Tianhe Spring Eye? It is the most dangerous Jedi known as the Tianhe of the Universe. Even if the sage is close to Tianhe Spring Eye, it will definitely die."

After hearing the four words of Tianhe Spring's eyes, Bailongma couldn't help but startled, and said in disbelief.

"Yes! It is there! The Tianhe Spring Eye is the core hinterland of the universe Tianhe. There is a place where time and space are intertwined. The laws of heaven and earth are extremely chaotic, but the chaotic atmosphere in the universe Tianhe is sprayed out from the eyes of Tianhe Spring, I When I came to find the reincarnation jade bi, I felt a strong spatial fluctuation vaguely, but it was not obvious at the time. Now think about it, it is probably a spatial passage!"

Xue Wei said slowly.

"In this way, maybe it's really possible! It's not too late, then let's go to Tianhe Spring and check if there is really a passage to the ancient chaotic place, how?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"No problem! But everyone who is outside the reincarnation of Jade Bi must pay attention to it. I have felt that there are a few powerful holy war spirits coming. We are not their opponents. If they are found by us, then we can Really a turtle in the urn, there is nowhere to escape!"

The little black fat man nodded.

He felt that, outside the reincarnation of Jade Bi, there appeared several terrifying war spirits, two humanoid warriors, a snake-shaped warrior and a carved warrior!

The breath of these four great war spirits is extremely terrifying, much stronger than the breath of the saints, and they are arranged in four positions to each other, locking the center of the reincarnation jade bi, the powerful spiritual thoughts interweave, containing the cold Killing intention.

Obviously These four war spirits also know that some people have entered into the reincarnation jade bi, and they are planning to wait for the rabbits to wait until someone comes out of the reincarnation jade bi.

"The big guys are really not easy to mess with!"

There was also a trace of fear in Bailongma's eyes.

"The strength of these four warring spirits is really terrifying! Now it seems that we can only break through, if there is no way to leave quietly, then kill it!"

The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, revealing an extremely powerful fighting intent!

His whole body was blazing with glory and his fighting spirit was rising, and the sky-turning seal appeared in his palm, ready to break out a powerful attack at any time.

Although Ling Xiao has the secret technique of covering the sky, it is still unknown whether he can hide these four war spirits.

Ling Xiao is ready to kill.

PS: There are only two changes today, everyone take a break early.

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